So in our case AA is asking for relief from a contract that has our wages at the bottom of the industry, less vacation than any of our peers, less sick time than any of our peers, less holidays than any of our peers and on the 5 Holidays they do recognize they only pay us half pay to work it, less than anyone in the industry, in meetings with the company the Union had said they were willing to allow the company to eliminate the Defined benefit pension, would not, could not block their decision to terminate the retiree medical and allow some outsourcing. So what exactly are they going to tell the Judge when we reject their proposal where they also want to eliminate PV days,(most of our peers have DATs), eliminate yet another week of vacation(for the first 30 years we get the least amount of vaction in the industry, its only after 30 years that we catch up to some of our peers), eliminate pretty much all of our work rules, (which when compared to other union shops, even those who have gone through BK, are already favorable to the company), to eliminate OT after eother 8 or 10 hours(no other union shop has that, in fact most have doubletime as well, we dont), eliminate the seniority system and scores of other concessions that none of our peers gave? What parts of our contract block the company from becoming profitable? Is it realistic for management to expect us to give or have the court allow them to impose terms in the language thats far in excess of what any other carrier recieved, far in excess of what they need to achieve survivability? Is it reasonable that we should have to give the company anything they want in order to achieve their goal of making $3 billion ayear in profits?
Look again at the UAL deal, 12 days of sick and IOD time per year, yea they screwed up with the 75% but the 12 days makes a lot more sense than 5. Look at the doubletime, Holidays and vacation as well. The purchase of work shoes, Geo pay and Taxi premiums. The shift differentials and retiree medical, the 401k contribution on all earnings. The 1.75x pay for all hours away from base on field work. Yes OS look at the facts.And Yes AA still had money on the table, they had $4 billion going into BK, in the final days of the pre-1113 negotiations they came to us with the "wage adjustment", said they "found a little money" to make this "ridiculously bad" offer "less bad" but it was only for line AMTs, said they could do no more, then Tulsa told the International that the if Tulsa doesnt get it too the deal was DOA, the following morning they found some more money and included Tulsa AMTs. Thats how it went down, so if they found what they thought was enough to get that 50% +1 without even bringing this to 1113 negotiations and June 6 then they scored a huge victory at no cost.
Hmm, so the man with the hidden identity accusing me of a hidden agenda. I think I've made it clear, "save the profession, not dues for the Union". What did the TWU Internatioanl do recently when they ran short of cash? Did they ask all their employees to take pay or benefit cust or did they lay people off? They laid them off. Yes it sucks getting laid off, I've been there, so have many others, its a part of the Industry we chose, thats why we value seniority. We need to maintain the quality of the job, this way those who are laid off have something to come back to. Will it be rough? Yes, I know this is airline number 6 for me. Will I benefit from maintaining the quality and not degrading our pay every time someone claims it will save jobs? Yes, so ultimately will every other worker. And one more thing, explain to me how eliminating system and station protection, the ASM cap and icluding language that allows them to outsource 35% more than they outsource now saves jobs? Whats to stop the company from outsoucing right up to the additional 35% after the deal is signed?
There so I've laid out what you claim is my hidden agenda, will you reveal your hidden identity?
Leadership good word, do you know what it means? Obviously not. The dictionary defines leadership as a quality heald by leaders and as such " a person who guides or directs a group". I think I'm doing my best to do that. The International and the company are providing all the reasons to vote YES, its obviously which way they want you to go but they are not saying to vote YES. if they did , agree or dissagree, at least we could say they are providing leadership, I'm providing what they either gloss over or completely fail to mention, and I'm providing a direction to follow, which is to VOTE NO. You all get to decide, based on the info they have given you, the info we have given you, your past experiences, present situation and future ambitions which way to go.