And accepting $3,000 from AA and $500 from the ARSA shows a complete lack of integrity and honesty. Ken you have proven you can be bought and will accept favors from the TWU only when it suits you yet talk crap and lie openly against the very people with in the TWU that went to bat for you. With the all the dishonest, underhanded, and spineless things you have done against the TWU they still helped get a position opened in DFW when there was not one just for you Ken. When a group of AMTs in SAN tried to get you fired who went to bat for you? The TWU. So what do you do Ken to that organization that has stood by you while you act like spoiled child? You accept $3,000 from the company that has destroyed our pensions, trashed our benefits, and seeks to destroy the AMT profession. Then add insult to injury you accept $500 from the ARSA who wants to outsource our jobs further by liberalizing the 145 Repair Station license process and lifting the ban. Of course this mostly hurts overhaul AMTs in TUL and AFW who for many years claim "holds your pay back" on the line. Maybe abrogation is what you really want Ken, so that all those pesky overhaul jobs in TUL and AFW will be outsourced and you can line your pockets at their expense. Ken you truly are the lowest of low. You should be proud of yourself destroy other people's jobs for the sakes of your own paycheck.