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New Vote o Video from Local Presidents

Because voting yes is the cowardly/twu thing to do.

Voting no may very well be the more intelligent choice, but why do you insist on labeling those who might vote yes as "cowards?" For a group that professes to value democracy, you don't seem to tolerate dissent very well. Why bother even having votes? Why not just let you and the other name-callers make the decision for everyone else?
I am voting no but the Bob's, Mactiernan's only see it their way.
they would love to live in North Korea with kim jong-il.
I am voting no but the Bob's, Mactiernan's only see it their way.
they would love to live in North Korea with kim jong-il.

However, the twu suckees and the teamster stooges are worse... much worse.
I think the twu stogies are misguided they are sheep they will follow the path of least resistance.
and in this case they letting this company use the laws of the land that are big business oriented and stick it to its employees.
Vote your conscious.
Voting no may very well be the more intelligent choice, but why do you insist on labeling those who might vote yes as "cowards?" For a group that professes to value democracy, you don't seem to tolerate dissent very well. Why bother even having votes? Why not just let you and the other name-callers make the decision for everyone else?

I agree. They have just as much of a right to an opinion as I have.

I just disagree. That's all.
Voting no may very well be the more intelligent choice, but why do you insist on labeling those who might vote yes as "cowards?" For a group that professes to value democracy, you don't seem to tolerate dissent very well. Why bother even having votes? Why not just let you and the other name-callers make the decision for everyone else?
Because we have company that filed B/K not because they were in DIRE STRAIGHTS,They filed because
they played out the working together B/S and the MAIN labor groups were not going along with the poverty routine.They are as DISHONORABLE as all the other US Firms that wrap thenselves in the flag and F their
Employees. RATS and SCUMBAGS !!
Because voting yes is the cowardly/twu thing to do. Buy more time to do what? "Fight like Hell?".
And accepting $3,000 from AA and $500 from the ARSA shows a complete lack of integrity and honesty. Ken you have proven you can be bought and will accept favors from the TWU only when it suits you yet talk crap and lie openly against the very people with in the TWU that went to bat for you. With the all the dishonest, underhanded, and spineless things you have done against the TWU they still helped get a position opened in DFW when there was not one just for you Ken. When a group of AMTs in SAN tried to get you fired who went to bat for you? The TWU. So what do you do Ken to that organization that has stood by you while you act like spoiled child? You accept $3,000 from the company that has destroyed our pensions, trashed our benefits, and seeks to destroy the AMT profession. Then add insult to injury you accept $500 from the ARSA who wants to outsource our jobs further by liberalizing the 145 Repair Station license process and lifting the ban. Of course this mostly hurts overhaul AMTs in TUL and AFW who for many years claim "holds your pay back" on the line. Maybe abrogation is what you really want Ken, so that all those pesky overhaul jobs in TUL and AFW will be outsourced and you can line your pockets at their expense. Ken you truly are the lowest of low. You should be proud of yourself destroy other people's jobs for the sakes of your own paycheck.
And accepting $3,000 from AA and $500 from the ARSA shows a complete lack of integrity and honesty. Ken you have proven you can be bought and will accept favors from the TWU only when it suits you yet talk crap and lie openly against the very people with in the TWU that went to bat for you. With the all the dishonest, underhanded, and spineless things you have done against the TWU they still helped get a position opened in DFW when there was not one just for you Ken. When a group of AMTs in SAN tried to get you fired who went to bat for you? The TWU. So what do you do Ken to that organization that has stood by you while you act like spoiled child? You accept $3,000 from the company that has destroyed our pensions, trashed our benefits, and seeks to destroy the AMT profession. Then add insult to injury you accept $500 from the ARSA who wants to outsource our jobs further by liberalizing the 145 Repair Station license process and lifting the ban. Of course this mostly hurts overhaul AMTs in TUL and AFW who for many years claim "holds your pay back" on the line. Maybe abrogation is what you really want Ken, so that all those pesky overhaul jobs in TUL and AFW will be outsourced and you can line your pockets at their expense. Ken you truly are the lowest of low. You should be proud of yourself destroy other people's jobs for the sakes of your own paycheck.
Ospeed stop, the right thing to do is tell AA to pound sand you know it and I know it!This company is as IMMORAL as they come!!!
And accepting $3,000 from AA and $500 from the ARSA shows a complete lack of integrity and honesty. Ken you have proven you can be bought and will accept favors from the TWU only when it suits you yet talk crap and lie openly against the very people with in the TWU that went to bat for you. With the all the dishonest, underhanded, and spineless things you have done against the TWU they still helped get a position opened in DFW when there was not one just for you Ken. When a group of AMTs in SAN tried to get you fired who went to bat for you? The TWU. So what do you do Ken to that organization that has stood by you while you act like spoiled child? You accept $3,000 from the company that has destroyed our pensions, trashed our benefits, and seeks to destroy the AMT profession. Then add insult to injury you accept $500 from the ARSA who wants to outsource our jobs further by liberalizing the 145 Repair Station license process and lifting the ban. Of course this mostly hurts overhaul AMTs in TUL and AFW who for many years claim "holds your pay back" on the line. Maybe abrogation is what you really want Ken, so that all those pesky overhaul jobs in TUL and AFW will be outsourced and you can line your pockets at their expense. Ken you truly are the lowest of low. You should be proud of yourself destroy other people's jobs for the sakes of your own paycheck.

Do you really believe the membership understands what you are saying? They do not know who or what ARSA is or care. Do you have anything else to slam Ken with?
Do you really believe the membership understands what you are saying? They do not know who or what ARSA is or care. Do you have anything else to slam Ken with?
Then if they don't know or care about the ARSA then they should be looking for another job now. No union can save us if we are to ignorant to understand the political forces that are in opposition to our long term future. Complaining about what you may give up at this very moment in the current BK process is useless if you do not understand that where we are at now began years ago and is still moving forward. The ARSA is working hard and has the money of big MROs and airlines backing it's goal of unlimited outsourcing and the deskilling of our profession. People like Ken accept money from groups like the ARSA, back unions like AMFA/AMP that fail to understand that what is won in our contracts is undone at the ballot boxes, and that accepting money from the executives of AA for the AMTA Wall of Honor Project will not save our craft. In fact both the ARSA and AA are trying to undo the very profession started by the person he seeks to honor, Charles Taylor. It is like accepting money from Hitler and the Nazi Party to build a Holocaust Memorial. Nice job Ken. Ken is a first class sucker if I ever saw one. Keep burying your head in the sand screaming vote no.

Calling people a coward because they have read the facts and came to the conclusion the "vote no until something good happens plan" is not working is nothing more than thuggery and bullying. All the experts from the TWU, APA, and APFA say take the deal.

Buck if you want to stand behind a self-serving hypocrite like Ken then be my guest. Misery loves company.
Ospeed stop, the right thing to do is tell AA to pound sand you know it and I know it!This company is as IMMORAL as they come!!!

underspeed is as immoral as they come. (did I mention that he lies continually?)
Then if they don't know or care about the ARSA then they should be looking for another job now. No union can save us if we are to ignorant to understand the political forces that are in opposition to our long term future. Complaining about what you may give up at this very moment in the current BK process is useless if you do not understand that where we are at now began years ago and is still moving forward. The ARSA is working hard and has the money of big MROs and airlines backing it's goal of unlimited outsourcing and the deskilling of our profession. People like Ken accept money from groups like the ARSA, back unions like AMFA/AMP that fail to understand that what is won in our contracts is undone at the ballot boxes, and that accepting money from the executives of AA for the AMTA Wall of Honor Project will not save our craft. In fact both the ARSA and AA are trying to undo the very profession started by the person he seeks to honor, Charles Taylor. It is like accepting money from Hitler and the Nazi Party to build a Holocaust Memorial. Nice job Ken. Ken is a first class sucker if I ever saw one. Keep burying your head in the sand screaming vote no.

Calling people a coward because they have read the facts and came to the conclusion the "vote no until something good happens plan" is not working is nothing more than thuggery and bullying. All the experts from the TWU, APA, and APFA say take the deal.

Buck if you want to stand behind a self-serving hypocrite like Ken then be my guest. Misery loves company.
The force against your future is the TWU !!!

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