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I'm looking at the term sheet comparisons and there is a lot of notable differences.


and, how many times does the LBO say "same as term sheet"???

Compensation.......same as term sheet

Medical costs.......same as term sheet

Pension.......same as term sheet

Retiree medical.....is actually worse because the union unilaterally agreed to have the retiree's determine if we get back the employers portion. In the current agreement, the trust, if terminated, requires the company to re-imburse their portion back to the participants or set up an alternative medical plan. bottom line, it's our money, and if the retiree's get a sweet deal from the company they can vote to allow the company to keep their portion, which would be considered theft. The company doesn't want to play by the rules. and, the union is party to the theft.......unless you vote NO!

6 year deal........worse than term sheet because section 6 openers wouldn't start until 2018.

ASM Cap......same as term sheet

Outsourcing......probably worse than the term sheet when you consider the increase in the amount of annual departures.. required to keep line stations open. 35% vs. 40%. And, that's based on the amount of aircraft in AA's fleet. When the md-80's and 757 disappear, and the A319/320 go to eagle.....the only thing left standing will be the 737. we currently have over 600 aircraft in the fleet.......what's that number gonna be when AA shifts most of the domestic flying to eagle?? How many jobs will disappear with those aircraft......lots!

Overtime.....company will pick & choose. Good ole boy system!

Field Trips........open your wallet for expenses and hope you get re-imbursed.

Rif's......no protections! Every Single Job in M&R is at risk of layoff! Same as term sheet.

Holidays.....same as term sheet.

So, show me the notable differences when it comes to the most important items in the CBA.....most notably, pay, benefits & scope??
here comes another calculated curve ball !!

Transport Workers Union press conference

When: 10 a.m. Wednesday

Where: TWU Local 514, 11945 E. Pine St.

What: Announcement about the future of American Airlines work in Tulsa.

Source: Transport Workers Union Local 514

Contract vote

Transport Workers Union vote on American Airlines’ “final best” contract offer
When: 12:01 a.m. Thursday through 11:59 p.m. Monday

How: Telephone or Internet voting

Who: Seven TWU work groups, including mechanics and related, maintenance control technicians, fleet service, dispatch, ground school and pilot simulator instructors, simulator technicians and stores/stock clerks

What: 7.5 percent wage increases over six years, up to 35 percent outsourcing of aircraft maintenance, job reclassifications, work rule changes, layoffs of up to 5,900 TWU jobs, including 1,000 or more at American’s Maintenance & Engineering Center in Tulsa
Anybody who is afraid of Eagle taking over the country has no idea of the current state of Eagle or how it runs.

Eagle mechanics are at the bottom of the regional pay scales. With the hiring going on at other regionals and some hiring at some majors and other industries attrition is running higher than they can possibly fill the spots. We don't have enough guys to maintain our current workload let alone take on a fleet type like an Airbus.

I know Eagle was in negotiations with Embraer for E-Jets. I still think that is in the works. However, I don't think we will be able to handle a new fleet type of any sort with our staffing. If they get 1/4 of the things that they are looking for in our term sheet Eagle MTX will implode.

In my honest opinion, if you lose your jobs to outsourcing, it won' t be due to Eagle. In fact, looking at the trends and the general " time to move on " attitude of the guys I think we are in serious trouble.
Stores section chairman Rob Streibeck is telling people that OSM's will also replace stcock clerks in the TAESL building. Anyone hear this?
local 514 had a news conf. today to urge there members to vote yes it's on there website if you would like to read it
Outsourcing......probably worse than the term sheet when you consider the increase in the amount of annual departures.. required to keep line stations open. 35% vs. 40%. And, that's based on the amount of aircraft in AA's fleet. When the md-80's and 757 disappear, and the A319/320 go to eagle.....the only thing left standing will be the 737. we currently have over 600 aircraft in the fleet.......what's that number gonna be when AA shifts most of the domestic flying to eagle?? How many jobs will disappear with those aircraft......lots!
Make no mistake, the term sheet sucks and the LBO sucks, but worrying about AA shifting "most of the domestic flying to Eagle" is wasted effort. I think will fix for food (Eagle mechanic, IIRC) is correct.

AA is seeking the ability to fly about the same number of large RJs (fewer than 89 seats) as UA and DL already enjoy, and neither airline has turned over most domestic flying to their regional partners. Additionally, AA has 460 narrowbody planes on order to replace the MD-80s and 757s. AA wants another 100-200 or so large RJs, many of which will replace the 37/44/50 seat Embraers and some of which will replace MD-80 flying where the MD-80 is too large for the market.

The scope changes AA wants will probably occur whether or not they're approved by the TWU and the APA. There are a lot of reasons to vote no, but IMO, this ain't one of them.
Make no mistake, the term sheet sucks and the LBO sucks, but worrying about AA shifting "most of the domestic flying to Eagle" is wasted effort. I think will fix for food (Eagle mechanic, IIRC) is correct.

AA is seeking the ability to fly about the same number of large RJs (fewer than 89 seats) as UA and DL already enjoy, and neither airline has turned over most domestic flying to their regional partners. Additionally, AA has 460 narrowbody planes on order to replace the MD-80s and 757s. AA wants another 100-200 or so large RJs, many of which will replace the 37/44/50 seat Embraers and some of which will replace MD-80 flying where the MD-80 is too large for the market.

The scope changes AA wants will probably occur whether or not they're approved by the TWU and the APA. There are a lot of reasons to vote no, but IMO, this ain't one of them.

The fear factor is being spread by every party involved. No one has an exclusive on it.
local 514 had a news conf. today to urge there members to vote yes it's on there website if you would like to read it


These guys are making me as mad as Dennis. They claim to represent the majority when they have no clue. This is the kind of BS we have to put up with on a daily basis here in TUL.
I don't understand what the TWU is doing to you. The East TWU locals tell members to vote no. The West TWU locals tell there members to vote yes. There is your problem right there. Are the local leaderships not talking to each other. I thought a union was a brotherhood and should stand together. I don't work for AA but I once did for 3years. I would definitely vote NO...I don't know how local 514 would even suggest to vote yes. Voting Yes is suicide..you will be locked in for 6years on a crappy contract and might take 4 more years after that to negotiate a new contract. You will have a Crappy contract for a Decade.
I don't understand what the TWU is doing to you. The East TWU locals tell members to vote no. The West TWU locals tell there members to vote yes. There is your problem right there. Are the local leaderships not talking to each other. I thought a union was a brotherhood and should stand together. I don't work for AA but I once did for 3years. I would definitely vote NO...I don't know how local 514 would even suggest to vote yes. Voting Yes is suicide..you will be locked in for 6years on a crappy contract and might take 4 more years after that to negotiate a new contract. You will have a Crappy contract for a Decade.

But it saves jobs! They are going to find out the hard way that any jobs saved will be temporary.
I hate to say it but as much fear the TWU is spreading here @ TUL and TUL being the majority. I believe the T/A may pass. I've voice my opinion til blue in the face...too many are scared and want the 45/15.
Stores section chairman Rob Streibeck is telling people that OSM's will also replace stcock clerks in the TAESL building. Anyone hear this?
Check the new language to see what the duties of the OSM are going to be and if the mechanics moving parts when Stores is unavailable.

Side: in TUL,the Stores personal in the area of Hangar 1D have become indifferent on the movement of parts to the dock. That is not all of Stores, but many.
I hate to say it but as much fear the TWU is spreading here @ TUL and TUL being the majority. I believe the T/A may pass. I've voice my opinion til blue in the face...too many are scared and want the 45/15.

I think you may see quite a few yes votes at the line stations as well. There are people looking for the early out there too. There are also those worried about getting bumped as well.
This T/A was tailored to members all over the system, age and seniority all considered.
One simple question.
Can anyone explain how agreeing to eliminate Job Protection, both Station and system saves jobs?

If the deal truly saved jobs then why didnt the company agree to roll the date up to the last "saved " guy? The number will decline anyway once people put in for SIS and Early outs so its not as if they have to keep the headcount at that level.

Eliminating system protection does not save jobs, it eliminates Job Protection which will allow the company increase their outsoucing 'at will' another 35% above current levels. If Rolls bails out of Taesl thats another 10%, they already do around 10%. So thats 55%. So at current levels of work they could outsource enogh to get rid of around 6000 workers, as the MD -80s go away the workload will decrease, that means that more jobs go away, so we could see headcounts reduced by 70% and they would still fall within the 55% cap. perhaps thats why they are looking to eleiminate system protection. If the company didnt intend on going that far, and they intended on keeping those workers then they would have agreed to a new date, not eleiminate it entirely (UALs recent agreement put system protection us to DOS)

This deal allows the company to outsource all the jobs they claim they are saving, and then some. It allows them to take their time and shop around for the best deal they get then outsource the work, and jobs, at their leisure.

How can people be so gullible as to believe that when the company eliminates the ASM cap, Job security and puts in language that could allow them to outsource as much as 55% of our routine work, plus outsource non-routine work like mods that just because they told the union that they would keep the work, for now, in house, that they will? Did they not learn from 1995 with "system attrition" where mechanics were booted out of the shops? In 1995 with the "Me Too "clause". In 2003 with the "early Opener"? In 2003 when they continued to lay people off who were told that the concessions saved their jobs? In 2003 where they said "If we give all these concessions now we will be better off when the company files BK"? In 2010 when the company decided to terminate Supplimental Medical and pocketed the $78 million that was in the fund? How many times does it take before some will realize that a promise from AA is not worth much?

Like I said if the company moved system protection up to the last guy "saved" then I could see them saying that they "saved" jobs. For the company they still get to get rid of even more than that number by not replacing guys who attrit out so if the offer is valid and they really agreed not to get rid of those workers then the company would gave agreed to set the date at that worker and not eliminate system and station protection entirely. Common sense, but I guess the startegy is to cause panic, then when the dust settles, those who are pushing a yes vote without saying to vote yes will sit back and say "All the info was out there, you made the decision".

One last thing, voting No does not mean voting for abrogation, negotiations continue, only now it would be the internationals baby, they can defer blame to the committee and the deal that results , and my feeling is that all three unions will have something to vote on by June 6, (D-day )

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