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Vote No Video from Presidents

Hey Buck, I looked at like this. Bob and the gang don't care about how many jobs get outsourced they just care about protecting the profession for the future of the Aviation Maintenance Technician. I just thought they should take it "back to the basics" as to where the Aircraft Mechanic began. Makes perfect since to me, wouldn't you agree?
Hey Red, isn't Charlie Taylor day just around the corner? He was the real McCoy in the mechanics eyes. The father and legacy of the AMT and his legacy resides right hear in TUL. Maybe they could use that too to say hey, we gotta protect the true profession.....What ya think Red?
Not true, all the 737s and A320 families were done in-house after chapter 11, only the 757s and widebodies were outsourced, and most of the shops.

Now 50% of overhaul dollars must be done in-house.

Maybe you should tell him about Holidays, vacation , sick time, Health benefits etc as well. I believe you guys do better on all those items . after 2 trips through BK than we do going in.
VOTE NO ! is what I think ,

Well Ok, if that is the outcome then the majority would have spoken so that would be the group of most concern in my opinion so it would make since for a rapid change of events to try to appease the largest group you have available, so outsource more line, and bring in more overhaul. Sounds logical, plus you protect the profession so Bob should be pleased...🙂
Hey Red, isn't Charlie Taylor day just around the corner? He was the real McCoy in the mechanics eyes. The father and legacy of the AMT and his legacy resides right hear in TUL. Maybe they could use that too to say hey, we gotta protect the true profession.....What ya think Red?

“Anything that you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you.”

I guess we know what direction the 565 boys are going.

Hey you said we had nothing to fear and BK was a threat.

Check your facts. I said that whether or not the Company goes BK has nothing to do with us, since we are at the bottom of the industry there isnt enough of a possible savings to justift going BK, Other work groups at AA are not at the bottom. So to say that if we didnt agree to concessions it would force the company into BK was just a threat, had we given them what they wanted, as the Tech services guys did, they still would have filed.

So if the membership votes no, the CBA gets rejected, and 4,300 plus jobs are lost I can live with the results of the democratic process. I am firm in my belief that the CBA will be abrogated and 4,300 jobs will be cut if not more as a result. Remember UAL rejected their consensual agreement and the judge doubled the pay cuts UAL management wanted. Your distorted logic hasn't worked in the past.
UAL got cut to what we gave up without going BK and we lost 5000 jobs. UAL wasnt at the bottom when they went into BK, they were at the top.

Sick time goes to the first 24 hours per year at 100% and the remainder under a managed sick care program or you get paid 60% pay for the rest of the year according to the 3/22 term sheet. Did you read that? Apparently not. You are not telling people that UAL eliminated all airframe overhaul to pay for all that stuff you point out. Why is that Bob? Because you don't care as long as you get it. Still hiding your hidden line maintenance agenda...shame on you.

Shame on you, you keep throwing out the same tired accusation yet still have not answered exactly how a Yes vote saves jobs when the langauge eliminates System protection and allows them to outsource 35% more than they do now and thats not counting the job reductions we will see as the MD-80s and 757s go away either. Where is you guarantee that we wont lose more than 4500? Is your strategy to work for so little that they cant find anyplace cheaper?

One more time, can you explain how eliminating system protection will save 4500 jobs?
Funny how you claim that you work the floor but you advocate voting away system protection. I dont know anyone who has it who is in favor of giving it up.
If a new agreement is negotiated,the membership should have the right to vote on it also.

Why are attempting to start the Line/OH argument again?

Because he's desperate, he may have to go back to his box.
THESE ARE THE FACTS, WE ARE THE LOWEST OF THE LOW IN OUR PROFESSION !! What does that tell you about our representation.
THESE ARE THE FACTS, WE ARE THE LOWEST OF THE LOW IN OUR PROFESSION !! What does that tell you about our representation.

Look at it this way Red, Maybe if we outsourced more line and got rid of people like "you know who" that think they are a real mechanic but can't handle difficult tasks and have to rely on the field trips of those who "can" do the difficult tasks to keep the planes flying then in the latter's absence we may then be able to rebuild and become a stronger profession worthy of higher compensation. Just a thought....

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