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AA the new Eastern?

Lets all get something straight, we are all in a union, and the MAJORITY voted for this POS LBOv2, our UNION voted this crap in, and we all know it was voted in by TUL who were and are going to take the majority of the layoffs, I'm not sure if it was AA or the TWU that decided to give a little juice to the OSMs to get this POS passed (what a poor decision, piss off 3000 + line mechs who are on the front lines and give a little extra to a few hundred OSMs who work in shops in OH) but they did and now we're stuck for 6 years and probably stretched to 10 years, Until TUL is not the majority and/or we get AMFA in, we are stuck with this worthless union. The only option is to work and get a new union, because that contract will not change unless AA decides to open up the contract and spread some good will.

And unless the culture of AA management changes, I can easily see AA as the next Eastern. The unions are not the enemy. The hardball tactics used on our competition by the the executives of AMR should not be used on the employees of AMR. That is what I got out of the video with Boyd.
Cue Bob for his frequent "Why can't EXXON be forced to sell fuel for $1/gal if we're forced to sell our labor for 50% of its market value?" post.
Valid question that nobody seems to want to answer, not even those who claim to be lawyers who have no personal stake and just come here to amuse themselves.
That is a simple one to answer. Oil companies rule the world. You can add the Drug companies, Banks, tobacco companies and Insurance companies to the list. All of these are untouchable and dictate to Washington how to run this country.

This is why Gas prices are what they are, banks can do no wrong, tobacco companies still sell their deadly products, insurance companies charge what they want and drug companies overcharge in cooperation with the Insurance companies. In the end we as the consumer pay for it until the last breath we take on this earth.
Valid question that nobody seems to want to answer, not even those who claim to be lawyers who have no personal stake and just come here to amuse themselves.

Pure BS. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean you didn't get an answer.

The answer was:

Nobody can force the oil companies to sell AA fuel for $1/gal just as nobody can force anyone to work for the pay/benefits agreed to/resulting from abrogation. The oil companies can sell their fuel and the employees can sell their services to someone - anyone - else who will pay more. Slavery - forced servitude - ended long ago in this country.


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