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Vote no demonstration in Tulsa

Informer has done more for the vote no cause than anyone else here. It's easy to stand on a corner and hold a sign. He has invested his savings and lots of time into this. In my opinion he didn't even need to come out there, he has done and is doing more than his share as it is. But he came out to show support. Thank you for all you do.

Thanks for the compliment. But as I said, one walk through Arlington National Cemetary, is a trip worth taking. I walked once through that place by myself, it was quiet, and yet the peace there was beyond lack of sound. I am unable to describe it here. It was just emotions of sad, happy, proud, wonder, amazement, and more all in one small time frame. My contributions are nothing compared to the sacrifice made by thousands that made the ability to do what we did today possible to begin with.

I am not worthy of any praise. I am a humble man, and only wish to have a better future for myself and my fellow working man. Obviously some disgree on what makes constitutes that idea, and I respect their right to their opinion.

Everyone is responsible for their own actions, and I doubt that anyone could have changed the behavior that was present. I am not perfect myself, but today I just had a different thought about what was taking place. I am no better than any other man out there. And that goes for even those on the other side of the street in my mind. I just disagree with them.
I watched the ktul video and the compelling thing within the video for me was the company dude who basically said "we don't want to do it, but we may be forced to impose the March 22, 2012 Term Sheet if M&R rejects this Tenative Agreement"....That's what I got out of the video....

He may want to talk to his boss Horton before he pushes his joint twu/aa fear campaign. Horton just said yesterday that he still wants consensual agreements and would not comment on abrogation.

I watched the ktul video and the compelling thing within the video for me was the company dude who basically said "we don't want to do it, but we may be forced to impose the March 22, 2012 Term Sheet if M&R rejects this Tenative Agreement"....That's what I got out of the video....

Again you Lie!
He and nobody in mangement has ever said they WOULD or WILL impose the 3/22 Term Sheet.
Even Ream did not say that in the "Listening Tour".
The only people I have ever heard that from are the fear mongering TWU followers.

Show me any signed letter or video from mangement that says "If T/A is rejected, AA WILL impose the 3.22 term sheet."

ANY LETTER SIGNED, OR ANY VIDEO not just dicussing the 3.22 term sheet, but actually making the statement that is what AA will impose on us. Ream said he "Did not know what would happen" if the T/A is rejected.

Your claimed "quote" is nowhere in that video....period.

I want to see the NO VOTE to prove who is telling the lies.

And maybe then, we can talk like adults about this matter.
I have been asked by Raptorman49 to deliver a message since he is suspended until August 7th from the forum, He said he would have really enjoyed being on the vote YES side of the rally had he known about it but after hearing that Rick Mullins was there he didn't think he could stomach being on the same side of the street with him so that would have been a problem, Rick Mullins is not a Mechanic nor does he work for AA so this is not his fight & he needs to stay out of it, he is a huge detriment to whatever side he is on & could cause a loss of many votes 🙁 If Rick is not at the next vote YES rally Raptorman49 intends to be there to hold a sign & fight for what he believes is the right choice at this particular time (end of message)
I don't understand. Why is the TWU switching horses mid race. Wasn't the decision ours to make? Now they have decided to chuck their neutral stance and campaign for a yes vote?

I remember them telling us last time that at least they saved our retirement.

The company is honest about their efforts-save money through labor cuts and outsourcing. The TWU is less than honest, with us they fight for themselves at our expense. I curse the fact that AMFA didn't get in earlier. How much better we would have been had we taken our medicine in 2003 rather than suffer through this double hit by playing along with the TWU and "saving" the company from bankruptcy.
I have been asked by Raptorman49 to deliver a message since he is suspended until August 7th from the forum, He said he would have really enjoyed being on the vote YES side of the rally had he known about it but after hearing that Rick Mullins was there he didn't think he could stomach being on the same side of the street with him so that would have been a problem, Rick Mullins is not a Mechanic nor does he work for AA so this is not his fight & he needs to stay out of it, he is a huge detriment to whatever side he is on & could cause a loss of many votes 🙁 If Rick is not at the next vote YES rally Raptorman49 intends to be there to hold a sign & fight for what he believes is the right choice at this particular time (end of message)

Glad to hear he still believes that he is so relevant that witholding his participation will cause someone else to not participate.
The arrogance of some, and their self created importance never ceases to amaze me.

I wonder how many and who I could run off or conrtol if I were to hold my presence upon such a pedestal?

nah, I will remain humble and less important than others.

Maybe he could use that power to alter who attends the next negotiation session too. Like get Hewitt out of the picture before he shafts the entire profession into unrecoverable status.
Hey, I waved, I shouted, I pointed to the facts of what Bankruptcy has in store for us and your hero's never came accross the street to challenge me on my decision to VOTE YES. Informer and pittbull both at one time tried to give a stare down but lacked the nerve to face their destiny expressed by the informed....cowards were they, and the clan of idiots who follow them 😉

Oh yeah, VOTE YES..... 😉

"Cowards"? You mean like unelected, unaccountable twu international officers urging people to accept more concessions but knowing full well they will not have to live under the concessions? Those cowards?
Glad to hear he still believes that he is so relevant that witholding his participation will cause someone else to not participate.
The arrogance of some, and their self created importance never ceases to amaze me.

I wonder how many and who I could run off or conrtol if I were to hold my presence upon such a pedestal?

nah, I will remain humble and less important than others.

Maybe he could use that power to alter who attends the next negotiation session too. Like get Hewitt out of the picture before he shafts the entire profession into unrecoverable status.
Unfortuntely,"if" this passes, you'll already be there!!!---- Just one man's opinion!
TWU informer wrote;

I will NOT volunteer to give up

Defined Pension
Retirement Medical
Job Security
Increased Premiums and CoPays of Health Care
Week of Vacation
1000's of Jobs
Loss of PV's
Loss of Scope Language
7 Day Coverage
Work Rules of a Non-Union Shop


Not even if it was $45.00 per hour

OK I have to ask.. Being an AMFA member Me and alot of my former coworker have lost most of these thinks you post….. and one that we are sure they are going to let the company take is our defined pension plan….. what do you mean VOLUNTEER to give up…. How are they going to take this away????
Glad to hear he still believes that he is so relevant that witholding his participation will cause someone else to not participate.
The arrogance of some, and their self created importance never ceases to amaze me.

I wonder how many and who I could run off or conrtol if I were to hold my presence upon such a pedestal?

nah, I will remain humble and less important than others.

Maybe he could use that power to alter who attends the next negotiation session too. Like get Hewitt out of the picture before he shafts the entire profession into unrecoverable status.

He didn't say anything about being more important than anyone & that was not in the message I posted he said he did not want to be associated with Rick Mullins meaning that either Rick could be there or Raptorman would be there but both could not be there at the same time because he has zero respect for the Man, nothing more than that, apparently that is hard for you to understand, he doesn't think that Rick is an honorable Man nor does he think he should be in this fight since he doesn't work for AA nor is he a Mechanic, I guess that is to hard for you to understand so you have to read way to much into it.
Don't read between the lines just take the post at it's literal meaning.
By the way he said it never ceases to amaze him that you just aren't very bright & don't seem to be able to get even the simplest things that others have no problem grasping.
the girl in the news video works at the hall. i think full time. So your dues was paying her to be outthere.
I watched the ktul video and the compelling thing within the video for me was the company dude who basically said "we don't want to do it, but we may be forced to impose the March 22, 2012 Term Sheet if M&R rejects this Tenative Agreement"....That's what I got out of the video....

What you got was FEAR from the video.
You would be amazed at the amount of -1's I have gotten lately, don't really care because at least I'm getting into the dissidents heads with the truth I provide here....Most just can't handle the truth, but they will come around eventually 😉

What an idiot ! ..... of course my opinion only.

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