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Vote no demonstration in Tulsa

What part of "I have voted No, and will not change my mind" Do you not Understand?
You can keep deflecting away for my postings with the same question, and the answer will not change.

I will NOT volunteer to give up

Defined Pension
Retirement Medical
Job Security
Increased Premiums and CoPays of Health Care
Week of Vacation
1000's of Jobs
Loss of PV's
Loss of Scope Language
7 Day Coverage
Work Rules of a Non-Union Shop


Not even if it was $45.00 per hour!

The only reason your answere will not change is because you wouldn't come and face the truth accross the street....You'll vote for the TA and you know it, I won't tell, it can be our little secret ^_^
I have a few thoughts.

I have my eye on the bigger prize, removal of the TWU.

I have already voted NO on this T/A and will not be changing my vote or opinion about why that is my choice.

I enjoyed myself being able to express my opinion.

I was ashamed of the childish yelling and name calling by both sides today. Was it the heat? Or are we really that immature?

It is true that I remained silent, but that choice had nothing to do with my level of courage.

One day I hope we can all at least pretend to be adults and respect the rights of others to have differing views.

Nobody, changed anyone's mind from the corner with a sign and yelling like children.

The voting on this issue will be over next week, and we will soon have another issue to decide.

Please learn to be American's that are proud that everyone has the freedom to have their own opinions, but maybe we should learn to debate those opinions in a more professional and respectful manner.

Good Luck to everyone, regardless of which side on this vote you are on. And thanks for reminding me why I love being an American, even as ugly as that was to watch it was still in the end freedom that others will never enjoy.

Yes, there are quite a few that act like they have never left the 3rd grade playground, screaming, hollering, name calling. Reading through these posts, it sounds like HSS has gone back to the playground. Good for you informer, for not lowering yourself to his standards with the screaming on the corner today!!
We had Tuna Fish on wheat bread. I have walked Arlington National Cemetary alone and in peace. I know the sacrifices that have been made so we can stand on the corner and express our opinions. I would love to have a sanwhich with you one day and share opinions and views. Thanks
Same to you informer! If you ever get down to the Virgin islands, look me up! I'll be the one on the beach with the faded TWA cap!!!
If Tulsa was to down size and 1000-1600 bump the line. That would have a devastating effect. Just look at the line seniority and it doesn't look good. It is in the line stations interest for Tulsa to become a stand alone mro. Bob and the rest of the presidents membership stand to make mire money. They have all said it and I'm sure someone out there has them on tape along with minutes from there meetings. Guys who bumped the lines have heard it. But I'm sure they are going to say we are all in this together. I'm sure red will reply in all caps. He must have forgotten his caps lock was on.
it is pathetic that either side can't get enough people outthere. Tulsa is pathetic.
Yes, there are quite a few that act like they have never left the 3rd grade playground, screaming, hollering, name calling. Reading through these posts, it sounds like HSS has gone back to the playground. Good for you informer, for not lowering yourself to his standards with the screaming on the corner today!!


I got there a little late, when I arrived heckling had already started because High Speed and his friends were unable to erect their shade structure. I am not sure if that is where it started, but when I arrived, both sides were indeed screaming like children and I was in shock as I waited across the street for the light to change so I could cross. It was not just one side, it was both, and even some in cars from both sides of the issue.

Not something to be proud of in my mind.
Informer has done more for the vote no cause than anyone else here. It's easy to stand on a corner and hold a sign. He has invested his savings and lots of time into this. In my opinion he didn't even need to come out there, he has done and is doing more than his share as it is. But he came out to show support. Thank you for all you do.

I got there a little late, when I arrived heckling had already started because High Speed and his friends were unable to erect their shade structure. I am not sure if that is where it started, but when I arrived, both sides were indeed screaming like children and I was in shock as I waited across the street for the light to change so I could cross. It was not just one side, it was both, and even some in cars from both sides of the issue.

Not something to be proud of in my mind.
I kept guys from doing it earlier, but then some guys came late and I kind of gave up. In hindsight I wish I would have tried to stop it. But you are right it wasn't pretty. But that truck with the big sign on it? It sure was pretty!
If Tulsa was to down size and 1000-1600 bump the line. That would have a devastating effect. Just look at the line seniority and it doesn't look good. It is in the line stations interest for Tulsa to become a stand alone mro. Bob and the rest of the presidents membership stand to make mire money. They have all said it and I'm sure someone out there has them on tape along with minutes from there meetings. Guys who bumped the lines have heard it. But I'm sure they are going to say we are all in this together. I'm sure red will reply in all caps. He must have forgotten his caps lock was on.
Hate to bust your bubble but line guys are bailing,This is not a career job anymore.TULE is the loser with
The one woman who is voting Yes said she has low seniority and does not want to lose her job. Someone needs to tell her she will be layed off regardless.


I watched the ktul video and the compelling thing within the video for me was the company dude who basically said "we don't want to do it, but we may be forced to impose the March 22, 2012 Term Sheet if M&R rejects this Tenative Agreement"....That's what I got out of the video....

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