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Vote no demonstration in Tulsa

They can't just call a third party flight crew in that is within the station like they can mechanics is the point Tulsamechanic9 is trying to make. I am pretty sure whether someone has worked the line or not that's not hard to figure out.
Guess what a lot of the third party Maint around the system is Manned by AA AMTS to make extra money
Guess what a lot of the third party Maint around the system is Manned by AA AMTS to make extra money
I already know this Capt. Obvious and in my opinion they would be sure to use one that wasn't if at all possible.
Whatajoke. Informer is a paper tiger, don't be so foolish.... :wacko:

High Speed Steel = fool
[sup]1 [/sup]   [fool] noble rank for amusement: the court fool.
a person who has been tricked or deceived into appearing or acting silly or stupid: to make a fool of someone.
an ardent enthusiast who cannot resist an opportunity to indulge an enthusiasm (usually preceded by a present participle): He's just a dancing fool.
a weak-minded or idiotic person.
"We think they 'ought to be able to vote without intimidation or pressure because they need to make a decision," American Airlines spokesperson Bruce Hicks told Tulsa's Channel 8 on Thursday. Hahahahaha. Who is using intimidation and pressure on who? Gimme a break

Who is using intimidation and pressure on who?
Bob, Chuck, Mr RED, Buck, Informer on the vote yes group...
HSS, mechanic9, raptor, AC tynker, on the vote no group...
Who is using intimidation and pressure on who?
Bob, Chuck, Mr RED, Buck, Informer on the vote yes group...
HSS, mechanic9, raptor, AC tynker, on the vote no group...
Have I said something untrue ?
I have been asked by Raptorman49 to deliver a message since he is suspended until August 7th from the forum, He said he would have really enjoyed being on the vote YES side of the rally had he known about it but after hearing that Rick Mullins was there he didn't think he could stomach being on the same side of the street with him so that would have been a problem, Rick Mullins is not a Mechanic nor does he work for AA so this is not his fight & he needs to stay out of it, he is a huge detriment to whatever side he is on & could cause a loss of many votes 🙁 If Rick is not at the next vote YES rally Raptorman49 intends to be there to hold a sign & fight for what he believes is the right choice at this particular time (end of message)
Raptorman sent me a text message yesterday to mock me, pointing out that I was alone on my side of the street while there three or four women and Rick Mullings on the other corner. He told me the company and TWU were "Taking the gloves off." The funny thing is I got the text a short time after the DFW boys got there. I told him to take another look and didn't hear back from him. This man's opinion changes all the time. Now he doesn't like Rick Mullings, but he listens to all the other international boys who also have no dog in this fight. Strange................
Raptorman sent me a text message yesterday to mock me, pointing out that I was alone on my side of the street while there three or four women and Rick Mullings on the other corner. He told me the company and TWU were "Taking the gloves off." The funny thing is I got the text a short time after the DFW boys got there. I told him to take another look and didn't hear back from him. This man's opinion changes all the time. Now he doesn't like Rick Mullings, but he listens to all the other international boys who also have no dog in this fight. Strange................
Raptardgirl wanted me to pass along that he cant help it that he is a little pansy tool he said it was to important ti wait til aug 7 to get that info out so im his message boy
Have I said something untrue ?
I didn't say what you or the rest of the vote no crowd are saying is false.
I look at it as the vote no crowd is pushing their agenda real hard, the same as the vote yes crowd.
To me, anyone typing in capitol letters (same as yelling) or typing in 56 or bigger point fonts taking up a 1/2 page, is using intimidation and pressure.
Raptardgirl wanted me to pass along that he cant help it that he is a little pansy tool he said it was to important ti wait til aug 7 to get that info out so im his message boy
No offense but I about blew a rib out laughing at this. Damn iluvaa next time warn me before posting. I'm still laughing
One big problem we have here is there is a huge division at local 514. In my opinion since there is such a big division if I was a TWU official, I would try to get an injunction to stop this vote. (don't even know if this is possible, but if I was a lawyer I wouldn't be here) and then get everyone together to figure out the next step. It is clear that a large portion (hopefully more than half) of the M&R group are tired of giving away pay and benefits to see their wages at the bottom of the industry while EVERY OTHER work group including management are paid at industry average or above. But the international and local don't seem to care. As a matter of fact, they are fighting harder against their own members than they did against the company. If you remember, back in 2003 Jim Little went to a federal judge to squash an attempt to void the vote since important information was deliberately kept from us before the vote. This is not the kind of union we need. I have seen the TWU brag about how militant they are and how they fight for 27 years, but I have only seen them fight hard a few times.
1- They fought tooth and nail to prevent seperate negotiations.
2- They fought hard to defeat the AMFA drive.
3- They fought and sued the members to force the 2003 agreement on us that they co-conspired with the company. and
4- They are fighting like hell to force mechanics to take a much bigger share of more concessions.

If I missed any then please accept my apologies, but the pattern here is that TWU historically has fought their own membership.
A former plumber who is now a six figured salaried appointed international employee stood out there yesterday fighting to deny AMTs basic benefits. These benefits are enjoyed by other airlines as well as other TWU employee groups at AA. This TWU official enjoys all of those that we used to have as well as many more we never had nor will ever get. I call again for Rick Mullings to put his money where his mouth is and resign from the international so he can live with the same concessions that he is trying to force us to accept. If this is the kind of leadership you yes voters want, you can have it. Mullings makes the best case for AMFA.
Raptorman sent me a text message yesterday to mock me, pointing out that I was alone on my side of the street while there three or four women and Rick Mullings on the other corner. He told me the company and TWU were "Taking the gloves off." The funny thing is I got the text a short time after the DFW boys got there. I told him to take another look and didn't hear back from him. This man's opinion changes all the time. Now he doesn't like Rick Mullings, but he listens to all the other international boys who also have no dog in this fight. Strange................

To set the record straight Raptorman does not like or listen to any International reps & his issue with Mullins has nothing to do with whether or not he is in the International nothing in my post or any of his previous post's indicated it was an International issue ! please don't make stuff up he was surprised that you would do something like that.
Who is using intimidation and pressure on who?
Bob, Chuck, Mr RED, Buck, Informer on the vote yes group...
HSS, mechanic9, raptor, AC tynker, on the vote no group...
I don't feel intimidated by these guys. Sometimes its informative and sometimes very entertaining but I can tune out anytime.But how a company that has filed bankruptcy and is using the threat of worse cuts and job losses if we don't agree to obscene cuts in exchange, can call a few guys with signs intimidating is a gross exaggeration. It must be tough sometimes to be a mouthpiece for this company.

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