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Locals Stripped of Representation

The TWU is for you.
They can do that brother.
We'll get 'em next time.

SOS, over and over and over.

When are we going to rid ourselves of this POS union?

Aren't you all tired of this crap yet?
Would you like to pass the hat, and raise funds to charter a new organization? I would contribute. Who will herd these cats?
Funny how a big dose of truth stops a thread on this forum. 😛 😛

You give yourselves WAY too much credit. Don't break your arms patting yourselves on the back.

I stopped because I said what I had to say; you ought to give it a try. 😉
AA and the TWU are committing a trifecta:

Years ago, everyone said that it was the negotiations structure that resulted in poor Maintenance and Related TWU agreements;

Then everyone said that it was the mixing of different labor groups in joint negotiations that resulted in poor Maintenance and Related TWU agreements;

Now everyone claims that poor Maintenance and Related TWU negotiations for the current agreement are due to the division between Line and Overhaul.

During all of these discussions: the TWU has been Federally Adjudicated to be the owner of the agreement.

What happens when ATLAS Shrugs? With the dissolution of the M&R TWU Negotiations Team, sanctioned by the TWU International, the TWU International should now shoulder the burden and costs for all disputes to any and all contractual issues.

The cost distribution for dues is set between the International and the Locals: but the ownership and negotiations for the CBA is owned by the International, the Locals for every contract are only witnesses.

SHRUG the burden of the local to the International based on ownership and let the pillars rock.

Not everyone makes excuses for poor labor agreements, just the TWU faithful. With the common stooge it is always easy to blame others than to have accountabilty.

I have been hearing excuses for 25+ years now. Anything from the Republicans, the Economy, AMFA drives, to even the membership. Of course they learn from the best... Their Bed Partners AA Management.
Would you like to pass the hat, and raise funds to charter a new organization? I would contribute. Who will herd these cats?
It's an unfortunate fact, but even with another organization, the same people will gravitate towards and be elected to the leadership positions by the same people who are regularly voting now in elections, regardless of what name you care to hang over the door of the union's/association's hall. These are the ones whose calling is in sales rather than union representation, and would better fit in with the cutthroat and egotistical management/office world.

As now, they will be those who expect something for nothing, who really don't care to work in their trade, take more pride in being "important" than doing their job well, and have no problem kissing the posterior of those who spend their lives looking for way to hose their friends, the rank and file, all for a few extra scraps than normally is allowed the peons and serfs. All this - virtue of willing to spend the required time under their boss's desk rather than take pride in themselves.

While there may be a very few well meaning individuals involved with the TWU, I believe the majority of the TWU "Importants" fall into this description.

We'll never be rid of that manner of people unless we first not allow them a place to take root as we collectively have by way of tolerating this bad joke we call a union and its unwillingness to function as it should, seeing to it for its membership's sake the company is bound by contract to do as it promises and making the company live up to those agreements.

Unfortunately, it's against the law to deal with this waste of humanity in a fitting and appropriate manner - ie, removing them from union membership and subsequently, their jobs and simple presence among those with even a small amount of honor.
According to the TWU Constitution:

All dues payments from the membership are to be remitted to the individual locals and then the required percentage paid to the TWU INTERNATIONAL.

Given that the TWU INT. owns the contract and can dictate whom, among the Negotiating Committee, is actually allowed to attend the Negotiations: why would the individual Locals not Legally claim THE DUES PAYMENT FROM AMR TO THE INDIVIDUAL LOCALS.

The choke point between the locals and the international is the cash flow that begins at AMR and bypasses the TWU International Bylaws by being redirected around the locals and straight to the International.

If the M&E Locals are excluded from negotiations based on ownership of the contract by the TWU International, why should any of the local dues flow to the TWU International when the TWU Locals pay the costs of arbitrating a dispute over a contract they do not own?
According to the TWU Constitution:

All dues payments from the membership are to be remitted to the individual locals and then the required percentage paid to the TWU INTERNATIONAL.

Given that the TWU INT. owns the contract and can dictate whom, among the Negotiating Committee, is actually allowed to attend the Negotiations: why would the individual Locals not Legally claim THE DUES PAYMENT FROM AMR TO THE INDIVIDUAL LOCALS.

The choke point between the locals and the international is the cash flow that begins at AMR and bypasses the TWU International Bylaws by being redirected around the locals and straight to the International.

If the M&E Locals are excluded from negotiations based on ownership of the contract by the TWU International, why should any of the local dues flow to the TWU International when the TWU Locals pay the costs of arbitrating a dispute over a contract they do not own?

I brought that up several years back. My question was that the Constitution says that the Locals get the money then send a third to the Internbational unless the local is in trusteeship for some malfeasance (such as not sending the International their third) then "why are all the Locals under the AA system being treated like they were in trusteeship"? The answer I got was basically "thats the way we've always done it".

The only advantage to getting the monies from the Company directly would be the extra interest we could earn by sitting on it a few weeks.

If the Locals didnt pay the International they could simply liquidate the Local and sieze the assetts .