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Vote no demonstration in Tulsa

Spare me the I'm an adult and you are a child spiel Informer, your just a coward who will vote for the $35.82 available to you in three short years.... 😛

Actions speak louder than words. And what is in one's heart is stronger than what is in one's mind or flowing from the mouth.
Actions speak louder than words. And what is one's heart is stronger than what is in one's mind or flowing from the mouth.

Hey this was your show Informer. You bragged about how things were gonna happen this week but you and pitbull lack the nerve to face your biggest advocates for the yes vote, only because you know you are both wrong.....lmao :lol:
I do not think informer is wrong he sees things different. he thinks for himself at least his posts reflect that. You on the other hand are a tape recorder just repeating what you are told.
Local 514 board is on the yes band wagon because most of them will probably get laid off or bumped to amto/osm. If their jobs were not on the line they would be singing a different tune has they did in 2010.
I do not think informer is wrong he sees things different. he thinks for himself at least his posts reflect that. You on the other hand are a tape recorder just repeating what you are told.

Whatajoke. Informer is a paper tiger, don't be so foolish.... :wacko:
I have a few thoughts.

I have my eye on the bigger prize, removal of the TWU.

I have already voted NO on this T/A and will not be changing my vote or opinion about why that is my choice.

I enjoyed myself being able to express my opinion.

I was ashamed of the childish yelling and name calling by both sides today. Was it the heat? Or are we really that immature?

It is true that I remained silent, but that choice had nothing to do with my level of courage.

One day I hope we can all at least pretend to be adults and respect the rights of others to have differing views.

Nobody, changed anyone's mind from the corner with a sign and yelling like children.

The voting on this issue will be over next week, and we will soon have another issue to decide.

Please learn to be American's that are proud that everyone has the freedom to have their own opinions, but maybe we should learn to debate those opinions in a more professional and respectful manner.

Good Luck to everyone, regardless of which side on this vote you are on. And thanks for reminding me why I love being an American, even as ugly as that was to watch it was still in the end freedom that others will never enjoy.
I appreciate your view of tolerance of those with differant view points. And yes, that is the American way! That's why my family, and myself, had Chicken sandwichs for dinner last friday! I hope you had the same!---Good lucky on your quest!!!
Hey this was your show Informer. You bragged about how things were gonna happen this week but you and pitbull lack the nerve to face your biggest advocates, only because you know you are both wrong.....lmao :lol:

You sound as though you wanted us to come over for some violence? You are more willing to "fight" your fellow Union Man, than your employer. You are afraid for your job, but you pretend you are willing to lose it by invoking threats or violence. You will bash Mitt Romney and Bain for outsourcing American jobs, but advocate voting YES to send your own 777 work to Communist China. You have bashed AMFA for years about outsourcing work and losing jobs, and now you will vote to increase outsourcing and eliminating your jobs and your own job security....

It takes a bigger and better man, to turn, walk away and remain silent, than to bark and yell until the throat is sore while security cameras protect you, and then claim everyone else has no nerve.

there you go low grade alluminum how can you not agree with that post all factual. Lets see how you responde or do you have to wait for a response to be sent to you so you can repeat it.
I appreciate your view of tolerance of those with differant view points. And yes, that is the American way! That's why my family, and myself, had Chicken sandwichs for dinner last friday! I hope you had the same!---Good lucky on your quest!!!

We had Tuna Fish on wheat bread. I have walked Arlington National Cemetary alone and in peace. I know the sacrifices that have been made so we can stand on the corner and express our opinions. I would love to have a sanwhich with you one day and share opinions and views. Thanks
LB2 GOING DOWN IN FLAMES.................
You sound as though you wanted us to come over for some violence? You are more willing to "fight" your fellow Union Man, than your employer. You are afraid for your job, but you pretend you are willing to lose it by invoking threats or violence. You will bash Mitt Romney and Bain for outsourcing American jobs, but advocate voting YES to send your own 777 work to Communist China. You have bashed AMFA for years about outsourcing work and losing jobs, and now you will vote to increase outsourcing and eliminating your jobs snd your own job security....

It takes a bigger and better man, to turn, walk away and remain silent, than to bark and yell until the throat is sore while security cameras protect you, and then claim everyone else has no nerve.


Hey you were at least listening. Wasn't for sure if you could hear me since some of my comments were directed to you and your pittbull pal, hey what about that $35.82 Informer, your gonna jump on it aren't ya....

No sign, no comment....you're voting YES on the TA 😛
Hey you were at least listening. Wasn't for sure if you could hear me since some of my comments were directed to you and your pittbull pal, hey what about that $35.82 Informer, your gonna jump on it aren't ya....

What part of "I have voted No, and will not change my mind" Do you not Understand?
You can keep deflecting away for my postings with the same question, and the answer will not change.

I will NOT volunteer to give up

Defined Pension
Retirement Medical
Job Security
Increased Premiums and CoPays of Health Care
Week of Vacation
1000's of Jobs
Loss of PV's
Loss of Scope Language
7 Day Coverage
Work Rules of a Non-Union Shop


Not even if it was $45.00 per hour!
As you can see high speed you statement hit home. Someone gave you -1.

You would be amazed at the amount of -1's I have gotten lately, don't really care because at least I'm getting into the dissidents heads with the truth I provide here....Most just can't handle the truth, but they will come around eventually 😉
Sounds like a hell of a fun time today, the DFW guys will have to go home for work but there are still plenty of days left for Tulsa Members to continue to have fun.

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