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Vote no demonstration in Tulsa

I usually leave thru the north gate but drove through the main gate. I went thru the gate around 7:10am and didn't see any signs or anyone out there. I PM'd Informer before I left work but didn't get a reply. Sorry I wasn't there with you guys.
I know some OSM's, Welders, Machinists, Partswashers, Plant/Facilities maintenance, automotive mechanics, Fuelers... etc etc etc who have went to "schools" more than SOME A&P's (18 months at a tech school). Some are ex-Military, are in the guard or in the reserves. You really want to go there?
The one woman who is voting Yes said she has low seniority and does not want to lose her job. Someone needs to tell her she will be layed off regardless.


Yeah, you are correct and there is nothing in the LBO 2.0 to guarantee that anyone will keep a job at Tulsa within the next 3 years.Where are the penalty clauses in the agreement if AA decides to outsource all the AO work at TULE?
Hey Old guy, Why didn't you come over and say hello? I'm not that bad of a guy really, even Informer likes me in his own twisted way. I could have showed you the error's of your way but I guess staying within the safe haven of the un-informed comforted you.....I noticed Informer never said a word or toted a sign because he knows he is a YES voter. I mean think about it. In 3 years he will be making $35.82 per hour as a un-licensed Welder CC....He will vote for the TA, trust me B)
I honestly would have loved to come over there and shake your hand for standing out there in 113 degree heat, but the law dogs were waiting for something to happen so they could get involved. They were like vultures circling road kill. You won't be able to change my mind though. I may have to look you up and do that. As for Informer, you can say lots of things about the guy but he is no hypocrite. I know you got your reasons for voting no, but don't you think Mullings ought to show how commited he is by resigning from the international and going back to being a plumber in title 2? It's easy for him to tell you to take a beating that he doesn't have to take. He was out there too, but he is making a six figure salary. We were doing it for free. Get something cold to drink, you earned it. I think the No voters won the day though. But good try. By the way. I liked my home-made sign better than your sign shop made one. Think I'll keep it for next time. haha
Hey, I waved, I shouted, I pointed to the facts of what Bankruptcy has in store for us and your hero's never came accross the street to challenge me on my decision to VOTE YES. Informer and pittbull both at one time tried to give a stare down but lacked the nerve to face their destiny expressed by the informed....cowards were they, and the clan of idiots who follow them 😉

Oh yeah, VOTE YES..... 😉
I know some OSM's, Welders, Machinists, Partswashers, Plant/Facilities maintenance, automotive mechanics, Fuelers... etc etc etc who have went to "schools" more than SOME A&P's (18 months at a tech school). Some are ex-Military, are in the guard or in the reserves. You really want to go there?
Hey, I waved, I shouted, I pointed to the facts of what Bankruptcy has in store for us and your hero's never came accross the street to challenge me on my decision to VOTE YES. Informer and pittbull both at one time tried to give a stare down but lacked the nerve to face their destiny expressed by the informed....cowards were they, and the clan of idiots who follow them 😉

Oh yeah, VOTE YES..... 😉
Time will tell who the idiots are/were. There is one thing for sure. Mullings will not take any cuts in pay or benefits. He will keep his pension and retiree medical. Look up Hypcrite in the dictionary and his picture is there. Keep listening to that guy.
I have a few thoughts.

I have my eye on the bigger prize, removal of the TWU.

I have already voted NO on this T/A and will not be changing my vote or opinion about why that is my choice.

I enjoyed myself being able to express my opinion.

I was ashamed of the childish yelling and name calling by both sides today. Was it the heat? Or are we really that immature?

It is true that I remained silent, but that choice had nothing to do with my level of courage.

One day I hope we can all at least pretend to be adults and respect the rights of others to have differing views.

Nobody, changed anyone's mind from the corner with a sign and yelling like children.

The voting on this issue will be over next week, and we will soon have another issue to decide.

Please learn to be American's that are proud that everyone has the freedom to have their own opinions, but maybe we should learn to debate those opinions in a more professional and respectful manner.

Good Luck to everyone, regardless of which side on this vote you are on. And thanks for reminding me why I love being an American, even as ugly as that was to watch it was still in the end freedom that others will never enjoy.
I honestly would have loved to come over there and shake your hand for standing out there in 113 degree heat, but the law dogs were waiting for something to happen so they could get involved. They were like vultures circling road kill. You won't be able to change my mind though. I may have to look you up and do that. As for Informer, you can say lots of things about the guy but he is no hypocrite. I know you got your reasons for voting no, but don't you think Mullings ought to show how commited he is by resigning from the international and going back to being a plumber in title 2? It's easy for him to tell you to take a beating that he doesn't have to take. He was out there too, but he is making a six figure salary. We were doing it for free. Get something cold to drink, you earned it. I think the No voters won the day though. But good try. By the way. I liked my home-made sign better than your sign shop made one. Think I'll keep it for next time. haha

Oldguy, maybe sometime we will meet. It was one hot SOB out there and my throat is sore from yelling but I would say it was a draw on the numbers of support for either side. The deciding factor will be the ones who offered no emotion at all to their position as they drove by, I hope all members exorcise their right and make up their minds and vote....but a YES VOTE would be best for all
Let me clarify I wonder how many of us went to school or served in the military to become AMT's only to be bumped back to an OSM.
Oldguy, maybe sometime we will meet. It was one hot SOB out there and my throat is sore from yelling but I would say it was a draw on the numbers of support for either side. The deciding factor will be the ones who offered no emotion at all to their position as they drove by, I hope all members exorcise their right and make up their minds and vote....but a YES VOTE would be best for all
I too wonder about the ones who offered no position. I guess we'll see. Still a few days to go.
I have a few thoughts.

I have my eye on the bigger prize, removal of the TWU.

I have already voted NO on this T/A and will not be changing my vote or opinion about why that is my choice.

I enjoyed myself being able to express my opinion.

I was ashamed of the childish yelling and name calling by both sides today. Was it the heat? Or are we really that immature?

One day I hope we can all at least pretend to be adults and respect the rights of others to have differing views.

Nobody, changed anyone's mind from the corner with a sign and yelling like children.

The voting on this issue will be over next week, and we will soon have another issue to decide.

Please learn to be American's that are proud that everyone has the freedom to have their own opinions, but maybe we should learn to debate those opinions in a more professional and respectful manner.

Good Luck to everyone, regardless of which side on this vote you are on. And thanks for reminding me why I love being an American, even as ugly as that was to watch it was still in the end freedom that others will never enjoy.

Spare me the I'm an adult and you are a child spiel Informer, your just a coward who will vote for the $35.82 available to you in three short years.... 😛

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