Mr Red
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You have got to be sh tting me!the girl in the news video works at the hall. i think full time. So your dues was paying her to be outthere.
You have got to be sh tting me!the girl in the news video works at the hall. i think full time. So your dues was paying her to be outthere.
Thanks for the compliment. But as I said, one walk through Arlington National Cemetary, is a trip worth taking. I walked once through that place by myself, it was quiet, and yet the peace there was beyond lack of sound. I am unable to describe it here. It was just emotions of sad, happy, proud, wonder, amazement, and more all in one small time frame. My contributions are nothing compared to the sacrifice made by thousands that made the ability to do what we did today possible to begin with.
I am not worthy of any praise. I am a humble man, and only wish to have a better future for myself and my fellow working man. Obviously some disgree on what makes constitutes that idea, and I respect their right to their opinion.
Everyone is responsible for their own actions, and I doubt that anyone could have changed the behavior that was present. I am not perfect myself, but today I just had a different thought about what was taking place. I am no better than any other man out there. And that goes for even those on the other side of the street in my mind. I just disagree with them.
I'll be your huckleberry.The only reason your answere will not change is because you wouldn't come and face the truth accross the street....
Why didnt you come over???? You claim it was an even protest but it looked lopsided as heck to me. Things were pretty peaceful until some chihuahua kept barking on the other side of the street and woke up the big dogs. Was that you? Then,, when the yes side couldnt figure out how to put up a simple canopy (you had a 6 figure facilities maintenance guy/unelected international rep over there to help you) the door was open for pay back! It may have been a little childish but it did help break the stress of a serious protest.Hey Old guy, Why didn't you come over and say hello? I'm not that bad of a guy really, even Informer likes me in his own twisted way. I could have showed you the error's of your way but I guess staying within the safe haven of the un-informed comforted you.....I noticed Informer never said a word or toted a sign because he knows he is a YES voter. I mean think about it. In 3 years he will be making $35.82 per hour as a un-licensed Welder CC....He will vote for the TA, trust me B)
Why didnt you come over???? You claim it was an even protest but it looked lopsided as heck to me. Things were pretty peaceful until some chihuahua kept barking on the other side of the street and woke up the big dogs. Was that you? Then,, when the yes side couldnt figure out how to put up a simple canopy (you had a 6 figure facilities maintenance guy/unelected international rep over there to help you) the door was open for pay back! It may have been a little childish but it did help break the stress of a serious protest.
I cant believe you can throw a few dollar signs around and overlook the fact that we were making those wages 10 years ago and our retire med and a DB Pension were intact. Are you not living on the same planet as the rest of us? Those wages will be 3 years from now and we were making that in 2001! What happens when the other airlines decide they cant compete with twu (negotiated) wages n force their labor to do the same thing. We could conceivably have to take pay cuts in 3 years for our wage adjustment!
Your an example of what I'm talking about "YOU are UN-Informed"....The special wage adjustment as written will only go into effect if we are below the Industry average. You stand to win a higher wage at that point, and if it is lower than our wage we would lose nothing....See, you don't know what you are talking about 😉
TWU Fighting like hell to keep you bearly above sweatshop wages !
"We think they 'ought to be able to vote without intimidation or pressure because they need to make a decision," American Airlines spokesperson Bruce Hicks told Tulsa's Channel 8 on Thursday. Hahahahaha. Who is using intimidation and pressure on who? Gimme a breakI watched the ktul video and the compelling thing within the video for me was the company dude who basically said "we don't want to do it, but we may be forced to impose the March 22, 2012 Term Sheet if M&R rejects this Tenative Agreement"....That's what I got out of the video....
I certainly wouldn't want to defend the TWU but you do realize we are in Bankruptcy so we aren't negotiating a typical contract we are negotiating how big the concession will be, also you realize we can't strike, we have no power there is nothing we can do to get a better contract, the pilots might be able to intimidate the company some because you have to have a pilot to fly a plane & if they call in sick it's a problem but Mechanics have no intimidation factor in bankruptcy, the company wins one way or the other, making decisions based on emotion is a really bad idea, I can't wait till this passes & common sense comes back.
Your an example of what I'm talking about "YOU are UN-Informed"....The special wage adjustment as written will only go into effect if we are below the Industry average. You stand to win a higher wage at that point, and if it is lower than our wage we would lose nothing....See, you don't know what you are talking about 😉
Wow talk about selective cognition. Thats all you can come back with. I ask you if you were the chihuahua that kept barking across the street.... No comment about the non elected dude making six figures either. How is it that we are paying this guy to put up signs to tell us how to vote? Why not just let the company n the organization called twu make our decisions for us. If there is only one way to vote than why are we voting? Why give it to them on a silver platter to use against us later on ? If they are sorry enough to use the bankruptcy court to do their dirty work than let them have it on their shoulders, I'm not going to give them the out to say it was by consent!Your an example of what I'm talking about "YOU are UN-Informed"....The special wage adjustment as written will only go into effect if we are below the Industry average. You stand to win a higher wage at that point, and if it is lower than our wage we would lose nothing....See, you don't know what you are talking about 😉
They can't just call a third party flight crew in that is within the station like they can mechanics is the point Tulsamechanic9 is trying to make. I am pretty sure whether someone has worked the line or not that's not hard to figure out.The ONLY thing you would be sure of, is being the WORST IN PAY,BENEFITS,AND WORK RULES
in the Airline industry !I guess you have never worked Line,or you would know A/C Maint is pretty Relevant.
Ask a Pilot !!!!