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US Pilots Labor Thread 6/2-6/9 STAY ON TOPIC

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Yes I agree completely.....the USAPA leaders are

It is unpopular with the pilots who would benefit from that unfairness but it is what is going to have to happen for the group to move forward.

The court only determines if a chosen path is legal.......there are many legal paths to fairness but no sustainable paths to unfairness.


There is also an illegal path to unfairness, and USAPA took it.
Nah, N924PS was "The Smile of Burbank" aka The Porn Industry hometown so can't be Donny. Must be ex-PSA, you know, the guys who screwed over the last chance Braniff pilots had.

Your memory is a bit hazy. I believe that distinction went to Bob Crandall at AA.
Nah, N924PS was "The Smile of Burbank" aka The Porn Industry hometown so can't be Donny. Must be ex-PSA, you know, the guys who screwed over the last chance Braniff pilots had.

Losing a federal court case apparently leaves only disparaging remarks...apparently you(ALPO NO MO) know more about the porn industry than most. You(ALPO NO MO) do yourself and your cause NO credit.

How do you know Burbank is the "porn industry hometown"?
"the test must be whether the challenged expenditures are necessarily or reasonably incurred for the purpose of performing the duties of an exclusive representative of the employees in dealing with the employer on labor-management issues."

Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu-But Seham told us ALL expenses were germane!!!!!!

Hmmm. Context. Interesting concept. When is the east going to figure out you cant just take what Seham and Cleary feed you on face value. YOU SHOULD RESEARCH IT FOR YOURSELF! You'll find you will suffer much less disappointment.

Psst! (whisper): you guys are wasting your time and money. Let's move on...
Then you better be disturbed.

A jury of nine people were also disturbed by that behavior. Another jury may also be disturbed by that behavior and find a way to punish and stop further harm.

Frankly you and all of the east pilot should be disturbed by your behavior also.
Hey what ever happened to Nos and V1 cut and EastUS? It's no fun with them missing in action. Is reality settling in?

A jury of nine people were also disturbed by that behavior. Another jury may also be disturbed by that behavior and find a way to punish and stop further harm.

Frankly you and all of the east pilot should be disturbed by your behavior also.


The way I see it is their behavior is very disturbing when judging it from our perspective. However, I think there are many different motivators that are causing this behavior.

I believe there are those at USAPA who are in a flat out how can we harm the West campaign.

I also believe there are those at USAPA who are in a I do not care about the West, this thing is unfair to me campaign.

Further, there are those at USAPA who believe they are trying to find a compromise, and just do not care if it harms the West, as long as it benefits them, after all in their opinion that would be fair.

Also, there are those who are motivated by a sense of wanting to support the union, and be a pilot advocate, the fact that the union was founded on the idea of how to reclaim status at the expense of the West is overlooked by these individuals and they wish we could all just get along, as long as it is on their terms. They are actually trying to do what is right, unfortunately they are doing right within an organization designed to do wrong.

For example, there is a big difference between a high ranking USAPA officer who says he would like to see all West pilots furloughed before any east pilots, and an east pilot who volunteers for the grievence committee to help fellow pilots. The former is actively seeking to harm the West, and the later is indirectly enableing the other to persue their goal.

Finally, there are those who are downright anti-USAPA, and I am not talking about the PHX and LAS reps.

On the West we have similar levels of disdain. There are those who are in an all out destroy USAPA campaign, and those who know things have to change but want the change to come as a benefit to all. The huge difference is we realize that any change has to be realized with our agreements to each other intact, and that includes most primarily the upholding of the Nic.
Hey what ever happened to Nos and V1 cut and EastUS? It's no fun with them missing in action. Is reality settling in?

Just guessing from the moderators continued warnings stating they keep deleting post and issuing suspensions, I would venture to guess it is the reality of the cornfield that has set in. A few newbies have show up recently, but I am sure if you want to send a message to these individuals, there might still be lurking going on.
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