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US Pilots' Labor Thread 6/18-6/23-Stay on Topic and Observe the Rules

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Well, I guess this effectively puts to rest the argument of flying together as a safety issue. You have just self professed to being full of integrity. So you or any east pilot should never have a problem flying with a west pilot.

Gladly that removes that problem.

Hardly the case. Acting decently towards even your finest little diplomats is one thing. I'll never deny any of you a ride. However;were I to ever be tasked with anyone known to be a westie jumpseat denial type, I'd put him off my crew. There's a very rational reason for that. Any supposed "pilot" that's so easily capable of becoming personally or professionally stressed, by simply hosting any jumpseater..simply isn't a person I'd have ANY faith or trust in for proper performance within any emergency situation....Period! Were the situations reversed by way of west denial-type "captains" being crewed with people of the sort they'd denied....well..seriously, given how your esteemed colleagues out west have acted thus far...Pray DO tell us all exactly how perfectly that would serve cockpit communication and crew resource management at ANY level?
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