As for polling, solidarity and the like, the simplest way to prove everyone wrong is to negotiate the best possible contract using Nicolau and see if the vote passes or fails. That would serve as the ultimate poll.
Once again, Your trying to twist and frame the debate, hp. Your trying to tell us what to do (negotiate with the NIC) long before we are required to do so. I think we need a poll. When it gets down to pay, Section 22, vacation, other major contract issue, polling makes sense. Again, its an instant snapshot. Negotiations, however, based on the way the company is deliberately stalling, at best will take another year. I'm going to recommend to my BPR today that we poll.
But back to the latest caus-celeb, just when we thought AWAPPA had been marginalized by their big brothers in AOL, along comes this from AWAPPA:
Germane expenses to be challenged
All non-member objectors should have received USAPA's 2008 Germane Expense Report in the mail by now. We are currently finalizing an update that discusses the report as well as challenge procedures. We are also currently organizing a combined East/West germane expense challenge that will require USAPA to justify its germane expense calculations to a neutral arbitrator.
So, AOL says join, AWAPPA says object. All I can say is go for it! Raise the money for arbitration, and if you lose, raise more money for a lawsuit. Wait the 4-6 years it takes to get that one to the Supreme Court and you got a winner. NOT! I think the first thing you’d get from an arbitrator is, “guys, I’d like to help you, but there’s this nasty Ellis Award I got to follow.â€
Even the pseudo-uninterested legal beagle hp_fa is having trouble getting around the language of the SCOTUS Ellis to make a case for DFR costs not being germane. Unless there’s opposing case law that changes high court’s Ellis analysis, it’s an arbitration loser. It would take a run to the Supreme Court to change Ellis status quo. Ellis was funded for the most part by NRTW, National Right to Work, a union-busting organization out of Alexandria, Va. From their limited point of view, NRTW got solid win in Ellis. I doubt if they take a chance on exposing their old win to the considerably more liberal (despite Alito and Roberts) court than Berger's 25 years ago.
A claim against germane expenses must first get past the arbitrator that the petitioner and USAPA select. Then if the petitioner loses, he goes to a Federal court, then an appeals court, then the Supreme Court, lots of $$ and 4-6 years. It could cost more than the money saved and don't expect help from NRTW.
On another subject, The Court’s Rakestraw analysis further debunks the Count 2 claim. Plaintiffs claim that "bad faith" exists because USAPA didn't negotiate for the NIC. Bad faith in the context of a DFR suit can only be between the bargaining agent and the employer. Hp_fa still misses that.
The internal squabbles of the bargaining unit constitute the basis for DFR. The Railway Labor Act and supporting case law give rise to the basis for "bad faith.†Judge Wake alluded to that from the bench. Basically he said to Seham that the beauty of that approach was that since other agencies and standards would determine bad faith, it is not necessary for his court to do so. That is where plaintiffs can find relief, if any. This was in response to plaintiffs’ wanting more than just injunctive relief. They wanted the NIC or some other form of relief that would furlough East guys and give jobs to West guys etc. That won't happen.