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US Pilots' Labor Thread 6/18-6/23-Stay on Topic and Observe the Rules

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The technical point I was trying to make was that the compnay that the 23+ year pilot worked for went bankrupt. Legally, that company ceased to exist. The stock became literally worthless. That was my point.

tell us, then..please.

If USairways "ceased to exist" as you claim....

Who did America West Airlines merge with?

and who did those assets belong to?

and what happened to America West Airlines and their assets?

If you are correct...it is true that we are ALL in our 3rd year at the NEW USAIRWAYS.

nice try.

( I wish I had known all these years that my seniority was dictated by company stock value....I'd would have bought more....)

This is really getting interesting, hp....I was going to hop in the pool...but I may stick around for this one...
Honor & Integrity alas are ancient concepts in a modern society obsessed with RIGHT NOW! We see it in corporations, unions, churches and most civic institutions.

Money talks and BS walks and those of us who believe in things like Honor, Integrity, Courage, Trust and Credibility are sadly dinosaurs from a bygone age.

I'd have to argue that the "human condition" hasn't truly much changed over the course of history, and it's always encumbent on any man/woman to strive to live up to Honor, Integrity, Courage et al, to the maximum extent possible....regardless of contemporary social "fashion". That our current social order's seemingly based upon pure self interest and opportunism affords none any excuse for not striving to do so.
QUOTE (hp_fa @ Jun 18 2009, 02:58 PM) *
Judge Wake will impose Nicolau into every contract proposal until one is ratified.

This simply can not be done in a union airline shop

Watch and learn, watch and learn.
QUOTE (hp_fa @ Jun 18 2009, 02:58 PM) *
Judge Wake will impose Nicolau into every contract proposal until one is ratified.

Watch and learn, watch and learn.
Oh..he can do just that....

and then you can read day 8 again and see where that gets you.
Of course...this scenario is all Cleary's fault.

Cleary has defined the relationship between the east and west pilot groups because of his actions and tone. It would be refreshing to see what cooperation looked like. Some folks might even come to like it.

Do you suggest that a 30+ year Senior Check-Airman is/was a "beligerant jumpseat rider" ?

( I realize that 30 years to the west may mean nothing...it does to everyone else)

Actually no, it doesn't mean much to me. I've been doing my job long enough to not get too impressed with that. If they aren't checkin', they're just another jumpseat rider. By the same token, they shouldn't be penalized by some other jerks previous bad behavior. Pretending that the east has not allowed it's Frankenstein union to mistreat the west and that there may be lingering animosity is just naieve. The larger group who holds the keys to the union (and who pulled out of joint negotiations shattering all previous goodwill) is the one who has responsibility to begin fence mending.

It keeps happening. And it's happening to check-airmen who are conducting training in PHX.

I have yet to hear of any west check airman doing any training in CLT. Why would an east check airman be doing any training in PHX. They may be receiving training, but I doubt they are conducting checks in PHX. Perhaps they are. So out of that small group, I would bet an even smaller group (infantismal) has been denied a jumpseat. Maybe it's one guy and maybe he's developing a reputation. I dunno.

Why not pressure Cleary to ratchet down the rhetoric and try being the kind of leader all the pilots want to follow?I would bet the number of denied jumpseats drops below the number denied to either sides pilots on their own respective equipment. There is collateral benefit to esprit de corps.
Apparently I haven't fully learned the lesson for if I had I would have rose up the corporate ladder. So I must have done something wrong like maybe had a conscience?
If "having a conscience" means chasing the dollar at all costs....then yes....you've done something wrong in my opinion.

tell us, then..please.

If USairways "ceased to exist" as you claim....

It did. Parker did no one any favors by keeping the name (other than keep Letterman in jokes for a few more years).

The east needs to understand that the airline they worked for has ceased to exist and that they are not merely grafting AWA onto the US Airways trunk. The west is not applying for membership into the east's exclusive "club".

Sorry it has to be that blunt, but that's they way it is.
Cleary has defined the relationship between the east and west pilot groups because of his actions and tone. It would be refreshing to see what cooperation looked like. Some folks might even come to like it.

Actually no, it doesn't mean much to me. I've been doing my job long enough to not get too impressed with that. If they aren't checkin', they're just another jumpseat rider. By the same token, they shouldn't be penalized by some other jerks previous bad behavior. Pretending that the east has not allowed it's Frankenstein union to mistreat the west and that there may be lingering animosity is just naieve. The larger group who holds the keys to the union (and who pulled out of joint negotiations shattering all previous goodwill) is the one who has responsibility to begin fence mending.

I have yet to hear of any west check airman doing any training in CLT. Why would an east check airman be doing any training in PHX. They may be receiving training, but I doubt they are conducting checks in PHX. Perhaps they are. So out of that small group, I would bet an even smaller group (infantismal) has been denied a jumpseat. Maybe it's one guy and maybe he's developing a reputation. I dunno.

Why not pressure Cleary to ratchet down the rhetoric and try being the kind of leader all the pilots want to follow?I would bet the number of denied jumpseats drops below the number denied to either sides pilots on their own respective equipment. There is collateral benefit to esprit de corps.

Because this has nothing to do with Cleary...thats your baggage to handle...not mine.

I detect that you question the authenticity of my report....

PM me and I'll give you the check-airmans name and phone number.....you can discuss it with him directly.

I personally trained in PHX on the bus recently...but maybe it was a dream and the CKA was really being trained.

Wake up dude.
It did. Parker did no one any favors by keeping the name (other than keep Letterman in jokes for a few more years).

The east needs to understand that the airline they worked for has ceased to exist and that they are not merely grafting AWA onto the US Airways trunk. The west is not applying for membership into the east's exclusive "club".

Sorry it has to be that blunt, but that's they way it is.
I know how to solve this...

The next crew news..lets ask Dougweiser or his chimp. SK.

Thank you, sir, for the privalege of working for your airline.
The east needs to understand that the airline they worked for has ceased to exist and that they are not merely grafting AWA onto the US Airways trunk.

And how is that PHX and LAS hub working for ya
PHL CLT DCA LGA is fireing
And the SHARES systems SUX
Your right, but I want ALL of us on these pays rates, even though you guys did not support a parity raise for us on the east, but that's me!!!
Your memory is short. The West supported pay parity up until the East withdrew from joint negotiations in 2007. Your side declared war on us so why would we support anything for you now?
If "having a conscience" means chasing the dollar at all costs....then yes....you've done something wrong in my opinion.

Why can't the same black-and-white thinking be applied to the issue of abiding to binding arbitration?

Why abandon chasing a dollar so you can chase after the elusive goal of getting back everything you lost in the past 5 years at the west pilot's expense?

Why not demand from your union that they provide what they can ( which unfortunately due to the poisonous environment they've cultivated isn't much) and own up to their inability to make good on their promises of DOH? That's not abandoning a principal, it's accepting the reality of this specific case. There's alot to be gained by working together, but nothing good will come from continuing to fuel a foolish and unecessary war.

How can the pride of a few people be such an impediment to progress for so many?
lets go back to my "fabricated" story about CKA....

shall we?

Or, better yet: the next crew news meeting the BIG question gets asked to the chimp or the banana

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