Cleary has defined the relationship between the east and west pilot groups because of his actions and tone. It would be refreshing to see what cooperation looked like. Some folks might even come to like it.
Actually no, it doesn't mean much to me. I've been doing my job long enough to not get too impressed with that. If they aren't checkin', they're just another jumpseat rider. By the same token, they shouldn't be penalized by some other jerks previous bad behavior. Pretending that the east has not allowed it's Frankenstein union to mistreat the west and that there may be lingering animosity is just naieve. The larger group who holds the keys to the union (and who pulled out of joint negotiations shattering all previous goodwill) is the one who has responsibility to begin fence mending.
I have yet to hear of any west check airman doing any training in CLT. Why would an east check airman be doing any training in PHX. They may be receiving training, but I doubt they are conducting checks in PHX. Perhaps they are. So out of that small group, I would bet an even smaller group (infantismal) has been denied a jumpseat. Maybe it's one guy and maybe he's developing a reputation. I dunno.
Why not pressure Cleary to ratchet down the rhetoric and try being the kind of leader all the pilots want to follow?I would bet the number of denied jumpseats drops below the number denied to either sides pilots on their own respective equipment. There is collateral benefit to esprit de corps.