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US Pilots' Labor Thread 6/18-6/23-Stay on Topic and Observe the Rules

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Wasn't some relief for the E190 pilots offered by a west rep (remember- no E190's out here. He was proposing it because it was the right thing to do). And wasn't it slapped down as non-important.

Heck they got a stipend trough to fill up (and empty with glee).

"The next Resolution (from the west reps-ed.) dealt with a study to determine the feasibility of assisting E-190 F/O’s by having them do Union work and providing for a hotel room while they do this work. One of our CLT E-190 F/O’s stood and spoke in opposition to this resolution, as he considered it a waste of resources. It is also not clear if it would fall under the proper duties of a Labor Union. The Resolution was defeated. As commentary we offer that while we agree with helping out those among us who need it most, it truly is not a Primary Union function. We are looking into other avenues which may be more beneficial to all."
Let's pose a hypothetical.

Just suppose US came to the pilots with an offer that is predicated on accepting Nic that would boost YOUR personal income by say 15% even though you'd might not be able to always get the good trips all the time would you vote yes?


We are ALREADY 30% or more below industry average....The east is...not the west.

I should say I'm sorry for jumping on you earlier...we appreciate any and all of your support. But this situation is more complicated than it appears...unfortunately.

I'd MUCH MUCH MUCH rather be fighting Parker and SK than the west pilots....but it is what it is.
Not always about the coin there, Bob.

quick, huh.
Then it must be about ego.

What is the biggest whine. "I am never going to see the left seat" Well what is so special about the left seat? Is it the coin or is it the ego of sitting in the big chair?

I will gladly sit in the right seat and colloect the big coin.

Now is it about the coin or the ego?
Then it must be about ego.

What is the biggest whine. "I am never going to see the left seat" Well what is so special about the left seat? Is it the coin or is it the ego of sitting in the big chair?

I will gladly sit in the right seat and colloect the big coin.

Now is it about the coin ot the ego?
Me too.

But just as many will tell you they want to be blockholders...or Christmas off...or whatever.

I feel confident in saying anyone at this airline has the "grits" to be a captain on the property.

Therefore, it's not always about ego.
Let's pose a hypothetical.

Just suppose US came to the pilots with an offer that is predicated on accepting Nic that would boost YOUR personal income by say 15% even though you'd might not be able to always get the good trips all the time would you vote yes?

Pay is here today, gone tomorrow - we've been there, done that. However, pecking order is something else. It's not just about the trips, for some 20 something year FO's here it's about getting the job you've anticipated for 20 something years. With Nic they'll never have a shot at it, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of $$ that go along with that. To have someone hired more that 10 years after you go before you and take your job - !!! That's what the deal is.

And don't believe for a friggin' minute that west guys won't bid east to sit in the big iron and make the big bucks. Some will do it just for spite.

If you really knew the denied/accepted ratio, you'd realize what a non-issue it is.

Pray do enlighten us. What is the ratio and the total numbers for west denials of jumpseat travel to east people? In my admittedly limited experience, it's been 100 percent, without the least bit of conversation other than being asked "Where are you from?" No matter, as I'll never afford any west person such absurdly childish, and utterly unprofessional discourtesy, but....what are those numbers?
So does that mean you're all a bunch of "Peckers"? :lol: Srry that was a softball that I just had to hit out of the park.

AH HA! Now we're getting someplace! So you're saying your group is like the girl who is asked,

Man:Would you sleep with me for $50,000.00?

Woman: She replies, "YES"

b]Man:[/b]Well would you sleep with me for $20.00

Woman: Hell NO, what kind of girl do you think I am?

b]Man:[/b]I know what kind of girl, I'm just negotiating the price.

So indeed it is "all about the coin" now isn't it?

It's just like the Outlaw Bikers say "Arse, Gas or grass, NOBODY rides free!"
No...you are reading between lines.

15% is a non-starter. That doesn't mean 30% IS a starter...it's just a statement of fact.

I have suggested on this forum that it is possible to ameliorate the negative effects of the Nic if other areas are adjusted to make it palatable....$$ is but one item in a long list...as I mentioned to you earlier.
Then it must be about ego.

What is the biggest whine. "I am never going to see the left seat" Well what is so special about the left seat? Is it the coin or is it the ego of sitting in the big chair?

I will gladly sit in the right seat and colloect the big coin.

Now is it about the coin or the ego?
I don't think you are a pilot because you would know this involves much more than where one sits.
I know this is a technical point, but how can a pilot have 23+ years of continuous service at a company that has only existed 3+ years?

I will say the following to you and then leave. For someone who has no dog in this fight, you sure take up an awfully lot of cyberpaper on this board. For someone who says he/she is not biased, your slip shows constantly. In my opinion, you just love to see your name in print. You have an answer for everything; you can't possibly be right as much as you purport to be.

Further, USAirways brought a ton more to the table than AWA did. Doug Parker bought USAirways, the AWA pilots did not.

Your technical point is hogwash, pure and simple.
One way or another it's ALWAYS about the coin.

Piney, that is very jaded. One would think that after all of the bazzillions of hours you've spent on this board that you would know a pilot's seniority number is the MOST important thing he/she has.

I would hate to view life through a mere coin. That makes life very cheap indeed.
I will say the following to you and then leave. For someone who has no dog in this fight, you sure take up an awfully lot of cyberpaper on this board. For someone who says he/she is not biased, your slip shows constantly. In my opinion, you just love to see your name in print. You have an answer for everything; you can't possibly be right as much as you purport to be.

Further, USAirways brought a ton more to the table than AWA did. Doug Parker bought USAirways, the AWA pilots did not.

Your technical point is hogwash, pure and simple.
I can't explain hp's motivations...and wouldn't try to.

But statements like that offset any rational posts he may make in between. I don't believe it's from not being informed...it's from his pre-disposition to the west that ridiculous comments like this bubble out now and again.

Whatever...I see lots of that stuff these days.
I know this is a technical point, but how can a pilot have 23+ years of continuous service at a company that has only existed 3+ years?
Has anyone ever wished they could "pull it back in..."? I'm just guessing here, but I'd guess this is one of those times.

If not, hp-fa..please continue with this line of thinking...you have our attention.
I can't explain hp's motivations...and wouldn't try to.

But statements like that offset any rational posts he may make in between. I don't believe it's from not being informed...it's from his pre-disposition to the west that ridiculous comments like this bubble out now and again.

Whatever...I see lots of that stuff these days.

Its a conspiracy! Hp is a Bilderberger!

This IS an open board for EVERYONE. Don't like it? Post at some dreary closed board for union goons.
Just a point of order if I may. It's much more than jaded! It's Jaded, Cynical, Negative, Mercenary & sad along with a whole bunch of other adjectives.

I do know that Seniority is very important, however one cannot not make a mortgage payment or pay for wife #3's Porche with it so ultimately it all does come down to coin.

Honor & Integrity alas are ancient concepts in a modern society obsessed with RIGHT NOW! We see it in corporations, unions, churches and most civic institutions.

Money talks and BS walks and those of us who believe in things like Honor, Integrity, Courage, Trust and Credibility are sadly dinosaurs from a bygone age.

And regrettably....you have accepted this theorem.

Some of us are not there yet.
The technical point I was trying to make was that the compnay that the 23+ year pilot worked for went bankrupt. Legally, that company ceased to exist. The stock became literally worthless. That was my point.
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