Like our MC/MECs extreme DOH position, AOLs extreme take-no-prisoners approach wont get them where they want to be. A judge saying you got to use the NIC doesn�€™t make a contract happen. They got $$ problems, LOA84 problems and attention span problems. With counts 1&2 lost in arbitration, thye got no damages. No damages=no $$ to pay attorneys. If there is a solution to this, it will come from some unexpected source or outside influence. No conventional way I can see to solve this. We're "bi-polar."
AOL is protecting their legal rights. As distasteful and repugnant as it is to the East, The West Pilots have
absolute rights under the Law. Rights that are under a full frontal assault from your fake union. I believe a Jury of 9 already explained this to you. If asserting ones rights equates to a Pirate like "take no prisoners" approach to you then so be it. I guess you should be shopping for Condo's in Iran or North Korea or some other dictatorial garden spot where reality can be altered by the whims and moods of the Supreme Leaders, (BPR). As far as Cash problems are me proof. I don't see any signs of financial distress. The legal team has been paid in full every month since day one and as I write this, the team is working hard for our cause. Also, the damages trial starts in August. It remains to be seen what the $$$$ payout looks like. However, I will again remind you, your side has
already been found liable and damages are simply a matter of time. Reimbursement of legal fees is a common award where liability has been established. That fact alone ought to give you won't, but it ought to.
In fact, all I see a well funded, unified group of people...a
certified class of people that have MORE than withstood the unending barrage that has been thrown at them from every direction. Again, reference the Jury's decision if you have any lingering doubts about the potency of the West pilots. "Attention span problems"...that's funny. The West has been mopping the legal floor with the East from day one and every indication says that the punishment
will continue. Not bad for a bunch of bankrupt, daydreaming, inexperienced whipper-snappers. I won't bore you with unmasking the LOA 84 fantasy've already swallowed that false hope as deeply as Sehams other Lies and deceptions. So, in short, everything you assert above is so flatly wrong and baseless it is laughable in the extreme. You are confusing a fanciful hope with reality, a psychological problem frequent to the common Easterner.
Barring Ch. 7, the Courts will settle this. It may be "unconventional" to you, but that's exactly what they are there for. Your perception of "bi polar" does not interest the court in the slightest fraction and the West will enjoy the full benefit of their legal rights no matter how long, how expensive, or how bloody your side chooses to make this. You guys chose your path and the "outside influence" you reference above is exactly where
YOU chose to go...Federal Court. Shocking to me that you can't see that and still hold out hope for some kind of "alternate" outside influence. What are you expecting...the Super Friends down at the Hall of Justice?
God Bless America.