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US Pilots' Labor Thread 6/18-6/23-Stay on Topic and Observe the Rules

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Remeber that song put out by the band "The Black Crows" in the mid ninties entitled...


I think i'll be playing that song a lot this next week. Also, i'll thank those lunatic hot heads that run CLT and their May 28 update every time I hear it.
Remedy=Suggestion, The judge can't "legally" tell a union what to do. But if you want to get your hopes up go right ahead.
Huh? You're kidding, correct?

Nope, he isn't... And that is what is so stunning about these people. Most of these guys are in left field and the post above is just one example. Another is the complaint of Nicolau not having fences. One little detail easters conveniently ignore (or forget) is their merger committee never asked for fences and guess what, Nicolau gave us an award with no fences. Their memories are fading with age, I guess and their logic is just about gone. From this point onward a lot of us out west are just entertained by their ruminations.
I am curious about the difference between the east pilots breaking their agreement to abide by binding arbitration and the west pilots joing USAPA to avoid termination. If one would judge the first situation as self interest over principles, what would the second suggest? Are those who say the east pilots have no integrity now ready to accuse their west brothers of the same thing if they join USAPA?
As a ramper I've got a friendly request of the pilot group. Can you keep the childish squabbling going for a few more years? Maybe until we get our first post Transition Agreement CBA negotiated? I'd really like to make more then a pilot.

Good God people. You're going to keep fighting until y'all are retired. And at that point your seniority ain't gonna matter much at all. I'm just sayin'...
Nope, he isn't... And that is what is so stunning about these people. Most of these guys are in left field and the post above is just one example. Another is the complaint of Nicolau not having fences. One little detail easters conveniently ignore (or forget) is their merger committee never asked for fences and guess what, Nicolau gave us an award with no fences. Their memories are fading with age, I guess and their logic is just about gone. From this point onward a lot of us out west are just entertained by their ruminations.
another perfect example of your two faced support of nic. so we didnt ask for fences and we didnt get them. If you are suggesting that if we had asked for them we would have gotten them then you my freind are the one in left field. We asked for DOH but didn't get it. If you see the role of the arbitrator as a negotiator then you are missing the point of the process. this was arbitration, not mediation.
You're going to keep fighting until y'all are retired. And at that point your seniority ain't gonna matter much at all. I'm just sayin'...
That's exactly what the East's plan is. Delay, delay, delay. With the help of the courts we're trying to not let them get away with it.
Yeah, I can see how you would like that. We should have been happy with a staple job. At least we would have a job at this progressive, forward thinking, employee oriented, money making, growing, first class airline.

I'm gonna go hurl now.

Driver B)

Oh yeah...Happy Fathers Day.

How would a straight ratio starting from the top equate to a staple? I would consider a staple to be your number 1 pilot goes below Odell, or the opposite, the West goes below Colello. The first scenario was never sought by anyone, but the second is being actively persued by USAPA.

Contrary to what everyone has told them, starting with Parker and Lakefield in the joint statement of labor principles, continuing with the mediation and Nicolau arbitration, and ending with judge Wake and the Addington trial. The east will not staple the West, and will continue paying for their attempts to do so, and the price may very well rise in the near future.
As someone very close to the MDA lawsuit, I can say we are winning. ALPA's got a real problem. The inaccurate list will be ALPA's undoing. It can spill over to the NIC Award as well. A bad list leading to a bad award. All MDA pilots were members of either PHL or CLT Locals. They paid dues to ALPA, received all PHL and CLT communications from ALPA, voted in meetings in PHL and CLT. They held key union committee positions there. In fact, one was our PHL LEC Sec/Tres. ALPA recognized them for what they were, ALPA members in good standing of their respective locals. No web board gossip is going to change the facts.

Signed, Weird Al
You are winning the MDA suit? How do you define winning? Nothing has happened for a couple of months. The expert discovery is not due until about November. All of the charges were dropped but one.

So how are you winning?

My prediction: The MDA pilots are going to be disappointed very soon. The allies you thought that you had, disappeared.
Remedy=Suggestion, The judge can't "legally" tell a union what to do. But if you want to get your hopes up go right ahead.
🙂 "legally" a judge is the only one that can tell a union what to do.

Whoever told you that was wrong.
Remedy=Suggestion, The judge can't "legally" tell a union what to do. But if you want to get your hopes up go right ahead.

I am not sure what to make of this statement, please elaborate.

Because the way I see it Remedy=Obligation and Failure to comply=Jail.

We are talking about a judge, not a personal therapist.

Or better yet, if USAPA does not like the coming remedy, why not have Seham and Cleary tell the judge to his face that USAPA is not going to follow his "suggestion" because he has no legal authority to impose anything against a union. I would be willing to pay the dues USAPA thinks I owe to watch that level of entertainment. Wait just a second...it just dawned on me...that is what USAPA plans on doing....whooohooo....I get to watch this Stooges episode for free.
Sp o if a judge cant tell a union what to do why did the APA have to pay a huge fine after the judge ordered it?

Why did various judges issue TROs against unions in the airlines for sickouts and slowdowns and the union follow them?

Please enlighten us.
Bottom line is that NIC said East and their attrition had no value.

Did we ever ask for retirement attrition credit?

Are you really going to complain about not getting something you never asked for?

The arbitrator told us point blank to come up with another proposal.
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