So let me get this straight. Now that the court case is over, assuming the apeals process is timely and results in a simmilar outcome as the addington case....
There are no fences with the an east pilot can have the next capt bid in PHX
Assuming some east captains will want to leave lovely, inexpensive, "mild" wintered, northeast crew bases. Only to go to sunny, warm, friendly neighbored, yearround vacation spot PHX for a crew base......
Off course this will open up slots for west f/o's to upgrade in the east....
Kind of a win-win....west gets capt bid in blowin snow, congested airspace, disgruntled old crew...
east gets capt bid in .....well, paridise........
Ole Ber'Rabbit would say,,,,,"Dont throw me in da brier patch misser Bear"..........
Go Figure.........