For all the rhetoric, discussion, vitriol, etc. on this website, the one thing I just cannot comprehend is the seeming easy ability of some to completely belittle a fellow professional pilot (after all this comes to a resolution, isn't that what we are still supposed to be?) that has no control over what is happening to his career right now.
To make a comment like this about the "poor 190 F/O" just to make an argument point on a website with the only exposure being his keyboard possibly exploding is beyond what should be the threshold of a professional pilot.
I have told my reps and the NC that I would be willing to give up some contract gains for folks in my seniority (500) and give it to increase the abomination of a pay scale for the 190 F/O's. At some point in the, hopefully near, future this seniority debacle will come to a resolution in one way or another. Where do we go then???