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US Pilots Labor Thread 3/4-3/11-READ THE FIRST POST

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There is no way to have a DOH list but nobody takes a West pilot's job.

We differ there. Given that conditions and restrictions preventing east pilots from bidding into west slots would do exactly that, imo at least. While none can know how any of this will ultimately play out...I'd have to additionally note that imo, any management that was at all truly eager to combine these so very harmoniously disposed and mutually loving groups in the cockpit would have to be close to clinically insane.
I agree, even my 80 year old Mother says,"Honey, how is it that a 4 year employee will jump ahead of a 21 year employee"

We could introduce her to my 85 year old father, and he could explain it to her.

He was educated by the flightdeck crew last year when traveling on east metal. Fortunately, he understands the first rule of non-reving (be polite to everyone) and refrained from telling the East captain where to put his opinion.

He was simply interested in small talk, the flight time and weather, but got a lecture on the injustice of the Nicolau seniority integration, when the crew learned his son was a West captain.
We could introduce her to my 85 year old father, and he could explain it to her.

He was educated by the flightdeck crew last year when traveling on east metal. Fortunately, he understands the first rule of non-reving (be polite to everyone) and refrained from telling the East captain where to put his opinion.

He was simply interested in small talk, the flight time and weather, but got a lecture on the injustice of the Nicolau seniority integration, when the crew learned his son was a West captain.

Sure..if you say so 🙄 Was he held hostage on the flight deck?...or, at what point was there sufficent time for any "lecture" from the flightdeck crew? In any case; Those east people are a vile lot indeed, why, in addition to wantonly disrespecting their elders..it's even been said that they're even denying jumpseats to coworkers..or; was that the west folks?........
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