I was hired by AWA in 84'. After completing ground school, 4 "legacy" carriers came calling. I had 2 job offers. I took the job at AAA because, at the time, AWA's pay was terrible, pilots were multi-tasking (ala People's Express), even upgrades, occasionally, were done out of seniority. I hired on with AAA over NWA for a lot of reasons, some of which, were right seat availability, pay light years ahead, a company making money hand over fist ( hardly in it's death throes), upgraded in 4.5 years. defined benefit plan, and on and on...So, did I make the right decision or did you? The answer is- we both made the best decision based on what we thought appropiate at the time. Your reasons are as valid as mine. I've been fortunate to have worked in this industry for a long as I have. It's a crap shoot as we all know and timing is everything. My philosophy has been to show up to work and not have a chain and lock on the door. Could I have been happy at AWA= probably. I don't regret any decision I've made because I've managed to stay employed. I have good friends on both sides and I only hope we can get this thing together before I check out of here.