I'll post more in a bit but the headliner at trial was Sully, not necessarily for what he said but by name recognition.
No one can yet know what the jury will ultimately decide, but I'd think it a pretty compelling presentation. Some extracts from it with a link from one article follow:
"He was on the stand for less than a half-hour and immediately left the courtroom, but he packed a punch with his strong criticism of a seniority list issued by an arbitrator two years ago. Seniority is paramount for pilots as it dictates pay, work schedules, promotions, vacations and job security."
"I was shocked by its one-sidedness," Sullenberger said of the list"
"Sullenberger said "it simply wasn't right" that an America West pilot with just a few months seniority at the airline when the merger was announced would be ranked above former US Airways pilots with years of experience at the time of the merger.
The union noted in its opening statement that Hudson co-pilot Skiles, who has 19 years with US Airways, ranks below an America West pilot with less than seven years' seniority on the arbitrated seniority list.
Sullenberger said he expressed his concerns about the list to the head of the Air Line Pilots Association, the union that represented America West and US Airways at the time of the merger, in a meeting in Charlotte, N.C., where he is based.
He said a flawed merger policy by that union led to the impasse."