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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Hey jack wagon, how about you go back to where ever you came from? LS is one of the most level headed posters on this board and helps me keep my faith in west pilots when reading crap like yours.
Thank you Pi. I feel the same way. LS has always kept his posts civil and on point.
I remember that also. It was a bad idea then and a bad idea now. Pay your dues until you have a new CBA. Your vote may mean more now. And your job may be worth more if this merger happens.

I'll continue paying my dues because I would not be surprised if this turns out to be just like the new Delta. Parker stands a better chance this time by selling his goods to the AA unions.
I'll just wait and see how this all plays out.
Hey jack wagon, how about you go back to where ever you came from? LS is one of the most level headed posters on this board and helps me keep my faith in west pilots when reading crap like yours.

Whatever....I guess Charlotte has it's share of Skynrd fans too. I'm doing fine in Phoenix, thank you very much.

I'm more of a Neil Young fan, southern man. Getting testy because you Usapian rebels are feeling the heat? CLT is going to have it's own version of Appomattox when the Union of APA starts making the rules.

In the words of the great Neil Young...

Southern man
Better keep your head
Don't forget
What your good book said
Southern change
Gonna come at last
Whatever....I guess Charlotte has it's share of Skynrd fans too. I'm doing fine in Phoenix, thank you very much.

I'm more of a Neil Young fan, southern man. Getting testy because you Usapian rebels are feeling the heat? CLT is going to have it's own version of Appomattox when the Union of APA statrts making the rules.

In the words of the great Neil Young...

Southern man
Better keep your head
Don't forget
What your good book said
Southern change
Gonna come at last

Neil Young. That sounds about right. I hope Neil Young will remember, a southern man don't need him around.

You do know that LS is a west guy, right?

No heat here, just tired of idiots.

Am a Philly guy, and want to keep my elected reps. I also want to see Paul Music win in the runoff.

Could you please tell me if your views in your opinion represent the majority in DCA ?
Honest question as I don't know any pilots based in DCA .

Would you mind stating your DOH year?


The DOH dream lives on! How much do you contribute per annum to sustain it?

Am a Philly guy, and want to keep my elected reps. I also want to see Paul Music win in the runoff.

Could you please tell me if your views in your opinion represent the majority in DCA ?
Honest question as I don't know any pilots based in DCA .

Would you mind stating your DOH year?


You want to know someones DOH before you listen to their opinion? So what someone hired before a certain date their opinion has no value? The opinion holds more value the longer they have been here? Or in this case could it be the threats begin for the more senior guys if they don't support the AFO club by freezing usapa and continuing the Cleary control.

DOH of is not the only factor in the world. When you get the the rest home they are not going to care.
Neil Young. That sounds about right. I hope Neil Young will remember, a southern man don't need him around.

You do know that LS is a west guy, right?

No heat here, just tired of idiots.

Yea, I already know that he's a Westie. You have Trader and we have LS. The way I see it, Trader is standing on principle and LS is still deciding if he has the principles to donate to the West legal cause. I've been donating since day one.

I'll quote LS from his post on April 21, 2012:
"Just on principle alone, I'll contribute to the west legal cause, however I'm not sweating the 'worst."

I don't know what causes this type of mental paralysis. Maybe a symptom of Stockholm Syndrome.
Yea, I already know that he's a Westie. You have Trader and we have LS. The way I see it, Trader is standing on principle and LS is still deciding if he has the principles to donate to the West legal cause. I've been donating since day one.

I'll quote LS:
"Just on principle alone, I'll contribute to the west legal cause, however I'm not sweating the 'worst."

I don't know what causes this type of mental paralysis. Maybe a symptom of Stockholm Syndrome.
Could also be that he can see what some on both sides can't. There are no absolutes in any given situation. The polarization that we are living with is a result of many on both sides only seeing one way out,
Could also be that he can see what some on both sides can't. There are no absolutes in any given situation. The polarization that we are living with is a result of many on both sides only seeing one way out,

I appreciated his Budweiser comment and decided to put on my Nascar hat and join him in the bar.

I'm still waiting to find out what he sees that I don't.
LS is still deciding if he has the principles to donate to the West legal cause. I've been donating since day one.

I'll quote LS from his post on April 21, 2012:
"Just on principle alone, I'll contribute to the west legal cause, however I'm not sweating the 'worst."

You are waiting to see if he contributes, then you quote him where he says he is. What am I missing?

I don't see any similarity between Trader and LS.

The opinion holds more value the longer they have been here?

Aww...heck no! Throughout all of history; more experience, in any given field, has always been shown to be inferior to less, hasn't it? I'd naturally, always "respect" the opinion of someone starting their first day of indoc far more than that of anyone with decades worked....I mean...that's "natural" right?...."WOW!!!" is an understatement here. If not so routinely observed on this board; You just couldn't even BEGIN to make this sort of "entitled", infantile insanity up.
The way I see it, Trader is standing on principle and LS is still deciding if he has the principles to donate to the West legal cause. I've been donating since day one.

Perhaps you had best ask Trader/"LT Hardy" if he donates to your side then.....or just spends all his spare cash on movie tickets. I've never observed that LS is bashful in his support of west issues. The fact that he, unlike a great many, certainly including myself, fails to fill a quill with sulfuric acid prior to writing seems admirable to me....especially since I've great difficulty with ever avoiding doing so.
Aww...heck no! Throughout all of history; more experience, in any given field, has always been shown to be inferior to less, hasn't it? I'd naturally, always "respect" the opinion of someone starting their first day of indoc far more than that of anyone with decades worked....I mean...that's "natural" right?...."WOW!!!" is an understatement here. If not so routinely observed on this board; You just couldn't even BEGIN to make this sort of "entitled", infantile insanity up.
Except this has to do with a political opinion. Nothing to do when he showed up at indoc. Unless you all get indoced to being ignorant and single minded.

This is why usapa is going to get your ass handed to you. For you east guys it is all about DOH and nothing else matters. When we go to the arbitration are you going to ask the AA MC guy what his DOH is? If it is less than yours will you underestimate him?

So the guy that has been flying heavy military aircraft all over the world for the last 10 years shows up for indoc. The 25 year F/O that has never flewn outside the country. You would ask the 25 year guy about flying oceanic just because he had a longer indoc date?

It is true you can't fix stupid.
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