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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Except this has to do with a political opinion. Nothing to do when he showed up at indoc. Unless you all get indoced to being ignorant and single minded.

100% Pure, wholly undiluted BS. You, by your posting, would clearly have the opinions of all magically set to equal value, regardless of personal experience....Gosh!...I "wonder" why? 😉 Curiosity begs the obvious question; On what planet does such a system of beliefs prevail and prove useful?
Couldn't be more painful than working for Mesa Grande all those years. This is going to be fun watching the western children watch their AA plan fall to the wayside at the hands of Horton. He will easily outmaneuver Parker.

No, you really are stupid.
You are right,everyone thinks this is a done deal, not so, Parker put his cards on the table can't wait to see Hortons next move. This will be fun to watch.

I guess you haven't seen Horton's next move. Read his letter to employees asking them to allow the BK court to decimate their contracts so they can get shiny new airplanes to fly.

I guess you bought into that line back when you accepted LOA93.
Care to answer the questions?...or do you just enjoy your pathetic tap dancing?

Out of all the nutballs on this board the only really pathetic one is you, eastus. Complaining all the time about what a waste of time it is to associate here, yet doing so at warp speed.

As I have said before, you love to hear the sound of your own voice and this is the only place it can be heard.
I guess you haven't seen Horton's next move. Read his letter to employees asking them to allow the BK court to decimate their contracts so they can get shiny new airplanes to fly.

Indeed. THAT's really gonna' go over just great with the American folks. The way their equally laughable "management" is attacking them on every level; who can blame any of them for wanting pretty much ANYTHING else that would even hint at a better deal?
Most any gypsy hanging around the Munich hotel would not only play usapa better than Parker, but subsequently have a motivated pilot group at their disposal, but, then, I would not expect you to know that, trapped in PHX like you are. How is that koolaide doing you, aside from the rotted teeth?

Only a numbnuts like you would be motivated by "most any gypsy".
100% Pure, wholly undiluted BS. You, by your posting, would clearly have the opinions of all magically set to equal value, regardless of personal experience....Gosh!...I "wonder" why? 😉 Curiosity begs the obvious question; On what planet does such a system of beliefs prevail and prove useful?
You are the one full of BS. This is the exchange.

That is great to hear. We can finally read ourselves of what's left of Cleary and any roadblock to this merger. I'm glad this is coming to a conclusion.

Political opinion. What does that have to do with his indoc date?

Am a Philly guy, and want to keep my elected reps. I also want to see Paul Music win in the runoff.
Could you please tell me if your views in your opinion represent the majority in DCA ?
Honest question as I don't know any pilots based in DCA .

Would you mind stating your DOH year?


Political question asking what his DOH is. What does that have to do with his indoc date?

Except this has to do with a political opinion. Nothing to do when he showed up at indoc. Unless you all get indoced to being ignorant and single minded.

Now you want to change your answer to personal experience. What does an indoc date have to do with personal experience? So I come back to the stupid remark that asking someone what their DOH in evaluating their opinion is narrow minded and demonstrates why you east pilots are the lowest paid least respected in the industry. That is why usapa is going to get beat down in the next merger.
So the guy that has been flying heavy military aircraft all over the world for the last 10 years shows up for indoc. The 25 year F/O that has never flewn outside the country. You would ask the 25 year guy about flying oceanic just because he had a longer indoc date?

It is true you can't fix stupid.

Perhaps some suggested, actual "thought" might enhance your position. All you've just done is assist me in making my point. The guy with a decade of global heavy time clearly has more personal experience than your other example. Who's opinion on global airlift would you most value?

Your other "point" is equally well received: "It is true you can't fix stupid."
You are waiting to see if he contributes, then you quote him where he says he is. What am I missing?

I don't see any similarity between Trader and LS.

I'll is a contraction. It means, I will. My fingers may be too fat for an Iphone, at least I have a college degree and have the ability to comprehend what I read.

I don't see a similarity either and that is a compliment to Trader.
I really enjoyed working for America West. The first day I showed up I was impressed with how friendly and professional everyone was. There has always been a strong camaraderie amongst all America West employees. I think many of us have been thankful to have been able to continue to work together after the merger with US Air. So in a way I guess I should be thankful that our merger has never completed. While I think that merging with American would be the smartest thing for our airline to do, I also have some remorse. This merger will happen faster and be completed quickly. I think the America West family will start to drift throughout the new system and become diluted. Our way of thinking and working together will get lost in a much larger system. One of the America West employees greatest fears when we merged with US Air was that we would lose our culture. Hopefully a part of us survives. We are an airline where we don't expect to sit in first class, and our fellow employees don't expect us to sit in coach. It may not make sense to those outside of our airline, but I promise you it was a good thing. I'm not trying to say it was perfect, but it was the best place I ever worked.


Very true. Well said.

I very much doube that east pilots can say the same thing about US Air.
I'll is a contraction. It means, I will. My fingers may be too fat for an Iphone, at least I have a college degree and have the ability to comprehend what I read.

I don't see a similarity either and that is a compliment to Trader.

Really? Ain't you smart. Does "I'll" also mean "I never have"?Could it mean "I have and I will continue"? I may be wrong, but I think you are jumping to conclusions.

You quote me above and ask why I ask about DOH year.
Are you serious?
You don't think a pov might be different with 38 vs 8 years Los ?
Gimme a break!

Can you answer a Question?
Yes or No will do with rhetoric aside.
Do you believe with negotiated C&R 's agreed to that Los should be primary factor ( not only ) in determining SLI ?

Very true. Well said.

I very much doube that east pilots can say the same thing about US Air.

Wrong you are!

I distinctly recall all above in 88 as well as sitting middle seat coach next to Ed Colodny when 1st was half empty.


You quote me above and ask why I ask about DOH year.
Are you serious?
You don't think a pov might be different with 38 vs 8 years Los ?
Gimme a break!

Can you answer a Question?
Yes or No will do with rhetoric aside.
Do you believe with negotiated C&R 's agreed to that Los should be primary factor ( not only ) in determining SLI ?

Relative seniority.
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