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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Hey Idiot! Did you somehow miss the news that ALL unionized AMR employees are enthusiastically endorsing Parker? 55 thousand votes IN SUPPORT OF GOOD OL' DOUGWEISER. You probably didn't hear the news because Doug totally, and completely IGNORED USCABA and the worthless buffoons that pretend to be of some kind of importance when, literally, nothing could be further from the truth.

Wait for the coordinated dues lockout...things are going to get a little hairy for your soon to be BK union. Call Seham, maybe he'll give you another discount where he ends up stealing from you! :lol: :lol:

Two things.

We don't know for a fact Parker ignored usapa. Remember, Hummel went to PHX on some undercover mission during the same time all the AMR unions were in town. However, I am pretty sure what was related to Hummel was just exactly how easy it would be to completely ignore usapa if the company so desired. The game of letting the east think they have control over anything has come to an end.

Coordinated dues lockout??? Really??? This is going to be fun to watch.
This merger has a long way to go. I wouldn't try to pluck the chicken until it's dead.......it might run away from you.

I raised/butchered/plucked chickens/fowl in Arkansas when I was a kid and agree with you, this has a long way to go...You have to admit though, Parker has basically bypassed the east/usapa in such a way...it's kinda funny.

Like Parker stated in a crew news about usapa not long ago..."usapa/east always tries to over reach with dealings with the company"

Hey Idiot! Did you somehow miss the news that ALL unionized AMR employees are enthusiastically endorsing Parker? 55 thousand votes IN SUPPORT OF GOOD OL' DOUGWEISER. You probably didn't hear the news because Doug totally, and completely IGNORED USCABA and the worthless buffoons that pretend to be of some kind of importance when, literally, nothing could be further from the truth.

Wait for the coordinated dues lockout...things are going to get a little hairy for your soon to be BK union. Call Seham, maybe he'll give you another discount where he ends up stealing from you! :lol: :lol:

I'm not going to waste my time looking up all the usapa supporters on this board stating "forming usapa is the best money I ever spent"...

Wonder how they feel now????... 🙁

I not going to waste my time looking up all the usapa supporters on this board stating "forming usapa is the best money I ever spent"...

Wonder how they feel now????... 🙁


Does an idiot ever realize he is an idiot?
Does an idiot ever realize he is an idiot?

Look at the money bradford/cleary/seham/usapa gang stole/dues/lawsuits from this pilot group with their illegal quest of doh....and they call themselves a UNION!

Absolutely unbelievable. And not one recall effort from the EAST!

WEST Alpa had them every 6-9 months if we didn't like how our elected reps were running OUR UNION!

I raised/butchered/plucked chickens/fowl in Arkansas when I was a kid and agree with you, this has a long way to go...You have to admit though, Parker has basically bypassed the east/usapa in such a way...it's kinda funny.

Like Parker stated in a crew news about usapa not long ago..."usapa/east always tries to over reach with dealings with the company"


OK....disregard then! Apparently your Arkansas upbringing is not important to you.....you sold out somewhere along the road.

Sure is gonna hurt watching Horton give that to AA and not to you. It will never happen. It was merely the first dance of many in the AA saga. Parker shot his early. As usual. Harvey Miller of Weil is on the scene now. Just in time. Just like the Delta Debacle. Keep American my American, not Mesa Grande. This time the board will have to can Parker when he can't achieve his state of excitement. Should have done it after Delta sunk him.

Seen Horton's letter to the American "Team" yet there claxon?

It is obvious you have not, so I will fill you in. He reiterates that they have exclusive rights in the bankruptcy court til september. It goes on to say that 1113 proceedings start today, and that is the path they are taking going forward. I am thinking AMR labor is going to have a whole new posture in that discussion.

Why would the board can Parker if he is unable to produce a merger? or the bigger question would be, who could they bring in who could play usapa the way Parker has done?
or the bigger question would be, who could they bring in who could play usapa the way Parker has done?
Most any gypsy hanging around the Munich hotel would not only play usapa better than Parker, but subsequently have a motivated pilot group at their disposal, but, then, I would not expect you to know that, trapped in PHX like you are. How is that koolaide doing you, aside from the rotted teeth?
Couldn't be more painful than working for Mesa Grande all those years. This is going to be fun watching the western children watch their AA plan fall to the wayside at the hands of Horton. He will easily outmaneuver Parker.

I really enjoyed working for America West. The first day I showed up I was impressed with how friendly and professional everyone was. There has always been a strong camaraderie amongst all America West employees. I think many of us have been thankful to have been able to continue to work together after the merger with US Air. So in a way I guess I should be thankful that our merger has never completed. While I think that merging with American would be the smartest thing for our airline to do, I also have some remorse. This merger will happen faster and be completed quickly. I think the America West family will start to drift throughout the new system and become diluted. Our way of thinking and working together will get lost in a much larger system. One of the America West employees greatest fears when we merged with US Air was that we would lose our culture. Hopefully a part of us survives. We are an airline where we don't expect to sit in first class, and our fellow employees don't expect us to sit in coach. It may not make sense to those outside of our airline, but I promise you it was a good thing. I'm not trying to say it was perfect, but it was the best place I ever worked.


Thx for reply.
Ya see, that's where we differ.

Those merits are of by nature subjective attached to an infinite number of variables.

LOS is NOT subjective!

Leaving it up to anyone to play God and determine justice is foolhardy IMO .

Rest of your reply backed your stance but I obviously disagree on the merit premise.
Btw.....repeating the theft mantra is insulting and I personally have shown in writing my union beliefs. I will not engage over and over in the C&R past history.

The next merger will be using A/M. Do you think it is going to be LOS?

Is someone going to "play God" and determine what the I tigrated list will be?

Could LOS be a factor? Maybe. will it be the only factor no way. Wil you be upset with the outcome. Definitely. Because it is not going to be order by LOS.
I really enjoyed working for America West. The first day I showed up I was impressed with how friendly and professional everyone was. There has always been a strong camaraderie amongst all America West employees. I think many of us have been thankful to have been able to continue to work together after the merger with US Air. So in a way I guess I should be thankful that our merger has never completed. While I think that merging with American would be the smartest thing for our airline to do, I also have some remorse. This merger will happen faster and be completed quickly. I think the America West family will start to drift throughout the new system and become diluted. Our way of thinking and working together will get lost in a much larger system. One of the America West employees greatest fears when we merged with US Air was that we would lose our culture. Hopefully a part of us survives. We are an airline where we don't expect to sit in first class, and our fellow employees don't expect us to sit in coach. It may not make sense to those outside of our airline, but I promise you it was a good thing. I'm not trying to say it was perfect, but it was the best place I ever worked.

I have no doubt there are many friendly peeps working at A&W, Even, to this day. Especially for the first "big" company you worked at.

I have seen friendly people and cherish them. However, the west culture is expensive and contra-productive to smooth operations. It is why A&W needs cheap labor to operate. Due to Parker's pedophiliac (sp?) and completely egomaniac direction, stepping over dollars to pick up pennies seems a vital part of the PHX operation.

I have seen west employees try to blame their screw-ups on others to the point that the mission was endangered. When I try to re-orient them to the mission at hand, they continually return to the finger pointing game. It seems a feature of west employees. Where does this come from? Parker? Franke? It is non-productive behavior and needs to be squashed at every opportunity.

Almost every departure from the PHX enclave results in a late departure. What the heck is wrong there? From mechanics who have no idea what they are doing to agents who have some sort of psychotic view of closing the door ten minutes prior, even if it delays the flight.

Many of Parker's directives are grossly flawed. The only way "they" will change them is if many departures are late, otherwise I know of agents who have been fired and station managers who have been reduced to tears for something they have no control over. A really psycho operation. Even Vietnam had a purpose, something Parker, et.al. would never have an inkling about.

I'd be happy to buy the gun for Parker to send the warped fool to southern Sudan, where he might actually do some good for this world instead of just for himself.
I do recall a certain group of pilots who stopped paying ALPA when decided to form a new and more perfect "union" a few years back. Maybe some people here think that APA may be an improvement over what they have now. I'll bet some people are trading in the Yugo for something that actually moves forward.
.....disregard, Budweiser induced reading comprehension problem.
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