US Pilots Labor Discussion

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All you clowns should read this letter so you can see how a real leader acts. You Clowns just aren't smart enough or have enough class to finish what you started, read this letter and compare it with the mass hysteria coming out of clown college headquarters, nature is unforgiving and dishonest dumb clowns never win.

What is your obsession with the word "clown"
....are you even 25 yet.....probably not
even shaving yet I'll bet ....let me guess ...ya got 2000 hours and
was supposed to be a Captain in 5 years.......RIGHT!!
Now stuck in the right seat for at least 10-15......
sucks to be you!!,,,,,,clown!!

What is your obsession with the word "clown"
....are you even 25 yet.....probably not
even shaving yet I'll bet ....let me guess ...ya got 2000 hours and
was supposed to be a Captain in 5 years.......RIGHT!!
Now stuck in the right seat for at least 10-15......
sucks to be you!!,,,,,,clown!!

LOL, nothing original to say? stealing my seniority and now stealing my line.
Video found:
This video obtained by Leonidas from a confidential company source details usapa's leader true intentions.
Really? Leonidas is broke? Identity theft cases coming? But according to Cleary himself yesterday, not a single attorney general nor the FBI nor the TSA has expressed any interest in USAPA's allegations. But you say there's a case . . .

Just goes to prove that the Founding Fathers accomplished their goal of making the courts available to anyone, even the village idiots.

I noticed Cleary making crew room visits in CLT and PHL what about PHX? I know there are over 1600 pilots interested in talking with him about taking hostages and the ID diversion.

I don't think he has the courage to explain his actions to the MIGS out West.
I noticed Cleary making crew room visits in CLT and PHL what about PHX? I know there are over 1600 pilots interested in talking with him about taking hostages and the ID diversion.

I don't think he has the courage to explain his actions to the MIGS out West.

Not true. He has tried several times to travel out to PHX, but the crews keep denying him the jump seat.
Please add identity thief and former airline pilot.

You have 75 furloughs currently on the west and 100 that are back from furlough after two years. There are countless other west pilots turned down from opportunities that you promised damage money. These were the gladiators you sent to the lions for your useless agenda. Now you play the victim and martyr.

You were paid all along, asking those that had nothing to sacrifice more.
Boy, you SCABS really really REALLY hate the truth...
Boy, you SCABS really really REALLY hate the truth...
Anonymous user Nosum was one of the furloughed after being hired during Wolf's "more airplanes than God can count" tenure. Probably expected to upgrade in a few years but got furloughed instead. Maybe that's what turned him into such a bitter person.

Once again, you miss the mark by a mile. As I said, I didn't agree with USAPA's method of Nic abatement. I didn't think you could get around binding arbitration and the best we could do would be to vote no on a contract until the west decided it was in there best interest some kind of relief.

You say that USAPA is just trying to delay the Nic. Let me assure you, that is not what they are trying to do. They are trying to bury it so it will never see the light of day. When I say "appeal", I don't mean in the classic term, but as there is more than one way to skin a cat. Will they succeed? I've always had my doubts, but I'm not a lawyer, and there seem to even be a number of them that disagree, so we will have to wait for a judge/jury to tell us for sure.

You ask why all the wasted time and wasted money. It's for the same reason YOU are wasting time and money. Your side could stop fighting, tell the company you will accept a DOH list and let's get a contract. But you won't, right? You feel that it is worth the cost and it looks like, for now, the majority of east feel the same. There are things out there that could change that view, but I don't think there anything the west can do to speed it along. I think the west can slow it down. That's where making enemies comes in. I know the east has made enemies. You don't seem to agree with any other east idea, why would you adopt that one?

As far as the TA goes, it pretty much does allow for us to avoid/delay the award, that's what a yes or no vote will do, but we have to get there first. I haven't seen any great offer thrown out by the company and I'm not going to push USAPA to lower the bar and vote on some POS just to see how the vote will go. Would you support going to the company an telling them "Give us your best offer and we will put it out for a vote"? There is NOTHING to vote on right now and I think the company is playing this in order to keep their cost advantage. Talk to Doug and the boys about that.

As far as the ability to delay goes, lynrdskynrd gets it.

You spend a lot of time Rationalizing USAPA's inability to honor the Binding Arbitration that the East entered freely.

Perhaps it's because you yourself will do anything to avoid the truth of the matter. Whatever it takes to make you feel better right? USAPA is just soothing you to sleep and stroking your emotions to rationalize the corruption. The deperation from the East is very telling of your intentions. Dishonor among your ranks can be Rationalized so long as it benefits your needs at any cost.

You're setting yourself up for disappointment, again.

USAPA = Losing
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