Oh, I will NEVER forget that little ole jury verdict! The one that cost 2 million and got erased! Why, would Leonidas even bring that debacle up? How you get the tribe to ante up again after that classic misfire is a mystery, but pony they do. "KEEP THE DONATIONS COMING!!!!"
Erased? Swan, you really ought to consider the 9ths ruling a precedent, I know any future court will.
Lets see how Judge Silver views the 9ths ruling, what was it she said (I don't have the transcript to quote-so I paraphrase) "It is obvious the 9th embraced the concept that harm is being done to the West"
Addington v. USAPA, just like the Nicolaua seniority arbitration, is not going away. It is very much alive as the trial ruled upon by the 9th. Get a TA passed with DOH, suffer "PAIN of unquestionably ripe DFR". So says the 9th, and far from being "erased", you can quote them on that in any future trial.