US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Parker officially accepted the list. A contract is needed for implementation.

Parker may "officially" accept the next list too in negotiations, I believe he even said that in one of the Crew News Videos. Just like he may "accept" your new pay rate, whether is is more or less than it is now. Just like he may "accept" your new per diem rate. Just like he may "accept" any and all changes that come about in a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Just like you state above, "A contract is needed for implementation", of EVERY item that may or may not change in a JCBA, from page 1 to the last page..........

Yes I have been a captain for decades. I also spent almost 5 years as the last pilot on the list. I had 2 furloughs and got my 3rd furlough notice when the controllers struck in 1981 (that one never actually came true).

I don't really see supporting my fellow pilots as a sacrifice and as far as resting easier in my retirement years I expect to work somewhere either for money or as a vounteer. For some retirement is a blessing and for others it is a curse.



By sacrifice I meant the $40k a year you are leaving on the table, probably totaling close to a quarter million by now. But to you that is probably chump change. I'm glad you have your convictions too, because out west we are pretty happy right now. Any contract improvements from a joint CBA go east so we might as well keep it all separate until after the cuts hit in the next year or so. Since you all have extra pilots and planes and the west are already at fleet minimums there is ZERO incentive for anyone out in Phoenix to want to change anything. In fact a joint anything opens us up to a lot of liability and right now with the changing economic environment and uncertainties in global politics it is probably better to keep things where they are. PHX sure is nicer than PHL, or having to commute to PHL on a bankrupt contract. Status quo for the next five or so years works fine by many of us on this end.
Oh, and please vote no with us on any recall of Cleary. Thanks Bob! Have a nice weekend!!
By sacrifice I meant the $40k a year you are leaving on the table, probably totaling close to a quarter million by now. But to you that is probably chump change. I'm glad you have your convictions too, because out west we are pretty happy right now. Any contract improvements from a joint CBA go east so we might as well keep it all separate until after the cuts hit in the next year or so. Since you all have extra pilots and planes and the west are already at fleet minimums there is ZERO incentive for anyone out in Phoenix to want to change anything. In fact a joint anything opens us up to a lot of liability and right now with the changing economic environment and uncertainties in global politics it is probably better to keep things where they are. PHX sure is nicer than PHL, or having to commute to PHL on a bankrupt contract. Status quo for the next five or so years works fine by many of us on this end.
Oh, and please vote no with us on any recall of Cleary. Thanks Bob! Have a nice weekend!!
Maybe he isn't going to leave 40k a yr on the table like you think. Let's wait until the LOA 93 pay issue is decided. He will be clocking 210/hr if that happens. He is a smart, and patient man.
Maybe he isn't going to leave 40k a yr on the table like you think. Let's wait until the LOA 93 pay issue is decided. He will be clocking 210/hr if that happens. He is a smart, and patient man.

ROTFLMAO!! You believe you actually have a chance on LOA93???? :lol:
LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 direct their officers to support the recall of the MEC chairman at the earliest possible time

Motion of no confidence in MEC chairman is before the council again.
Passed 19–7""
BTW Nos, spoken like a true USAPA shill. :lol: Pointing out one or two details while ignoring and avoiding the whole story that contradicts your point of view.

I'll see your 19-7 vote and raise you one UNANIMOUS vote. Want to keep playing? You'll just look even more foolish in the end. Your choice.
Maybe he isn't going to leave 40k a yr on the table like you think. Let's wait until the LOA 93 pay issue is decided. He will be clocking 210/hr if that happens. He is a smart, and patient man.
No arbitrations take this long as even your fellow USAPA shill GorgeousGeorge inadvertently pointed out the other day with the LTD issue. Cleary already has the draft opinion. His hysterics tell us all we need to know without going into the unambiguous confidence coming from management or the merits (gotta love having the PIT F/O rep claiming there were snapbacks when his update in 04 clearly has him saying tere were no snapbacks!). Enjoy LOA93
No arbitrations take this long as even your fellow USAPA shill GorgeousGeorge inadvertently pointed out the other day with the LTD issue. Cleary already has the draft opinion. His hysterics tell us all we need to know without going into the unambiguous confidence coming from management or the merits (gotta love having the PIT F/O rep claiming there were snapbacks when his update in 04 clearly has him saying tere were no snapbacks!). Enjoy LOA93

Would your company have a copy? Why wouldn't they reassure their stockholders, debt holders and let them know that they had secured a win in a dispute that could have had a cost impact of hundreds of millions? Or even employees via normal correspondence? Given recent events, getting your fingers on it shouldn't be to hard, right?

All well thought out arguments about the brochure. I think there were some well thought out counter-arguments explaining the West point-of-view.

Thanks for your input.

I have to tell you.....after reading the AOL mailing, the West bring up some very good points. In fact, I have to agree with a lot of what they have to say. Interesting enough, no one on this board has rebuted anything in the mailer. Hmmm!!! wonder why?
Would your company have a copy? Why wouldn't they reassure their stockholders, debt holders and let them know that they had secured a win in a dispute that could have had a cost impact of hundreds of millions? Or even employees via normal correspondence? Given recent events, getting your fingers on it shouldn't be to hard, right?
The number of bankers who have a need to know sensitive company data is probably very very small, as in less than a dozen. And logic would suggest that those few know what they need to know over the past few months to approve Parker's financial transactions and cash balance requirements that have occurred. Parker has no duty to tell the employees squat--that's the union's job. So that begs the question: what is Cleary hiding?
The number of bankers who have a need to know sensitive company data is probably very very small, as in less than a dozen. And logic would suggest that those few know what they need to know over the past few months to approve Parker's financial transactions and cash balance requirements that have occurred. Parker has no duty to tell the employees squat--that's the union's job. So that begs the question: what is Cleary hiding?

Hey AOL is the king of obtaining sensitive data. :rolleyes: So share holders have no rights? I think they would beg to differ.
So share holders have no rights? I think they would beg to differ.

Look at it this way - if the company won, nothing changes so there's nothing new to tell the shareholders. You don't see announcements to shareholders that say everything is the same as yesterday, last week, last month, whatever. Announcements are made for big changes and even those are subject to not being released until all the ducks are lined up in a row.

I have to tell you.....after reading the AOL mailing, the West bring up some very good points. In fact, I have to agree with a lot of what they have to say. Interesting enough, no one on this board has rebuted anything in the mailer. Hmmm!!! wonder why?

Actually I did in a post. You must have missed it. Here's an excerpt of what I was talking about:

If the East contingent to the Joint Negotiating
Committee (JNC) had not walked out, “close out” negotiations would likely have
a compromise around $162, which approximates the New Delta Air Lines
rate. East pilots have given up at least a 30% pay increase for nearly three years.

They correctly state 'likely" then incorrectly state "have given". That is an assumption that a joint contract was possible. I countered that per the TA we have to have a joint contract prior to the implementation of a joint seniority list and the Nic combined with the Kirby proposal made that a tough row to hoe. Our F/As do not have a seniority fight and they still don't have a joint contract. If a joint contract was not possible, we haven't given up anything. I also stated that $162 was not what was, or is, on the table according to Kirby.

Most of the document contains facts, but I have issue with how some are used. For example, they quote Cleary from an Airwaves article about the handling of furloughed pilots, but don't include the whole article. They state that in Allegheny-Mohawk the furloughed pilots all went below active pilots, but didn't add that with Republic-Hughes Airwest there were furloughed Hughes pilots inserted above active Republic. Also, the graph of pilots position on the Nic was a snapshot and ignores the effects going forward.

The rest of it has been beaten to death. I don't really want to go around and around about it.

Maybe the mailing achieved what AOL was looking for, to get enough east pilots to get angry and join them. Can I take from your post you agree?

I have yet to talk to another east pilot that admits to reading it.
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