US Pilots Labor Discussion

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It would be. To bad we have irrefutable proof that usapa was created to get around an arbitration, no one questions that fact,....

It was a secret ballot. You don't have proof of #### except that a majority of all USAirways pilots voted for USAPA. Nobody attached a memo to their ballot explaining why, and even if the majority did provide a memo explaining their motive for their vote, so what, the vote was legal and all the options on the ballot were legal. It was a free election (Prater's consternation notwithstanding :lol: ).
Same here! They keep calling to tell me they need my "help". I'm happy to help them out, I call back after the trip is covered (usually by some "Koolaid drinking" greedy blockholder) and suggest to them that they recall some more furloughees! ;)


At least the trips are being covered so there really is no problem. Glad you guys are all on the same page. UCRAPA/UNITY?

All well thought out arguments about the brochure. I think there were some well thought out counter-arguments explaining the West point-of-view.

Thanks for your input.
Membership Ratification.

It's been 4 years, if you still can't grasp the Nic is a nonstarter ....... WE

LOA 93 forever blah blah blah

Oh, I get it all right. Like I said, even eastholes aren't stupid enough to maintain substandard pay forever. What's your argument going to be when the courts tell you there is no other choice because, legally, there isn't?
Brochure 3 con't....

Uhh.... has Leospanker let you in on a little secret? They are spending all this effort and money on your behalf to do what?? To win the East vote, one pilot vote at a time. Think about it. No, think about it. Leospanker is a believer... "binding ratification." Cheers, off to enjoy the sunny day. Catch some rays, bro.
Not money "lost", just the "cost" of doing business. Bottom line, the potential gain far exceeds the legal "cost" of the grievance.


No. More like just the cost of attempting to subvert the legal system and agreements made. Criminals and losers do it all the time and call it business.
Uhh.... has Leospanker let you in on a little secret? They are spending all this effort and money on your behalf to do what?? To win the East vote, one pilot vote at a time. Think about it. No, think about it. Leospanker is a believer... "binding ratification." Cheers, off to enjoy the sunny day. Catch some rays, bro.

Enjoy your day. Cool and rainy here in the Valley of the Sun.. ;)
ual alpa pilots resolution;

LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 direct their officers to support the recall of the MEC chairman at the earliest possible time

Motion of no confidence in MEC chairman is before the council again.
Passed 19–7""

Only 19 - 7? Why not unanimous? You do realize that we have many more councils, right? Here's one for you... right back at ya :lol: :


WHEREAS since Master Chairman Morse has taken office, it has been one the busiest tenures for UAL MEC officers, and

WHEREAS United is nearing a full year since the merger of UAL and CAL, and

WHEREAS during her tenure, Captain Morse has reestablished constructive communications with UAL senior management and the UAL Board of Directors, thus gaining much more information from the UAL BOD for use by the MEC than has been previously possible, and

WHEREAS during her tenure, and through her positive UAL BOD relationship, Captain Morse successfully advocated against the Company’s plan for additional pilot furloughs, and

WHEREAS Captain Morse, through her public communications, leadership, and lobbying on the UAL BOD, helped avoid another ill-conceived US Airways merger, and was instrumental in reigniting the merger with Continental Airlines when it was obvious that senior management was indeed going to merge the airline, and

WHEREAS Captain Morse, through her public communications, dealings with the financial community, and testimony to Congress, has repeatedly made it clear that our support of the Continental merger is contingent upon an industry-leading JCBA with strong job and scope protections, and

WHEREAS Captain Morse was instrumental in securing a letter of agreement with the Company for payment of the UAL/CAL MECs’ merger expenses, and

WHEREAS Captain Morse has brought the MEC’s expenses back to a responsible level while reestablishing the Contract Hotline and staffing it by hiring furloughed pilots, and

WHEREAS during her tenure, Captain Morse has had to work carefully under a federal court injunction; oversee numerous MEC meetings; coordinate all merger-related activities and communications with the Continental MEC and its officers, which at times has been a difficult relationship; conducted numerous personal visits to council meetings, domiciles, and cockpits; host webcasts and other forms of frequent, germane, and truthful correspondence; and

WHEREAS United pilot unity and support of such leadership will never be more important for the interests of United pilots than from now through the ratification of a JCBA, and the merging of a new MEC with the CAL MEC, and

WHEREAS Captain Morse, as an ad hoc member of the Negotiating Committee, has been kept up-to-date on the status of negotiations and has provided suggestions to the committee on the forward-looking plan. With her vast experience in negotiations, the master chairman is doing a superb job of keeping together a committee with two new chairmen and making sure they represent the United pilots in the industry-leading negotiations, and

WHEREAS under Captain Morse’s tenure, the Transition and Process Agreement was negotiated by the JNC and brought before the MEC, where it was approved unanimously by a vote of 15–0, and

WHEREAS it has been said that certain groups of UAL pilots are unhappy with the lack and depth of communications from the master chairman, when in fact the Transition and Process Agreement states that a certain professional tone must be carried,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 52 give our master chairman, Captain Wendy Morse, a vote of confidence showing our complete support, and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 52 direct their LEC officers to cast a vote of support for Chairman Morse, and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 52 direct their LEC officers to vote to oppose any recall or attempt by others or to show lack of support for Chairman Morse in any way.



Notice it passed unanimously. This recall does not have the legs it needs. The votes are not there. This was started by the same Washington pilots who tried and failed to start UPA many years ago.

Now Cleary on the other hand, he's in trouble! How's THAT recall going, oh master of irrelevant information?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

that's a lie, you guys get on here each and every day and tell us what we are missing out with your Nirvana..
and final and binding has nothing to do with us now. In fact Parker and Kirby have also said there is no agreement without a joint contract.. Remember that part?
there will be no joint contract with the NIC and even if we are forced to use the NIC there will be no peace here. In fact there won't be harmony for let's see. 15 years.

So good luck I think you need it.
your unreasonableness is what is costing this pilot group.

I could tell you that water is wet and fire is hot and you still wouldn't believe me so, what's the point? You are right about one thing. When you are finally forced to use the Nic there will be no peace but you will just have to deal with it. I have no problem with that because I will continue to fly a good, safe airplane despite the immature attitudes of those I am forced to work with.

I will be the first to retire under age 65 and I accept that I will continue to work under loa 93 until the end. At this point I see no reason to throw those junior to me under the bus .....again.



So altruistic. Good for you!
Enjoy your day. Cool and rainy here in the Valley of the Sun.. ;)

Cool and rainy.. ha, ha. My home town newspaper company here in Florida gives away the newspaper for free if it ever is raining and overcast or when the temp goes above 95 degrees.

I'm willing to take a chance on either. If I hit the PB while in DUB there will be one hell of a party and US will be looking for a capt. to fly the ac out of DUB the next day because I'll be on the Irish open pub tour!



Hey, Captain altruistic. Don't you care about the 200 people paying for a ticket to the USA? Is it just angry FO's that you care about? I don't think that behavior is very professional of you. Can't you wait to go on your bender until you have fulfilled your professional obligations?

What am I saying? I'm addressing an easthole. It's like asking a skunk to smell good.
It was a secret ballot. You don't have proof of #### except that a majority of all USAirways pilots voted for USAPA. Nobody attached a memo to their ballot explaining why, and even if the majority did provide a memo explaining their motive for their vote, so what, the vote was legal and all the options on the ballot were legal. It was a free election (Prater's consternation notwithstanding :lol: ).
You must be the king of clowns, your big red nose is so tight that you suffer from hypoxia. Normally clowns are pretty dumb but you take the cake. Let's see, dozens of emails and videos in our possession all written or starring the biggest clowns and embarrassments this profession has ever seen and all about the same thing. How will the clowns get around the nic.? Oh yes we will get the dimmest clowns we have and form our own clown union and then we will staple the west while wearing seniority matters lanyards. So yes Clown we have all the proof we need.
My point is that the Air Wisconsin situation was quite different than the US AWA case. I don't know how it will play out but I do think had the East and West agreed to a joint contract an East driven DFR to address the Nic would go no where. I guess your talking about the transition agreement.

Thanks for stating the obvious. Did you honestly believe that we don't understand this and that you need to explain?
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