US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Damages are accruing.

I don't see how. The courts have said that there is not a ripe case. As of today we are operating under the TA that was agreed upon by both sides. There is no damage until a joint contract without the Nic is ratified, and then only if the courts still agree with Wake. The day a joint contract is ratified would be the day I would start the damages clock if I were a westie.
That is too funny! Didn't someone just yesterday ask about another recall attempt?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

ual alpa pilots resolution;

""WHEREAS the MEC chairman and her administration have not demonstrated the leadership ability and unity that is required for an effective chairman at this time, and

WHEREAS we continue to be saddled with the ―wait and see responses from her with respect to our contract. While we ―wait and see- United management is saving millions of dollars on the backs of this labor group once again. The MEC chairman and her administration do not represent the interests of the rank and file pilots.

LET IT BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 have no confidence in the MEC chairman to recognize the fact that we do indeed have the leverage that is required to amend our contract now, and

LET IT BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 have no confidence in her ability to lead the United pilots in the successful negotiations of a contract that is not only ―not concessionary.but also one that is industry-leading in all aspects. One that puts the respect back in the major airline pilot’s career, and

LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 direct their officers to support the recall of the MEC chairman at the earliest possible time

Motion of no confidence in MEC chairman is before the council again.
Passed 19–7""
united airlines alpa pilots cleaning house, sayonara jetz. Maybe the ual pilots will be allowed to join USAPA, if you ditch the scabs on your list. On the Usiarways pilots list we call them agency fee dues payers. The perk is, because the former america west pilots stole personal pilot data info from the company, you will get free lock life service.

ual pilots alpa resolution;

""WHEREAS this clearly shows a lack of unity (of united pilots) to the Company and will further hamper negotiations,

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the pilots of Council 11 cast a vote of no confidence in our LEC chairman, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the pilots of (alpa united airlines) Council 11 direct their leadership to initiate and circulate a ballot among its active members for a referendum of the Council 11 chairman, also referred to as a “recall of local council representatives or officers,”"
Problem for you is there are a few hundred million eligible jurors in this country, and not one of them is going to agree with the little lawyer's ideas on how to use the facade of unionism to renege on an arbitration.

You might not be so confidant if the court proceedings were held somewhere other than your back yard. Do you always exaggerate on this scale?

Driver B)
Yet more bs, anonymous user Nosum? How very much like you. Can't even show your face when you post.

Still waiting on that proof Whac-A-Mole.


I will be the first to retire under age 65 and I accept that I will continue to work under loa 93 until the end. At this point I see no reason to throw those junior to me under the bus .....again.




Others have already commented on how keeping status quo harms not only those junior to you, which is most everybody I presume, but also those in your seniority range. I have already had that discussion with NYCbusdriver quite some time back.

So instead of more back and forth, for irrelevant fun, I am just going to throw this out there and say this is what 30 years of working with the same guys should look like.

"you can be the Captain, and I will draw the chart"

the men who hold high places must be the ones who start

I can't believe I had hair like that in the day!!
No Proof huh? You've become the outcast of this board, no one pays any attention to your posts and that's all you've got to say for yourself?

Proof, pariah.

More from brochure 3:

Can a Union Lead by a Larger Group Succeed in Taking
Away Arbitration Rights from the Smaller Group?

In 1990, Judge Richard Posner of the 7th Circuit opined in a similar DFR case, Air
Wisconsin vs. Sanderson:
“...if the plaintiffs … succeed in ousting ALPA in favor of a union not
to gang up against a minority... [in that fashion could] a violation of the
duty of fair representation by the union that the majority used as its tool.”
[Air Wisconsin vs. Sanderson, No. 89-3350]
In this quote from 2000, Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey clearly show that they
had prior knowledge that no Arbitrated award had ever been overturned:
“No ALPA seniority integration arbitration result has ever been set aside…

[June/July 2000 US Airwaves, Cleary - Mowrey]
Mike Cleary, Randy Mowrey, and Lee Seham, still know that none have been.

The Ninth Circuit- The Supreme Court –
What Now?

It must be understood that the Supreme Court did not rule
on the merits of the Addington case whatsoever. The
Law Journal of the US Supreme Court states it best:
“The effect of denial of certiorari by the U.S.
Supreme Court is often debated. The decision of
the Court of Appeals is unaffected.

By denying certiorari, the Supreme Court neither ruled on
ripeness nor the MERITS of Addington.
The Air Wisconsin case as you state is missing a vital component regarding the following statement," no Alpa seniority arbitration has ever been set aside". More accurately, no ALPA seniority arbitration has ever been set aside when both pilot groups have agreed to a joint contract under said CBA. This is why I believe ALPA encouraged the MEC at DL and NWA to reach a joint contract prior to their seniority arbitration. A good contract tactic no doubt but it served dual purposes. Air Wisconsin and MVA could not reach a seniority agreement so it was Arbitrated using ALPA merger policy. The result was found to be objectionable to the pilots of Air Wisconsin. They attempted to Decertify ALPA but did not have the votes. Subsequently they negotiated and ratified a joint contract under ALPA. Hypothetically, had the EAST and WEST reached an ALPA contract agreement including the Nic an EAST driven DFR would have been futile.
Hypothetically, had the EAST and WEST reached an ALPA contract agreement including the Nic an EAST driven DFR would have been futile.

You're implying that their efforts to permanently destroy the nic hasn't been futile. What evidence do you have of that?
The Air Wisconsin case as you state is missing a vital component regarding the following statement," no Alpa seniority arbitration has ever been set aside". More accurately, no ALPA seniority arbitration has ever been set aside when both pilot groups have agreed to a joint contract under said CBA.

What it boils down to for me is that I don't think the courts in this country will effectively eliminate binding arbitration as a means of settling disputes - it's just too ingrained and the courts have absolutely no way of hearing every disagreement if binding arbitration is made ineffective.

I do like the various rationales brought forward though. The latest about USAPA inheriting a list that was unimplemented so must keep it unimplemented was good. I guess since USAPA inherited an incomplete joint contract they are bound to maintain an incomplete joint contract too. Something they're doing a swell job of.

You're implying that their efforts to permanently destroy the nic hasn't been futile. What evidence do you have of that?
I am not talking about the destruction of anything. My opinion only... using Air Wisconsin as a template... the east under ALPA would have almost no chance to adjust an arbitrated award after having ratified it in a joint contract. Not quite sure what your getting at.
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