US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Your seniority list has swelled by 500 or so numbers since that snapshot back in 2005- thanks for reaffirming this. For some reason a few on here think Monda moving up with over 600 people behind him came from attrition, even though hardly anyone has retired in the past three and a half years.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you are going down this road again. I showed you, repeatedly, that you were wrong about this.

Here's a clue. It's 2011. The merger was announced on May 19, 2005. That is coming up on 6 years, not 3. I can assure you that even though few have retired in the last few years, several hundred are gone because of retirement, death, resignation, med., etc. since 2005.

Back to vacation.
Hold the boat.
That's what I meant, this year and next, if I didn't say that. As I recall the numbers there are no 65 retirements this year (obviously - no one reaches 65) and 12 in the last few weeks of next year. I forget the number, but nearly half the 12 in late 2012 are already out on medical, at least as of the "official" seniority list that was dated last month.

Actually there will some more attrition from people going out on medical, partially offset by some coming back from medical, but that number can't be forecast (at least by me).


Reads like he listened to Cleary and lifted a quote from Johnson's letter to claim it was "fair and balanced". Except for a couple of sentences and the background of the seniority battle, it was all about the East view. No facts, just Cleary's accusations. Not really surprising given his long history of covering the "old" US.

Lakefield, Bruce
Mr. Bruce R. Lakefield is President, Vice Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, of US Airways Group, Inc.

He trumps S.K.

Except for one thing, probably more important than anything else - as PI said Lakefield didn't want to run an airline. The only reason he took the job was because his friend, Bronner, asked him to when Siegel was let go. Which probably means that there weren't any qualified people beating the door down for the job. I guess the irony is that in the end Lakefield couldn't do what Bronner wanted - look out for Bronner's investment since Bronner lost it all when the stock became worthless.

Lakefield, Bruce
Mr. Bruce R. Lakefield is President, Vice Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, of US Airways Group, Inc.

He trumps S.K.
Typical east post. Leave out some of the more important facts. Like what is history and what is current reality.

Lakefield, Bruce
Brief Biography

Mr. Bruce R. Lakefield is President, Vice Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, of US Airways Group, Inc. He served as President and Chief Executive Officer of US Airways Group and US Airways from April 2004 until completion of the merger and has served as a director of US Airways Group and US Airways since 2003. Since the merger, Mr. Lakefield has served as Vice Chairman of the Board of US Airways Group and US Airways and from the merger until September 2007 served as Vice Chairman of the Board for America West Holdings and AWA. Mr. Lakefield served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lehman Brothers International from 1995 until 1999. He has served as a Senior Advisor to the Investment Policy Committee of HGK Asset Management from 2000 until April 2004. Mr. Lakefield served as a member of the board of directors of Magic Media, Inc. until February 2008 and currently serves as a member of the board of directors of Garner International, PLC.
Typical east post. Leave out some of the more important facts. Like what is history and what is current reality.

Lakefield, Bruce
Brief Biography

Mr. Bruce R. Lakefield is President, Vice Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, of US Airways Group, Inc. He served as President and Chief Executive Officer of US Airways Group and US Airways from April 2004 until completion of the merger and has served as a director of US Airways Group and US Airways since 2003. Since the merger, Mr. Lakefield has served as Vice Chairman of the Board of US Airways Group and US Airways and from the merger until September 2007 served as Vice Chairman of the Board for America West Holdings and AWA. Mr. Lakefield served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lehman Brothers International from 1995 until 1999. He has served as a Senior Advisor to the Investment Policy Committee of HGK Asset Management from 2000 until April 2004. Mr. Lakefield served as a member of the board of directors of Magic Media, Inc. until February 2008 and currently serves as a member of the board of directors of Garner International, PLC.
Number 2 man on the Board of Directors, behind Parker. Definitely still involved.
Definitely still involved.

I suspect that if it involved more that a few trips to PHX a year in FC for a pretty nice chunk of change plus stock Lakefield wouldn't still be involved. It's probably more of a retirement hobby than anything else.

If it involved being in PHX 4-5 days a week he'd probably have left shortly after the merger. The man's not a youngster and supposedly got a very nice retirement package from Lehman.

US Airways Pilots Express Outrage over Data Theft Facilitated by US Airways Management

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- April 6, 2011 -- The pilots of US Airways, represented by the US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA), today expressed their outrage at the airline's acknowledgement that its management personnel aided in unauthorized distribution of the highly confidential personal data of thousands of pilots. USAPA is currently cooperating with a criminal investigation into this matter.

US Airways recently admitted that a management pilot accessed and transferred a confidential database containing the personal information of thousands of US Airways pilots, including names, addresses and Social Security numbers. The transferred database may also have included pilot passport information. The data was given to a third party pilot group, which has acted to disrupt the ongoing negotiations between USAPA and US Airways currently under the auspices of the National Mediation Board and undermine USAPA's bargaining objectives.

"US Airways pilots are infuriated at the data breach perpetuated by a management official of the company for which they work," stated Mike Cleary, president of USAPA. "Thousands of us have been exposed to identity theft that could impact us for the rest of our lives. Further, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation has yet to determine the extent of the breach, we are concerned about the security of ALL information provided to US Airways --including our families' personal information. US Airways collects personal information on US Airways employees' family members and information from passengers, such as credit card data."

USAPA has been working with the FBI since November 2010 in an attempt to determine the exact scope of the data breach. In his letter alerting the FBI, the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration to USAPA's concerns, President Cleary said,"We believe the unauthorized access to this confidential information may pose a direct threat to national security, our represented pilots' safety, and their professional standing.

"The exact scope of the breach is unknown, but unauthorized access to airline pilot passport numbers coupled with pilot residential addresses could potentially be used to forge U.S. commercial airline pilot passports, or identities, in order to gain access to international or domestic commercial aircraft or flights -- thereby posing a direct threat to our nation's security."

"In light of this breach, USAPA has concluded that US Airways cannot be trusted with confidential or sensitive information," President Cleary said today. "The union is also extremely disappointed by the Company's lack of aggressive action to address this issue, first denying that a significant breach had even occurred, then equivocating concerning the extent of that breach, all the while taking no remedial action against the Company personnel involved in the breach. Significantly, the Company has also failed to take steps to provide lifelong protection to the pilots directly affected and adequately address the potential national security issues for all of our pilots and passengers."

USAPA is committed to spending the time and resources necessary to protect its members, while it believes that US Airways sits on the sideline. US Airways management has informed USAPA that it is relying on the "assurances" of the very parties responsible for the data breach that the confidential information will not be misused.

"This is, of course, ludicrous," President Cleary responded. "It's analogous to a bank robber promising he will not spend the stolen loot. We are demanding swift and aggressive action as we simultaneously take significant steps to hold both US Airways and the specific responsible parties liable for the damage caused."

Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., the US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA) represents the more than 5,000 mainline pilots who fly for US Airways. USAPA's mission is to ensure safe flights for airline passengers by guaranteeing that their lives are in the hands of only the most qualified, competent and well-equipped pilots. USAPA will fight against any practices that may jeopardize its pilots' training, equipment, workplace environment, compensation or work/life balance, or that compromise its pilots' ability to execute the optimal flight. Visit the USAPA website at


Noise and deflection. I'm seeing a pattern of diversions, police being called, pointing fingers, Cactus 18, Cactus 3, etc.

Disfunctional to the end.
US Airways Pilots Express Outrage over Data Theft Facilitated by US Airways Management

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- April 6, 2011 -- The pilots of US Airways, represented by the US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA), today expressed their outrage at the airline's acknowledgement that its management personnel aided in unauthorized distribution of the highly confidential personal data of thousands of pilots. USAPA is currently cooperating with a criminal investigation into this matter.

The transferred database may also have included pilot passport information. The data was given to a third party pilot group, which has acted to disrupt the ongoing negotiations between USAPA and US Airways currently under the auspices of the National Mediation Board and undermine USAPA's bargaining objectives.

"US Airways pilots are infuriated at the data breach perpetuated by a management official of the company for which they work," stated Mike Cleary, president of USAPA. "Thousands of us have been exposed to identity theft that could impact us for the rest of our lives. Further, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation has yet to determine the extent of the breach, we are concerned about the security of ALL information provided to US Airways --including our families' personal information. US Airways collects personal information on US Airways employees' family members and information from passengers, such as credit card data."

USAPA has been working with the FBI since November 2010 in an attempt to determine the exact scope of the data breach. In his letter alerting the FBI, the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration to USAPA's concerns, President Cleary said,"We believe the unauthorized access to this confidential information may pose a direct threat to national security, our represented pilots' safety, and their professional standing.

"The exact scope of the breach is unknown, ...-- thereby posing a direct threat to our nation's security."

"In light of this breach, USAPA has concluded that US Airways cannot be trusted ... Significantly, the Company has also failed to take steps to provide lifelong protection to the pilots directly affected and adequately address the potential national security issues for all of our pilots and passengers."

"This is, of course, ludicrous," President Cleary responded. "It's analogous to a bank robber promising he will not spend the stolen loot.


Noise and deflection. I'm seeing a pattern of diversions, police being called, pointing fingers, Cactus 18, Cactus 3, etc.

Disfunctional to the end.
Clearly Kleary is off his rocker and off his olanzapine too. If anyone ever needed proof that Cleary is loose cannon and is on a kamikaze mission, here it is posted for the FBI, the FAA, the TSA and everyone else to see. Psychological evaluations are needed post haste for this guy. The evaluation should include showing him the Nicolau award, pictures of Sky Harbor Airport, a picture of judge Wake, the cactus pilot badge backers, and the website. They might also ask him to repeat the “cactus” call sign ten times in a row. After all that, my guess is that he will be summarily relieved of his duty based a persistent mental condition that renders him unfit to fly.
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