US Pilots Labor Discussion

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And the IAM lost the COC arbitration, so there was not one single owner , that is why it was a merger.
Maybe, but the future of this airline is east of the Mississippi basically. The merger was huge for Dougie because he was running out of options also. Dougie has to be interested!!!!!!!!
It's be great if we all could make decisions based on a 100% accurate of what the future holds for each option available. Unfortunately, none of us can. At the time, the merger was US' only hope while HP faced a possible liquidy crunch. HP could have filed for bankruptcy if necessary and US was looking at liquidation. Those were the circumstances that existed when the merger was agreed to and announced.

As I've said before, I wonder if Parker had that "deer caught in the headlights" look when he discovered that the combined company wasn't going to be the low cost carrier that they picked the stock symbol to represent. I wonder, even now with the seniority/contract/labor issues, if he doesn't think "Why did I get involved in this mess" at least occasionally.

I've wondered why there was an uptick in anonymous posters lately. I guess e doesn't want anyone to know he's here since he's cowering under the bed.

Hey e, do you have a smartphone? If yes you got any aps running on it? Here's something else you might tremble over...

Article about smartphone apps reporting user data secretly

I saw another piece about smartphones with embedded GPS encoding locations into the picture files too. I'll try to find it again.

The world is a dangerous place for worriers...

20/20 or 60 Minutes had a piece on it and explained how to disable the encoding locations. I think it was 4 or 5 months ago.
And the IAM lost the COC arbitration, so there was not one single owner , that is why it was a merger.
Name one publicly traded company that has only one owner...

If the technical distinction between a merger and an acquisition is that an acquisition has one owner and an merger has many , no publicly traded companies would ever be bought out since by definition they have multiple owners.

20/20 or 60 Minutes had a piece on it and explained how to disable the encoding locations. I think it was 4 or 5 months ago.

I guess the article I saw last week was old news then. It happens. Wonder how many smart phone users missed that TV piece...

Just got in from a trip and had the training folks on the jumpseat, the word is we the "east" have stopped hiring pilots, I think this is in anticipation of the upcoming un-merger, should be interesting.
Just got in from a trip and had the training folks on the jumpseat, the word is we the "east" have stopped hiring pilots, I think this is in anticipation of the upcoming un-merger, should be interesting.
How can that be? The east attrition is unstoppable and valuable. You all have said that attrition is the only thing you have been hanging around for. No hiring, let the shrinking begin. What is it 22 years on reserve or is it 25 years?

Keep hope alive but it is never going to happen.
How can that be? <omit the rest>

That was my second thought. The first was "You mean somebody believes training department rumors?"

I remember when Wolf was here - the training department was all but guaranteeing that US would be ordering the 737NG's and 777's instead of the Airbuses...of course that was the 737 training department.

Just got in from a trip and had the training folks on the jumpseat, the word is we the "east" have stopped hiring pilots, I think this is in anticipation of the upcoming un-merger, should be interesting.

US Airways discontinuing hiring and growth is not a new story! In fact it's just the "same old story".

I wouldn't start Shopping for Seal Skin Mukluks just yet? :lol:
Well, with almost no East attrition this year and next, if staffing is where Tempe wants it there shouldn't be a need for more hiring (or recalling if any are still on furlough because of passing on the E190) till Oct/Nov next year. Seems like the "big" changes will be the seasonal change in European flying and presumably continuing to retire 737's as replacement Airbuses come in.

The latest investor update that I've seen shows the fleet count remaining stable +/- 1 for the rest of this year at the same count as the 3rd/4th quarter of last year, or basically minimum fleet count. However, everyone has to remember that the minimum block hours is 10% less than a rolling average, so as the average block hours drops so does the minimum block hours. So they could keep the fleet at minimum and just fly the airplanes less and less as time goes by, resulting is the need for fewer pilots. Not the most efficient thing to do, but given the min fleet count there aren't any other options for reducing capacity except sell the E190's.

Or sell off something else that would bring in cash - the Shuttle anyone?

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