US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Wow, BS... Your panties are really in a knot aren't they. 1320 posts in only 16 months. You're on quite a roll. At this rate you'll be at 1400 by the end of the week. Obviously, AOL's success in getting the facts out, past the USAPA censorship department really burns your butt.

And so far not one bit of factual information or evidence to back up all your claims. Just opinions, hypothesis, speculation, and rumor. All of which you are entitled to believe. But you're screaming from the roof tops as if the convictions and sentencing have been handed out. You DO realize that you are not the judge, the jury, or the executioner in this matter, right? You are really setting yourself up if things don't unfold the way you want them to.

You know, if this reaction came after heads have rolled and broken laws were proven and suspects became convicted criminals, then I could understand it and I would even support your position. But this childish "guilty 'till proven innocent" rant that has been going on makes you look emotional, irrational, and quite frankly out of control.

Take all the action you feel necessary to pursue this matter as far you all feel the need. But you'd be more convincing if you reserved judgement until you can actually prove your case.
Wow, BS... Your panties are really in a knot aren't they. 1320 posts in only 16 months. You're on quite a roll. At this rate you'll be at 1400 by the end of the week. Obviously, AOL's success in getting the facts out, past the USAPA censorship department really burns your butt.

And so far not one bit of factual information or evidence to back up all your claims. Just opinions, hypothesis, speculation, and rumor. All of which you are entitled to believe. But you're screaming from the roof tops as if the convictions and sentencing have been handed out. You DO realize that you are not the judge, the jury, or the executioner in this matter, right? You are really setting yourself up if things don't unfold the way you want them to.

You know, if this reaction came after heads have rolled and broken laws were proven and suspects became convicted criminals, then I could understand it and I would even support your position. But this childish "guilty 'till proven innocent" rant that has been going on makes you look emotional, irrational, and quite frankly out of control.

Take all the action you feel necessary to pursue this matter as far you all feel the need. But you'd be more convincing if you reserved judgement until you can actually prove your case.

Well, they think they are the arbitrator, so it stands to reason, they think they are the judge and jury also.
Compare W2s. Two years ago I did an all nighter into CLT and waiting outside for the van was a 767 capt. My capt and the 76 capt compared W2s, and my capt had him beat by five grand. Both flew regular lines, but the difference in the West is that 70 block hours will easily morph into 80+ hours of credit. Heck, your average F/O on the West makes 100k plus.

Comparing W-2's would require the the disclosure of personal confidential information. Not a good place to go, I think we can all agree on that!

Makes no difference anyway, hourly rate of pay is what it is. Perhaps your "higher paid" West pilots are in the "99 hour club" at the expense of West pilots on furlough, who knows.

Theoretically, the East pay cap is 85 hrs/mo (several times a year it gets raised to 90-95 hrs/mo), East F/O pay is $101.90 hr, at the 85 hr pay cap that's $104,000 per year, not including the per diem and any flying (legally) over 85 hr/mo. Any West pilot on the 75 making more than this (at a lower hourly rate of pay) is stealing a job from a furloughed West pilot.

Just curious, I wonder if MARTY's gravy train will now be spent by the AOL contribution club on the AOL 3, I believe even the good ole boys club had to spend some cash on their own attorneys or will the angry west f/o att/pilot wannabees defend themselves! Maybe they can get the ARIZ ATT GENERAL to give it to WAKE! MM!
To the west posters:

Guys like Black Swan, Luvthe9, and sumadarson are off the wall with their rhetoric. You will never convince them that they are having premature... well, whatever. Look at their track record with the Cactus 18. This is nothing but noise for the time being. A distraction from LOA93, their failed DOH quest, the DJ, the nic list, and all their other failures. Every little piece of rumor or speculation will be spouted as fact and shouted from the rooftops in their narcissistic, emotional style.

I think we can all agree that none of us believe this will amount to anything close to the accusations flying around. And that IF it does, then I think we also agree that a person convicted of a crime or even company policies should face the consequences. (An accountability concept the Usapians we deal with here have a hard time grasping.)

That being said I think it might be time to ignore them once again and let them enjoy their circle jerk, until something factual or worthwhile materializes. Anyone interested send me a PM.
Now Clown, I know it's hard for you to concentrate and like most clowns your comprehension and iq are to low to make sense of things but I will try. For a crime to occur, you must intent to use the ssn data to commit a crime. Now clown, the company says the data was encrypted and hidden so those that had the file had no idea it included ssn #'s. Now go read the statues and ask the clown college professor if an "inadvertent" release of info to a third party is a crime

I got news for you... being in possession of stolen property is a crime. If you buy a TV off of the back of a truck and the guy selling it tells you his brother got an incredible deal on a factory close out... you buy it... and it is found that that item is stolen and is now in your possession... no one cares whether you actually stole it yourself.. you will be charged for being in possession of stolen property...

Receiving (taking possession of) a file stolen from the company, containing sensitive protected information such as SS numbers is far more serious. What I want to know is HOW DO WE KNOW HOW THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN USED OR WILL BE USED IN THE FUTURE?... HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN DESTROYED?... HOW WE KNOW THAT IT HAS NOT BEEN FURTHER DISSIMINATED TO OTHERS???????? WHAAAAT??? JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO!... HA!

If you’ve ever been a victim of identify theft, you would fully understand the implications and severity of this situation… but as usual you “Clowns” are just too damn stupid to get it.
Rather funny how one considers sensitive information culled from an airlines' flight crew data, which also directly relates to which flights they operate, to certain cities and countries at specific times can be construed to be casual information. Fortunately, the FAA and especially TSA considers this to be a lot more serious than you do on an airline labor forum. Rather interesting how Leonidas was stupid enough to enlist a company source, which I am sure is being investigated at this time, and use that sensitive information totally unedited. From what is available, the fact certain nicknames, and other clues made it rather easy to determine the source. Leonidas will be turning its' attention inward very shortly when the spotlight is turned directly in its' direction. Enjoy the show! Remember, keep the donations coming! Others will be needing certain legal protection shortly.........Did Jacobs get involved with this one too?
HERE, is a nice little gem.From last year. Enjoy it Jetzzzzz. Seems your pals had a little problem with INTEGRITY way back. And we forcasted the haircut they will soon receive. Very interesting how the East pilots were intelligent to perk right up on the ILLEGALITY of the entire mess, and the West pilots ignored the first sign of trouble. Maybe we should add NOSTRADAMUS to your middle name Luv. Especially the last paragraph. Unbelievable!
LOL, you clowns just don't get it, not one of you earns more than a west captain, including the 330 guys. The west w2 will always be higher for many reasons, but it's to complicated for clowns to understand .

"Clowns"? I'm guessing you were not on the debate team.

"not one of you earns more than a west captain, including the 330 guys", just looking at the hourly rate of pay on the East 75/76 and the 330, I find that hard to believe. Must be more of those "job stealing" 99 hour pilots than I thought. Let's see, West 75 hourly F/O pay "tops out" at $93.61, flying 99 hours a month, that's $111,208.68, not bad! Just remember to put a little something in the guys cup at the stop light, you know the one, with the sign saying "furloughed US Airways West pilot, will fly for food".

Perhaps you can explain it to me? I think I will be able to follow your logic, if you lay it out sloooooooowly for me. ;)

To the west posters:

Guys like Black Swan, Luvthe9, and sumadarson are off the wall with their rhetoric. You will never convince them that they are having premature... well, whatever. Look at their track record with the Cactus 18. This is nothing but noise for the time being. A distraction from LOA93, their failed DOH quest, the DJ, the nic list, and all their other failures. Every little piece of rumor or speculation will be spouted as fact and shouted from the rooftops in their narcissistic, emotional style.

I think we can all agree that none of us believe this will amount to anything close to the accusations flying around. And that IF it does, then I think we also agree that a person convicted of a crime or even company policies should face the consequences. (An accountability concept the Usapians we deal with here have a hard time grasping.)

That being said I think it might be time to ignore them once again and let them enjoy their circle jerk, until something factual or worthwhile materializes. Anyone interested send me a PM.
This is too funny! Get your little den of thieves to go for cover, just like after the 9th ruled your Addington suit a debacle. Adios, and KEEP THE DONATIONS COMING!
You guys really do crack me up. You are so sure where that data came from right. You guys go run to whatever agency you think is going to listen to hysterical ranting’s of people that file false charges against their own members. You do know that the RICO charges were dismissed right. Want to try that again?

How do you know that a company source was involved? Here is a concept that you guys may not be familiar with got any evidence? An update from the spin meister is not evidence.

Interesting how you guys go screaming into the night when something shows up on your door step and it must be a federal crime but when usapa prior to becoming the CBA did the exact same thing you have no problem with that. Double standard or situational ethics? You guys go and do whatever you need to make yourselves feel better. Big talk big threats. No crime. USAPA all bark, no bite, no teeth.

Another $300,000 on a wild goose, chase go for it.
Here is a nice classic! Cleared to put your foot directly in mouth....... :lol: :lol: All we need now is one from Aqua, when we warned him. Of all people who should have listened. That will emphasize the fact he should have been aware they were in a bad, bad place when they got that data.
Wow, BS... Your panties are really in a knot aren't they. 1320 posts in only 16 months. You're on quite a roll. At this rate you'll be at 1400 by the end of the week. Obviously, AOL's success in getting the facts out, past the USAPA censorship department really burns your butt.

And so far not one bit of factual information or evidence to back up all your claims. Just opinions, hypothesis, speculation, and rumor. All of which you are entitled to believe. But you're screaming from the roof tops as if the convictions and sentencing have been handed out. You DO realize that you are not the judge, the jury, or the executioner in this matter, right? You are really setting yourself up if things don't unfold the way you want them to.

You know, if this reaction came after heads have rolled and broken laws were proven and suspects became convicted criminals, then I could understand it and I would even support your position. But this childish "guilty 'till proven innocent" rant that has been going on makes you look emotional, irrational, and quite frankly out of control.

Take all the action you feel necessary to pursue this matter as far you all feel the need. But you'd be more convincing if you reserved judgement until you can actually prove your case.
Your too much!!!!! Keep trying.
I believe the reference to lowest paid is by equipment. True the west has/had 757's at the same pay rate. But if you compare airlines with separate pay scales for various equipment, US is pretty much at the bottom for each respective seat.

If so, the reference is inaccurate and misleading. To this day, the top West F/O pay on the 75 is $93.61 hr and $101.90 on the East. Admittedly, it's kind of like two "ladies of the night" arguing over which one is more virtuous. Just getting tired of being told by West pilots that I am the "lowest paid" 75 pilot in the industry, when that dubious distinction belongs to the West.

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