US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Just for the sake of accuracy, there are 408 Captains and F/O's on the East May-2011 75/76 bid, that are paid more than their counterparts on the West, not to mention the 368 pilots who fly the 330.

Please stop referring to East pilots as the "lowest paid" in the industry. In the case of the 75/76, that "distinction" goes to the West.

I believe the reference to lowest paid is by equipment. True the west has/had 757's at the same pay rate. But if you compare airlines with separate pay scales for various equipment, US is pretty much at the bottom for each respective seat.
Because that would be misuse, none of which has happened. You see, the problem here is for the company, not Leonidas or the West. The company is the one charged with maintaining SSN data, and it doesn't look good when they fold that data into a generic looking seniority list. Even encrypting and truncating it still not a good thing because privacy data has no business being included in what is supposed to be a generic seniority list. Since Cleary has thrown a hand grenade into Parker's lap, the company has to go to general quarters over this and that's what they're doing. For the life of me I can't figure out the strategy behind Cleary doing this. It's only going to poison the relationship which has in the past been very beneficial to the East. Screaming loudly like Cleary has done will certainly generate attention, but when the outside authorities confirm what the company has already found - nothing improper done by West employees - then what? You're still under LOA93 and you just bit off the hand that has been so generous to the East since this abortion of a merger began.

That's an interesting perspective you have regarding the "relationship" the East has with "Team Tempe". Please expound (to give a detailed description and explanation of a theory or viewpoint or an explanation of the meaning and implications of a written text) on the "generosity" exhibited by "Dougie" and the boys towards the East. Just curious.


The address list was obviously gained in the manner you state. What is not so obvious is if or when it was returned or destroyed by AOL.

What was INADVERTANT, was the encypted SS numbers. There is no evidence that the SS numbers were accessed or even complete. Johnson described them as TRUNCATED. If it turns out they are only the last four digits, or something of that nature, usapa is going to be in some really deep kaka if they go off half cocked and file lawsuits.

PS. I bet the Arizona Attorney General tells Cleary to take a hike.
Do not forget to click on the security breach link.

Arizona Attorney General on identity theft
Oh I read it. You said it was an "inadvertent" release.
It's only a guess. I have no idea what the company did or did not do. I suppose that's why they are self disclosing to get to the bottom of it via outside analysis. Hang tight, but I wouldn't get my hopes up of a result any different from the company's. Just like it was inadvisable for you to get your hopes up over a baked legal theory regarding LOA93.
Perhaps the suspension of 3 is just the start? How do you suspend an employee if they have no cause?
Happens all the time, until the investigation is complete. If no wrong doing is proven they end up with a paid vacation.

Happens to cops all the time, for example. If they are involved in a shooting or any other major confrontation, they are put on administrative leave until the facts are sorted out.

You are putting the cart before the horse.
Knowingly being in possession of stolen material (or obtained material) or any "contraband" whether physical or intellectual, can be charged as a 2nd degree felony.

Look it up.

just sayin'

That's an interesting perspective you have regarding the "relationship" the East has with "Team Tempe". Please expound (to give a detailed description and explanation of a theory or viewpoint or an explanation of the meaning and implications of a written text) on the "generosity" exhibited by "Dougie" and the boys towards the East. Just curious.

700 recalls of pilots who brought nothing to the merger, placement of 757s and E190s, furloughing West pilots out of seniority who brought jobs to the merger. Those are just the starters.

The address list was obviously gained in the manner you state. What is not so obvious is if or when it was returned or destroyed by AOL.

What was INADVERTANT, was the encypted SS numbers. There is no evidence that the SS numbers were accessed or even complete. Johnson described them as TRUNCATED. If it turns out they are only the last four digits, or something of that nature, usapa is going to be in some really deep kaka if they go off half cocked and file lawsuits.

PS. I bet the Arizona Attorney General tells Cleary to take a hike.
The fact 2 pilots working for Leonidas, (employees of LLC, familiar with the employee handbook, having completed distance learning modules dealing with this exact subject) knowingly asked for , or received this material from another like LCC employee in management, then USED this material, is enough for me to go for them. They didn't just pass this material back, they USED it, and the fact the same bundle they use contained SS numbers is just too bad. They should have known better. We warned you OVER AND OVER after the first time you mailed us we felt there was sensitive material in it, and were told we were off base. Guess what? We were on the money, and you didn't listen TO YOUR OWN PERIL! These same employees, have been on this board, and read what many, many east pilots said about there being sensitive material bundled in that information. You blew us off repeatedly. Then you used it again. You were CLEARLY aware of the fact the material quite possibly was in there. You should have been intelligent enough to back off and investigate it. You didn't. Leonidas didn't. Your damn decision, it was a bad one.
Typical east behavior.You guys get information. But instead of learning from it you all instead worry about how it got to you. You guys can not avoid the truth your whole lives.

On here and other sites all I see is complaints that you are trying to be education. But no one has refuted the information.

What will we see from usapa? Some spin campaign telling you all don't look behind the curtain. That the information must be false because it is not what your leaders have been telling you and it sure does not comply with what the crew room rumors say.

Read and understand people. The truth will set you free.
Here is another brilliant statement. This is the 4 th post on this thread in NOVEMBER 10. Oh yes, read it Clear Direct. We asked you many times how you got our info, and we got blown off over and over. YOU SHOULD HAVE LOOKED INTO IT. WE DID!
No kidding. USAPA extorts money from the West, refuses to let the reps communicate with their pilots free of censorship, they control every scrap of info, what they do release is filled with half truths, misdirection and our right lies, and they refuse to implement a message board where the free flowing of ideas and opinion can be expressed. IOW, they're a fascist dictatorship.

One single mailing that wasn't first sanitized and authorized from the dear leader and these guys have a hissy fit. What's wrong? Don't like the truth hitting you on your doorstep? Afraid the Wife might read it and find out what a waste of time, MONEY, and effort this whole thing has been?

They got your address the same way JC Penny, and the hundreds of thousands of other retailers did. It's readily available.

Also, it probably was expensive...and yet they did it. Does that indicate any financial turmoil? No. AOL has plenty of cash to take the fight wherever they need to.
I bookmarked this one too. Nice Metro. Too stupid to shut up and check out where it came from.
I'm another wife who is in total agreement with you! It does make one wonder just who supplied this group with our addresses. If the company did I'm beyond pissed, if there has been some kind of shenanigans by some on the West I would expect someone or something to make them stop. I think that many in the West have/are underestimating the resolve of the East "wives" in all of this, none that I know would trade "a few pieces of silver" for a contract that includes the NIC.
Should have listened to a womans' intuition. There was smoke long, long ago. Aqua led you astray again. November 10
I spoke to my Rep yesterday. It appears that there is strong evidence that the names and addresses on this LEONIDAS mailing came from data in CATCREW. Some East pilots have multiple addresses or other details that are known only to the company. A classmate of mine, an international A330 F/O, had to make a formal change on his data in CATCREW to make the company data match his id exactly. His CATCREW entry had a common simplification of his given birthname. In Europe this common US was not common and did not match the name on his ID. It was causing problems when they checked his ID against the compnay data-base. To aleviate any more problems he had his CATCREW entry changed to match his ID.

Another person stated that the mailing address where he received his Leonidas pamphlet was only known to the company. It is not an address he uses with the FAA or any other entity. He is recently divorced and has changed addresses. This new address is temporary and only the company was notified of this new temporary address.

There are many more instances of this coming forward and the only apparant common theme is CATCREW. If it is deterined that CATCREW was violated and used to find addresses of East pilots then LEONIDAS had a real problem on its hands. This is an indication of illegal use of company electronic communications, resources and and Security related data.
The hits just keep coming.
There is some serious stuff coming down with regard to Leonidas getting this info. From what I have heard, this is going up pretty high in the FAA./TSA There is NO way this ever should have happened, and some people are going to get seriously hammered.
Exactly 9, the boys out west just don't listen.
The fact 2 pilots working for Leonidas, (employees of LLC, familiar with the employee handbook, having completed distance learning modules dealing with this exact subject) knowingly asked for , or received this material from another like LCC employee in management, then USED this material, is enough for me to go for them. They didn't just pass this material back, they USED it, and the fact the same bundle they use contained SS numbers is just too bad. They should have known better. We warned you OVER AND OVER after the first time you mailed us we felt there was sensitive material in it, and were told we were off base. Guess what? We were on the money, and you didn't listen TO YOUR OWN PERIL! These same employees, have been on this board, and read what many, many east pilots said about there being sensitive material bundled in that information. You blew us off repeatedly. Then you used it again. You were CLEARLY aware of the fact the material quite possibly was in there. You should have been intelligent enough to back off and investigate it. You didn't. Leonidas didn't. Your damn decision, it was a bad one.

This is what Narcassistic Personality Disorder looks like. Delusions of power,importance, and intellect. Couple that with the nearly orgasmic ideation of being the purveyor of punishment and retribution one gets the full scope of just how clinically deranged those running this fake scab union are.
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