US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I'm looking forward to when the authorities read the brochures as the brochures is where this starts. Those facts coupled with the shrill screaming from USAPA, along with the careful investigation already conducted by the company are going to make things pretty straight forward to the career law enforcement investigators. They've seen situations like this since they started working the streets - domestic call and some beer belly redneck is making incoherent threats and allegations at his neighbor (West) and his employer. The cops accommodate him for a while and then it goes south for the redneck.

Cleary has set the East up for a double header of disappointment. Wonder what he'll conjure up to get the emotions ratcheted up then?
There can be grounds for suspending employees that don't rise to the level of breaking any law. Do I really need to explain the difference between company policy and criminal law to you? Or maybe I do since you haven't cited any law broken yet.

Seems very funny for the company to shell out already close to 3 to 4 million dollars for a high priced law firm just to defend "company policy". Think they might know something? :lol:
Because that would be misuse, none of which has happened. You see, the problem here is for the company, not Leonidas or the West. The company is the one charged with maintaining SSN data, and it doesn't look good when they fold that data into a generic looking seniority list. Even encrypting and truncating it still not a good thing because privacy data has no business being included in what is supposed to be a generic seniority list. Since Cleary has thrown a hand grenade into Parker's lap, the company has to go to general quarters over this and that's what they're doing. For the life of me I can't figure out the strategy behind Cleary doing this. It's only going to poison the relationship which has in the past been very beneficial to the East. Screaming loudly like Cleary has done will certainly generate attention, but when the outside authorities confirm what the company has already found - nothing improper done by West employees - then what? You're still under LOA93 and you just bit off the hand that has been so generous to the East since this abortion of a merger began.
CLEARY???? It is all of us East pilots! You have a lot of balls trying to shift the blame on the company! Answer this: what the hell were you doing in company records? This has NOTHING to do with Cleary, and EVERYTHING to do with Leonidas and a company pilot violating corporate policy. You shouldn't have been in any of it. You also now have gotten an IT person in serious trouble. This is just one more example of how the west entitled attitude gets them in trouble. Stealing years of employment, vacation, and upgrades. Now the theft extends, and the blame shifts. This is just the beginning of the trouble. Explain how a generic seniority list has spouses names? You can't. You were all over the place, trespassing in none of your damn business.

You replied that your partner saw the brochure, was their name included in the address? Further, was there a difference in the address between the first mailer and the second? i.e. was the first mailing addressed to you soley, then the second included a Mr & Mrs, Ron & Nancy or similar?
You will find out when the time is appropriate.
CLEARY???? It is all of us East pilots! You have a lot of balls trying to shift the blame on the company! Answer this: what the hell were you doing in company records? This has NOTHING to do with Cleary, and EVERYTHING to do with Leonidas and a company pilot violating corporate policy. You shouldn't have been in any of it. You also now have gotten an IT person in serious trouble. This is just one more example of how the west entitled attitude gets them in trouble. Stealing years of employment, vacation, and upgrades. Now the theft extends, and the blame shifts. This is just the beginning of the trouble. Explain how a generic seniority list has spouses names? You can't. You were all over the place, trespassing in none of your damn business.
It has nothing to do with Leonidas you moron! Read the friggin statutes. The company is charged with protection and maintenance of privacy data. Once a person is in receipt of that information, by law they cannot misuse it and it must be protected. Best way to do that is to return to the company that which they gave you. That's EXACTLY what happened here. The company is jumping through their a$$es because it's their a$$ on the line, not the West or Leonidas.
Well it appears the pilots aside from USAPA have had just about enough of AOL, now we hear EFC LLC. (East Coast Flyers) is in the early stages of forming with the intent to start a civlil suit against AOL and possiibly the company. This just keeps getting better everyday. The west will need alot more donations so get those checkbooks out fellows.

Good morning 9er,

Seriously, civil suit for what? A mailer? What is the damage, who was harmed? The company is covering the cost of a benefit that West pilots have to pay for. What are the details of this "civil" suit?
No Kidding. The only thing more obnoxious than the volume at which USAPA is shouting is the stench of pure, un-cut desperation. The dictator and Scabs are willing to sell their first born at this point just to chalk up anything that could be misconstrued as a "win". :lol: :lol:

More Narcissistic Personality Disorder rearing it's crazy head.

Has anyone ever witness another labor union....of any description, in any Country, Ever that spends this much time and effort on Witch hunts, demands of retribution, and outright hostility? Shouldn't a labor union actually DO something for the membership? Another question. Since USCABA lied about the dues rate, and lied about how much more financially efficient they were going to be because there would be no "national"...why is USAPA nearly out of money at this time? Where did it all go? Now would be a really bad time for dues to stop flowing....again.
Hey Charlie, what do you think corporate travel offices, Chairmans' Preferred, Gold, and on and on are going to think when they read a low level office guy with the help of an IT crony accessed and put on disc Social Security numbers of an airline they travel on and entrust sensitive personal information to? Think they might be thinking their data might have been compromised also? Of course you don't.
It has nothing to do with Leonidas you moron! Read the friggin statutes. The company is charged with protection and maintenance of privacy data. Once a person is in receipt of that information, by law they cannot misuse it and it must be protected. Best way to do that is to return to the company that which they gave you. That's EXACTLY what happened here. The company is jumping through their a$$es because it's their a$$ on the line, not the West or Leonidas.
Amazing denial! Tell me it is totally allowable for a chief pilot to give out personal data to a third party when they ask for it. Your group asked a person entrusted to access of secure material for something he never should have given out without cause, to a third party with NO reason to have it. That ass t chief pilot was allowed access to that material for only specific reasons related to COMPANY business at hand. PERIOD.
It has nothing to do with Leonidas you moron! Read the friggin statutes. The company is charged with protection and maintenance of privacy data. Once a person is in receipt of that information, by law they cannot misuse it and it must be protected. Best way to do that is to return to the company that which they gave you. That's EXACTLY what happened here. The company is jumping through their a$$es because it's their a$$ on the line, not the West or Leonidas.

You say the info was given back to the company. The problem is no one knows who has that info now that it was leaked. How about that guy at the crew news session that turned to the camera with a quivering lip and said we hate you guys. How about fodase who asked how much a SS# goes for on the street these days. How about the perv on the east taking pics of little girls. That's the real problem here. We don't know who has our personal info on a laptop or thumb drive somewhere. Our SS#s never expire. We could find out 10 years from now that some illegal alien in Phoenix has stolen our id or that someone is getting credit cards issued under east pilot' identities.

The fact that anyone is turning this into an east vs west thing baffles me. I don't know squat about the laws on this stuff so I can't even guess as to what kind of trouble AOL is in. But the company, USAirways has got to be in some deep doo doo for leaking this personal info out.
It has nothing to do with Leonidas you moron! Read the friggin statutes. The company is charged with protection and maintenance of privacy data. Once a person is in receipt of that information, by law they cannot misuse it and it must be protected. Best way to do that is to return to the company that which they gave you. That's EXACTLY what happened here. The company is jumping through their a$$es because it's their a$$ on the line, not the West or Leonidas.
Now that's some mighty fine spin your got there, so the company decided to send out all those flyers or did AOL send them out? I would say AOL misused that info.
Good morning 9er,

Seriously, civil suit for what? A mailer? What is the damage, who was harmed? The company is covering the cost of a benefit that West pilots have to pay for. What are the details of this "civil" suit?
No idea yet, the ball is just starting to form, most everyone knows once that info is out there anything can happen even 10 years from now. The pilot group (forget Cleary and company) is really ticked at this one. Who knows where this will lead.
No idea yet, the ball is just starting to form, most everyone knows once that info is out there anything can happen even 10 years from now. The pilot group (forget Cleary and company) is really ticked at this one. Who knows where this will lead.


Keep us informed on the developments.
Now that's some mighty fine spin your got there, so the company decided to send out all those flyers or did AOL send them out? I would say AOL misused that info.
No spin. The way the law reads, it's the company with the burden to protect data. When they inadvertently release data, which is not what happened technically because it was encrypted and never touched, but in any case prudence calls for self disclosing and bringing in the authorities. It's quite a fire drill for the company, but I'm sure they'll manage. Leonidas will sail through it just as the first time.

Then, where does that leave USAPA and the angry F/Os? LOA93 and having bit the hand which was so generous to them up until now.

You replied that your partner saw the brochure, was their name included in the address? Further, was there a difference in the address between the first mailer and the second? i.e. was the first mailing addressed to you soley, then the second included a Mr & Mrs, Ron & Nancy or similar?

So why the change? Trying to cover up some tracks? Or are you slowly revealing other information obtained (stolen)?
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