US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Wonder how Cleary got privileged attorney-client communications? Seems like something the Feds might be interested in...

LOL, the law is clear, you must have intentionally stolen ssn to commit crime. Guess what? Leonidas didn't even know they had the ssn numbers. This pamphlet has got them upset because they can't handle the truth.
Wonder how Cleary got privileged attorney-client communications? Seems like something the Feds might be interested in...


Oh my god [edited]. You have the smoking gun. You are far superior to the normal East pilots.

If you have trouble getting a call back from the feds, they are a we bit busy out in Phoenix, with a stolen identity case.
He better be able to back up the bolded statement. I believe there are punitive damages allowed under slander and libel laws.

Well , you have to wait for the dfr damages checks to come in first that your west pilots leadership promised. Then you will get your libel and slander money shortly afterwords. Increase your donations to the army of lyingitas.

Tell them the check is in the mail while you are awaiting your damages check in the mail. You have taken a check kiting scheme to a totally new level.
Well , you have to wait for the dfr damages checks to come in first that your west pilots leadership promised. Then you will get your libel and slander money shortly afterwords. Increase your donations to the army of lyingitas.

Tell them the check is in the mail while you are awaiting your damages check in the mail. You have taken a check kiting scheme to a totally new level.

It gets even better than this suman..nos..whatever.

I read Cleary's letter to Parker. Goodbye scab union!!!!!
It gets even better than this suman..nos..whatever.

I read Cleary's letter to Parker. Goodbye scab union!!!!!
I truly feel sorry for someone young and impressionable like you. You were promised the moon by your former west pilots, given a badge backer, for you payments. The more money, the better badge backer.

Jim and Tammy badgebakker tried this already.

You will learn and move on. The line is over there son, get in it and wait your turn. In a few years you will be promised hair replacement advice, turn it down and learn to like yourself.

Have a good day.
I truly feel sorry for someone young and impressionable like you. You were promised the moon by your former west pilots, given a badge backer, for you payments. The more money, the better badge backer.

Jim and Tammy badgebakker tried this already.

You will learn and move on. The line is over there son, get in it and wait your turn. In a few years you will be promised hair replacement advice, turn it down and learn to like yourself.

Have a good day.

Is your name Nicolau? If not, you are just another idiot on the east who thinks he is in a position to tell others their position in the line.

My maternal grandfather passed away about 30 years ago at the age of 98 with a full head of hair. As I was one of his bearers, I thought, I hope he bequeathed to me his longevity, his humor, and his complete lack of male pattern baldness.

Have a good night chrome dome. Oh..and welcome back from furlough junior!
Is your name Nicolau? If not, you are just another idiot on the east who thinks he is in a position to tell others their position in the line.

My maternal grandfather passed away about 30 years ago at the age of 98 with a full head of hair. As I was one of his bearers, I thought, I hope he bequeathed to me his longevity, his humor, and his complete lack of male pattern baldness.

Have a good night chrome dome. Oh..and welcome back from furlough junior!

Your right, I am an idiot, it will never happen to you. You are entitled.

Have a good day sir.
Oh really!! How is it faster than the East pilots? You have nothing and the sunset provisions of you transition agreement will have you furloughed again by the end of the year. Seniority and tenure sucks, does it not? Show me the money!!!!
Yes really. Patience rookie.

BTW, Where's your furlough protection? DOH contract? LOA93 Grievance? UA's contract progress is FAR ahead of yours in a much shorter time due to the overall unity of our pilot group. (Minority of malcontents - like yourself- excepted of course.)

What's the matter, did I hit a nerve?

AGAIN, you refuse to address your lie. Show me where I gave a time line or a specific date. Show me where I said "by now." If you can't then you are lying. No surprise there.
Swan you are over the top!!!

Great comedy, put it together in a stage act and take it on the road.

Now we have lawyers getting disbared, human sacrifice, dogs and cats sleeping together, mass hysteria!!!!!

Let me guess,,,,,,the significant other saw the brochure???
Yes, she saw the brochure. And the fact your idea of a fair integration only stole 13 yrs of seniority. If you think she agreed with that, you drink the same stuff Jetzz drinks. Love the Lifelock. Thank the Leonidas KLAN for me. Looks like your Grand Dragon Ferguson got his hood and gown caught in a place he shouldn't have been sniffin around.
LOL, the law is clear, you must have intentionally stolen ssn to commit crime. Guess what? Leonidas didn't even know they had the ssn numbers. This pamphlet has got them upset because they can't handle the truth.
Wait until they make statements they didn't look at the data, before you show the rats their little electron tracks scurrying everywhere. Nobody believes the statements. Scherff has probably already sung a nice little song about what they ALL knew. They knew what was in there. That is how the got the wives/husbands names on some of the mailers. How is the spouses name in just the pilots' basic information? They aren't, and this is what is going to get this group dead to rights. I bet they were ALL OVER Clearys' information. We'll put his name first on the independent class action just so there is no confusion as to what this is all about.
When should we anticipate the television interview you promised today making west pilots look like the victims after they stole personal information from the East Usairways pilots? I will keep checking back with you for updates.

Oh and how is the federal law investigations you had going a couple of weeks ago? You know the one that was going to bury all East posters that you claimed threatened you.

Keep us posted, no pun intended, about the progress of these irons in the fire you have. Do not worry, if you forget, I will keep reminding you.

Do not worry Suma, I am finishing a 4-day trip and I should have something for you mid-week. The producer put me in contact with the reporter on Monday.

The "claiim" of physical violence is documented and being handled in Phoenix. Feds don't usually disclose exactly how they are conducting theiir investigation. You are just going to have to sit there and stew about their next move.

Thanks but I don't need any of your "reminders."

That's what the letter from Steve Johnson on Wings says. Is that supposed to make it a big deal?

While you're here you can help me answer Nosum's question - when you get a credit report on someone does it contain personal data? How about confidential personal data.

I know you were directing your question to Crazy... but pardon me for jumping in here… Yes the report does provide personal information, HOWEVER...

To obtain a credit report on someone, you must already have personal information to obtain it... i.e. current mailing address, phone number, place of current employment and (drum roll please) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, or other uniquely identifying ID number, all of which must be provided by the individual requesting the credit report. Otherwise you get NOTHING!... it's just those sticky, little hindrances like PRIVACY LAWS!
I know you were directing your question to Crazy... but pardon me for jumping in here… Yes the report does provide personal information, HOWEVER...

To obtain a credit report on someone, you must already have personal information to obtain it... i.e. current mailing address, phone number, place of current employment and (drum roll please) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, or other uniquely identifying ID number, all of which must be provided by the individual requesting the credit report. Otherwise you get NOTHING!... it's just those sticky, little hindrances like PRIVACY LAWS!
Between Calloway and Boeing Boy, this group has the most cavalier attitude about personal information. As long as it is not theirs, they don't care one bit in their defense of their Klavern. If it was someone in their data? It would be an entirely different situation. Sit back, you and especially these guys are going to see how serious this disclosure was. Fortunately, state and Federal authorities have to deal with this. As well as the company. The company is now going to fall all over themselves with dealing with this, because it is hitting the news, and PASSENGERS already know about the company that has their PERSONAL information. IF they see the company doing nothing? They are going to be seriously worried about the same entity that is in charge of their credit cards and personal information.
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