US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Just as every war turns on an epic event, so has this. Leonidas had one front, and that was against USAPA. Now, the epic event was a gross miscalculation and decision to open another front. Leonidas has brought another foe into the war. That foe is a group of INDIVIDUAL pilots who are apparently banding together, funding, and getting ready to open the battle on another front. Your LLC, is now going to be the target of several thousand individual east pilots, suing over misuse of personal information. Obtained illegally.

Oh my God. You pathetic, little trolls never cease to amaze. What's the timeline for the "several thousand individual east pilots to sue" :lol: :lol: Leonidas asked for a seniority list; something we all have for our own airlines. Not confidential information. Basic information routinely supplied to ALL union members of pretty much ALL UNIONS worldwide. The company willfully supplied Leonidas with the requested Seniority list. Nobody....NOBODY knew that ENCODED SSN#s were ALLEGEDLY part of the seniority list THAT THE COMPANY WILLFULLY SUPPLIED TO LEONIDAS.

I'd tell you about the list of addresses for the 3rd mailing but I'll wait for you to find that one out on your own...if your Scab regime union communications thug has the balls to admit it to you.

Good Luck with your latest fools errand. The RICO case was such a smashing success wasn't it. :lol: :lol: A real union would see this for what it is. A minor error easily fixed with the Lifelock thing. Airways isn't the first airline to supply it's employees with such services.

Everybody...even those living under a rock with their heads firmly planted in their back side clearly see what this little diversion is really all about. It's too late. Leonidas can't be stopped. Free Speech has already arrived on every single pilot's door step. 30 pages of un-cut, pure truth. USCABA is screaming at the tops of their lungs in the desperate hope nobody will notice what a supremely catastrophic failure they are. Unfortunately for them, more than a few people have taken notice of that fact. I wonder how many wives actually knew their captain husbands made less money than turboprop flyer's 1/3rd their age. It's all there, Easily cataloged in AOL's latest publication. I'm sure you've seen it. It's in every home on the combined seniority list.

Cleary and his band of dictatorial scabs already lost this. Jump up and down, throw temper tantrum #14,033, make all kinds of grandiose claims of being in the drivers seat gleefully raining down retribution upon all those you perceived to have wronged you., (insane behavior btw). Create whatever little delusion of power that makes you happy. Forget doesn't suit you anyway. The fact will remain:

Nothing will come of this. Not a single. Solitary, minuscule thing will come of USAPA's latest attempt to enrage the masses. You're all powerless little pawns easily played and tossed aside. :p
Oh my God. You pathetic, little trolls never cease to amaze. What's the timeline for the "several thousand individual east pilots to sue"

Nothing will come of this. Not a single. Solitary, minuscule thing will come of USAPA's latest attempt to enrage the masses. You're all powerless little pawns easily played and tossed aside. :p

Except the checks you folks out west will write to cover defending it. All these lawsuits cost to file them and money to defend them. I think even the RICO defendants, even though it was thrown out, had some healthy legal bills.

I'm not defending this course of action, I'm just saying... It's a dirty game and you better have deep pockets to play it.

Driver B)
I'm not defending this course of action, I'm just saying... It's a dirty game and you better have deep pockets to play it.

Driver B)
Except that after the first one is thrown out of court the rest don't matter much.

It's still amazing to me how the East (except for 2-3) can take a mole hill and make a mountain out of it. So far there is not one iota of evidence that anything other than name and address were used - non-confidential information. Who here has not bought something from a catalog, through the internet, have a checking/saving/CD/mortgage/car loan at a financial institution, have a credit/debit card, a AAA automobile club membership, phone, use electricity/gas, use water/sewer/garbage collection from the city, have a telephone, a pilot license, and on and on? Your name and address is spread far and wide.

Except the checks you folks out west will write to cover defending it. All these lawsuits cost to file them and money to defend them. I think even the RICO defendants, even though it was thrown out, had some healthy legal bills.

I'm not defending this course of action, I'm just saying... It's a dirty game and you better have deep pockets to play it.

Driver B)

You are a hard one to pin down, 320. You seem to be all over the place with opinions.

Tell me, which folks out West are going to be writing checks? I never handled a "list" and even if I did who is playing the dirty game?
Except that after the first one is thrown out of court the rest matter much.

It's still amazing to me how the East (except for 2-3) can take a mole hill and make a mountain out of it. So far there is not one iota of evidence that anything other than name and address were used - non-confidential information. Who here has not bought something from a catalog, through the internet, have a checking/saving/CD/mortgage/car loan at a financial institution, have a credit/debit card, a AAA automobile club membership, phone, use electricity/gas, use water/sewer/garbage collection from the city, have a telephone, a pilot license, and on and on? Your name and address is spread far and wide.



It's a hell of a lot more than a mole hill....
I'm in the mortgage business and we operate under laws and privacy rules. The Fed's take this stuff seriously...

and stealling an excel is serious...
Jim if it's no big deal.. I will leave my email and you can send me your SS number.

and I agree this has and is war... so we should take all actions to take out our enemy... and that would include putting more financial pressure on them.
Oh my God. You pathetic, little trolls never cease to amaze. What's the timeline for the "several thousand individual east pilots to sue" :lol: :lol: Leonidas asked for a seniority list; something we all have for our own airlines. Not confidential information. Basic information routinely supplied to ALL union members of pretty much ALL UNIONS worldwide. The company willfully supplied Leonidas with the requested Seniority list. Nobody....NOBODY knew that ENCODED SSN#s were ALLEGEDLY part of the seniority list THAT THE COMPANY WILLFULLY SUPPLIED TO LEONIDAS.

I'd tell you about the list of addresses for the 3rd mailing but I'll wait for you to find that one out on your own...if your Scab regime union communications thug has the balls to admit it to you.

Good Luck with your latest fools errand. The RICO case was such a smashing success wasn't it. :lol: :lol: A real union would see this for what it is. A minor error easily fixed with the Lifelock thing. Airways isn't the first airline to supply it's employees with such services.

Everybody...even those living under a rock with their heads firmly planted in their back side clearly see what this little diversion is really all about. It's too late. Leonidas can't be stopped. Free Speech has already arrived on every single pilot's door step. 30 pages of un-cut, pure truth. USCABA is screaming at the tops of their lungs in the desperate hope nobody will notice what a supremely catastrophic failure they are. Unfortunately for them, more than a few people have taken notice of that fact. I wonder how many wives actually knew their captain husbands made less money than turboprop flyer's 1/3rd their age. It's all there, Easily cataloged in AOL's latest publication. I'm sure you've seen it. It's in every home on the combined seniority list.

Cleary and his band of dictatorial scabs already lost this. Jump up and down, throw temper tantrum #14,033, make all kinds of grandiose claims of being in the drivers seat gleefully raining down retribution upon all those you perceived to have wronged you., (insane behavior btw). Create whatever little delusion of power that makes you happy. Forget doesn't suit you anyway. The fact will remain:

Nothing will come of this. Not a single. Solitary, minuscule thing will come of USAPA's latest attempt to enrage the masses. You're all powerless little pawns easily played and tossed aside. :p
Charlie, get a handle on yourself! First, I am bookmarking this one too. Second, I am wondering if this is so inconsequential, then why all the apologies from the company, and the offer of Lifelock TM. ? HMMMM Maybe it isn't so easily swept away like you think. The private investigation, and the retention of all documents required of Fergie and Aqua by law enforcement. Oh Boy! I can't wait for the first round of questions. Wondering if Scherff is going to lay down some smoke, or come clean and dime out Aqua and Fergie? Who asked for the info, or was it offered? Did Aqua and Fergie know the source of the information, seeing how it came from Scherff. HOW MUCH DID YOU LOOK AT? DID YOU LOOK AT SS NUMBERS? (before they know how far the cops looked electronically) Why didn't they adhere to their distance learning module on corporate ethics, that clearly and directly addressed this? Even if they forgot that module, there is the manual they DID mail to each and every pilot. Surely they are well aware of the fact disclosure of personal information is not only unlawful, but in addition, unethical too! Another big question. Seeing how some of the addresses had spouses names also, how did that come out of CATS? I am going to make a strong case for they mined the PERSONAL CONTACTS section. My, My, My! What else did they look at? I say they looked at a lot of stuff, and they most likely left a nice little electron trail that will trap them like the rats they are. I will bet money when they came to Mike Cleary s' address, they had a nice little chuckle, and looked a little deeper! Well, the last laugh, will be in court, and on them. Either the first time, when the company visits it, or when they get sued by the rest of us later. Either way, the fact is this: a corporate official disclosed personal information. That guy, is in serious trouble. Next are Aqua and Fergie. If Scherff has a story of them ASKING for the addresses, that is a ethics issue in itself. They asked a corporate official, knowing full well this was PERSONAL information. Then, they laid their dirty little mitts on it, and USED it. That Charlie, is when the CRIME was committed. So, seeing your nasty little tirade confirms one thing: you know they are in serious, trouble, and that is where the DONATIONS come in! Keep em coming, because every east guy I talk to, contrary to what Jetzzzzzzzzzzz says, is seriously pissed off, and wants heads to roll. And that is where your fine upstanding Leonidas comes in. See, they are the new cash cow. And we are going to milk that cow for all she's got!

It's a hell of a lot more than a mole hill....
I'm in the mortgage business and we operate under laws and privacy rules. The Fed's take this stuff seriously...

and stealling an excel is serious...
Jim if it's no big deal.. I will leave my email and you can send me your SS number.

and I agree this has and is war... so we should take all actions to take out our enemy... and that would include putting more financial pressure on them.
Consider the source of all the bravado. This group is TOAST! Are you willing to fund a Leonidas lawsuit? Spread the word.
Jim if it's no big deal.. I will leave my email and you can send me your SS number.
There's that mole hill turning into a mountain - what evidence do you have that anyone with the company or AOL improperly accessed your SS#. All this talk about thousands of individual lawsuits and no one has proven a crime. So go ahead and file your silly suits saying that Joe Blow may have had access to your SS# and see how far you get with allegations you can't prove.

Except that after the first one is thrown out of court the rest don't matter much.

It's still amazing to me how the East (except for 2-3) can take a mole hill and make a mountain out of it. So far there is not one iota of evidence that anything other than name and address were used - non-confidential information. Who here has not bought something from a catalog, through the internet, have a checking/saving/CD/mortgage/car loan at a financial institution, have a credit/debit card, a AAA automobile club membership, phone, use electricity/gas, use water/sewer/garbage collection from the city, have a telephone, a pilot license, and on and on? Your name and address is spread far and wide.

You are in denial just like your west bretheren. The fact they even used the addresses is enough to get all 3 pilots fired. Especially the one who pulled it out of the computer. The COMPANY computer. The COMPANY paper it was printed on. In complete violation of state and company regs. The fact the SS numbers were disclosed inside the information is enough. Who cares they did or didn't know. They should have been intelligent enough to know a lot of that info is bundled. If they didn't know? That is the peril of illegal activity. I bet they not only knew, they looked at it. A lot more than they are saying.

It's a hell of a lot more than a mole hill....
I'm in the mortgage business and we operate under laws and privacy rules. The Fed's take this stuff seriously...

and stealling an excel is serious...
Jim if it's no big deal.. I will leave my email and you can send me your SS number.

and I agree this has and is war... so we should take all actions to take out our enemy... and that would include putting more financial pressure on them.

The Company provided the mailing list of their own free will. No theft. Nothing. Spin all you want, it doesn't change a single fact. There is no financial pressure. That should be crystal clear by now. AOL will always have whatever it needs to finish the job.
There's that mole hill turning into a mountain - what evidence do you have that anyone with the company or AOL improperly accessed your SS#. All this talk about thousands of individual lawsuits and no one has proven a crime. So go ahead and file your silly suits saying that Joe Blow may have had access to your SS# and see how far you get with allegations you can't prove.

DENIAL. It doesn't matter if they used it. The fact they got it from a company source, and possessed them is in itself, a crime. You can possess a submachine gun and not use it and still be prosecuted. Possession in itself is criminal behavior.
The Company provided the mailing list of their own free will. No theft. Nothing. Spin all you want, it doesn't change a single fact. There is no financial pressure. That should be crystal clear by now. AOL will always have whatever it needs to finish the job.
Charlie, you , are liar. The company did NOT give that to them and you are a liar. I bet you in your situational ethics now term Scherff "THE COMPANY" to make your schitzy case.
Luv, you've gone over the top. Care to cite the state law that you can prove has been broken? Care to offer proof of the the person passing the list to AOL knew there was more than name and address in the data. Care to offer proof that AOL knew that there was more than name and address in the data.

Proof is all that counts in court and all you have is 1 assistant chief pilot most likely breaking company rules by giving the data to AOL. You can rant all you want here but it doesn't prove criminal liability.

I wonder if you carry on this way if you go to a restaurant, pay with a credit card, and the waitperson disappears for several minutes with your card? From what is known at this point, that waitperson can do a lot more damage to you than AOL could ever hope to.

DENIAL. It doesn't matter if they used it. The fact they got it from a company source, and possessed them is in itself, a crime. You can possess a submachine gun and not use it and still be prosecuted. Possession in itself is criminal behavior.


So the company is committing a crime by merely possessing your SS#? How about the credit bureaus? Your bank? The IRS? Your mortgage lender? Whoever financed your car? Your credit/debit card issuer? All of those and many more possess your SS#, so they're all guilty of a crime?

You Easties have gone off the deep end this time...

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