US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You truly can't be that dense... but here... I'll help you out mr."lost me there."

"east pilots get their 2005 DOH...thereby satisfying the usapa C&BLs...
and the C&Rs are that we use the Nic list for all bidding of vacancies, monthly schedules, vacation etc....

So simple a cave man can do it!!!!"

So as I said... It's all about YOU!

Sorry, you lost me there!!!

Are you saying that somehow the east pilots have right to renege on binding arbitration and steal my job?

or, are you saying I am self-centered because I am not willing to let that happen?

I guess you are right. It is all about ME. ME not willing to let a usapa scab steal my job.
I do not as you say "him fired"

The assistant chief pilot of the west pilot group, was worried about his safety and his family, if he did not bring the information to the aol thugs.

Please see Rico allegations.

Looks like you'll have a chance to tell your side of the story.....

I've been in touch with a television news producer who will air a story in primetime. Like I said, this Cactus 3 hostage situation is going to bite back. The story is current and relevant. That is what the producers were looking for.

I know how JR likes to get in front of a camera. He'll have his chance. :unsure:

Stay tuned.
Sorry, you lost me there!!!

Are you saying that somehow the east pilots have right to renege on binding arbitration and steal my job?

or, are you saying I am self-centered because I am not willing to let that happen?

I guess you are right. It is all about ME. ME not willing to let a usapa scab steal my job.
Just as every war turns on an epic event, so has this. Leonidas had one front, and that was against USAPA. Now, the epic event was a gross miscalculation and decision to open another front. Leonidas has brought another foe into the war. That foe is a group of INDIVIDUAL pilots who are apparently banding together, funding, and getting ready to open the battle on another front. Your LLC, is now going to be the target of several thousand individual east pilots, suing over misuse of personal information. Obtained illegally.
Just as every war turns on an epic event, so has this. Leonidas had one front, and that was against USAPA. Now, the epic event was a gross miscalculation and decision to open another front. Leonidas has brought another foe into the war. That foe is a group of INDIVIDUAL pilots who are apparently banding together, funding, and getting ready to open the battle on another front. Your LLC, is now going to be the target of several thousand individual east pilots, suing over misuse of personal information. Obtained illegally.
At the center of this issue is the ultimate USAPA hope that the voices of opposition from the west will be silenced and that USAPA will be able to get away with all of their schemes to provide advantages to east pilots at the expense of west pilots. So let’s run that scenario out and hypothetically grant that USAPA will see the Cactus 3 terminated/convicted and more importantly Leonidas, LLC will petition for dissolution because of the economic burden generated by these ID “crimes”. Certainly this is the big victory USAPA is angling for with this situation as it is clear that USAPA wants to silence or eliminate all sources of opposition to its tyrannical objectives.

So with Leonidas out of the way, the Company’s DJ matter would certainly be withdrawn/dismissed. With the DJ dismissal and the silence of any single, unified voice coming from the west, Management would be compelled to accept USAPA’s section 22 proposal since the “Hobson’s Choice” is no longer a factor to be considered. With Section 22 resolved and the threat of the NIC removed, the JCBA negotiations return to a more expedited pace and a TA would result since this is the only way for east pilots to get off the LOA 93 wages. Perhaps this would be on the Kirby payscale, but it could even be less since the NIC isn’t contained in the JCBA and the east would likely take any improvement that didn’t include the NIC. Either way, USAPA will declare this a substantial victory for all US pilots and would recommend and likely receive ratification from a majority of MIGS.

What happens then? Well I suspect another class-action lawsuit would be brought against USAPA for a DFR and their failure to abide by the Transition Agreement. This new DFR suit could potentially win an immediate injunction against USAPA and Management prior to the implementation of the JCBA. Once this suit is decided it would almost certainly result in the NIC being required for Section 22, but it would leave all other sections of the ratified JCBA intact. Thus USAPA would preside over the implementation of a NIC-inclusive JCBA in an expedited manner, faster than if they didn’t seek the destruction of Leonidas in the first place. Ah, the irony of it all. The east just can't escape the NIC no matter how hard they try.
Looks like you'll have a chance to tell your side of the story.....

I've been in touch with a television news producer who will air a story in primetime. Like I said, this Cactus 3 hostage situation is going to bite back. The story is current and relevant. That is what the producers were looking for.

I know how JR likes to get in front of a camera. He'll have his chance. :unsure:

Stay tuned.
Story current and relevant? Absolutely. There are thousands of people out there who have been victims of identity theft. Those same victims will be very interested in seeing a group of similar identity thieves brought to justice.
Just as every war turns on an epic event, so has this. Leonidas had one front, and that was against USAPA. Now, the epic event was a gross miscalculation and decision to open another front. Leonidas has brought another foe into the war. That foe is a group of INDIVIDUAL pilots who are apparently banding together, funding, and getting ready to open the battle on another front. Your LLC, is now going to be the target of several thousand individual east pilots, suing over misuse of personal information. Obtained illegally.

I think you are knitting a web for yourself, BS. You ever hear of a moving target? So what, Leonidas folds up. Who are you going to sue? All we have to do is fund another LLC for our defense. So go ahead, make our day.

Last thought, who was harmed? Looks like the company is footing the bill for your "protection." Show us the police reports of some criminal entity that used your infomation for ID crimes.

I want specifics.
Story current and relevant? Absolutely. There are thousands of people out there who have been victims of identity theft. Those same victims will be very interested in seeing a group of similar identity thieves brought to justice.

That's a good thing that it is relevant. I've been in touch with my media contacts for quite a while. The recent events concerning the Cactus 3 were the "trigger" for the story.

The timing could not have been better.

I think you are knitting a web for yourself, BS. You ever hear of a moving target? So what, Leonidas folds up. Who are you going to sue? All we have to do is fund another LLC for our defense. So go ahead, make our day.

Last though, who was harmed? Looks like the company is footing the bill for your "protection." Show us the police reports of some criminal entity that used your infomation for ID crimes.

I want specifics.
Moving target? folding up. "all we have to do is fund another...." All typical methods of operation of SCAMS. So you are saying the identity thieves will get a new P.O. Box and set up another shell corporation. Sounds very interesting,sounds very,,,,well, ORGANIZED. This is why R.I.C.O. was hatched. To target same scams. How about we nail the first one, then we will worry about the second try. Love the harm analogy though! Sounds like the guy I saw on TV who had just robbed a bank with what appeared to be a gun.He said "it wasn't a real gun! I didn't harm anyone!" Turned out to be a toy. The judge, was not amused...........He got 20 yrs. for not "harming"

You are a little off here. The company supplied the list to the east MC, and wait for it...that list contained the West pilots SS numbers..ooopps!!!!

Ready, fire, aim Nic.

I said the Merger Committees got CONFIDENTIAL information. How would I know what it is?..How do you know? That was done under ALPA and USAPA and is for use only in that committee..if they indeed even had SSN's. All legit and not a breach of security, and sanctioned by the Company.

Even if the union did run across SSN's in doing their representation duties, that is not a breach of security. Passing them over to a third party not associated with the Bargaining agent.....the Aristocrats!

Ready, fire, aim Nic.

I said the Merger Committees got CONFIDENTIAL information. How would I know what it is?..How do you know? That was done under ALPA and USAPA and is for use only in that committee..if they indeed even had SSN's. All legit and not a breach of security, and sanctioned by the Company.

Even if the union did run across SSN's in doing their representation duties, that is not a breach of security. Passing them over to a third party not associated with the Bargaining agent.....the Aristocrats!

This west group is amazing! They can't get it through their skulls that confidential information is collected routinely by doctors, lawyers, teachers and police- on and on. The stunning thing is they cannot seem to comprehend the disclosure part. Unbelievable deniability! This is going to be funny when they attempt to make identity thieves and possessors into heros in front of a television audience that has probably been or knows someone burned by identity thieves. This is going to be hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just as every war turns on an epic event, so has this. Leonidas had one front, and that was against USAPA. Now, the epic event was a gross miscalculation and decision to open another front. Leonidas has brought another foe into the war. That foe is a group of INDIVIDUAL pilots who are apparently banding together, funding, and getting ready to open the battle on another front. Your LLC, is now going to be the target of several thousand individual east pilots, suing over misuse of personal information. Obtained illegally.

Misuse of personal information?? How??

You have a PUBLIC address so that the USPS can deliver mail etc. from others to you. AOL wanted to send you a mailer. They paid the USPS to deliver it to your PUBLIC address. Seems to me they used PUBLIC info, not personal info.

Also, AOL obatained your PUBLIC address through PUBLIC resources.

Please use a forum that will hold these thousand individual east pilots individually liable when you file your suit.
This west group is amazing! They can't get it through their skulls that confidential information is collected routinely by doctors, lawyers, teachers and police- on and on. The stunning thing is they cannot seem to comprehend the disclosure part. Unbelievable deniability! This is going to be funny when they attempt to make identity thieves and possessors into heros in front of a television audience that has probably been or knows someone burned by identity thieves. This is going to be hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol:

Remember, you buy the first round, 9er. ;)
Ready, fire, aim Nic.

I said the Merger Committees got CONFIDENTIAL information. How would I know what it is?..How do you know? That was done under ALPA and USAPA and is for use only in that committee..if they indeed even had SSN's. All legit and not a breach of security, and sanctioned by the Company.

Even if the union did run across SSN's in doing their representation duties, that is not a breach of security. Passing them over to a third party not associated with the Bargaining agent.....the Aristocrats!


I pretty much agree with what you are saying, here is the kicker.

The only party here looking at any trouble is the company.

AOL did no use, pass, disclose any sensitive info. But rather than have ALL the pilots unified fighting the company, usapa being the losers they are, will try to use this fiasco as a means of attacking AOL, and furthering their DOH job theft agenda.

On top of that, just because they are the bargaining agent, usapa does not have exclusive rights to our personell data. Quite the contrary. For instance, there is no reason for usapa to have my SS number.
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