US Pilots Labor Discussion

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What is the crime?

You sound like a real man of of genius...

USAPA: Real Men of Genius

July 17, 2008
Source: Planebuzz

Okay, so how many of you saw that ad in yesterday's USAToday that was placed by the union leadership of USAPA? You know, the union that represents the US Airways East pilots at US Airways? I say that because I have yet to talk to an America West pilot who has paid USAPA dues. While USAPA claims to have 5800 members, I think the number is probably closer to 3000 or less. Yes, USAPA. The same union that was voted in, after the US Airways East pilots refused to go along with an ALPA arbitrator's award decision in the union seniority process to unite the two separate (at the time) ALPA memberships.

Yesterday, the brain trust of this organization, and I use that term loosely, decided to run a full page ad in USAToday, accusing management at US Airways of "pressuring pilots to reduce fuel levels for your flight in order to save money." The ad then continued,
"We ask that you remember this: although we consider US Airways to have embarked on a program of intimidation to pressure your Captain to reduce fuel loads, US Airways Captains are committed to maintaining their right to exercise their "Captain's Authority," granted by the Federal Aviation Administration, to ensure a fuel load that will safely fly you to your destination with all the reserves necessary to handle any contingencies related to the flight." Uh-huh.

Those of us who know and work in this industry know what this is. It's a very sad attempt by grown men who should have better things to do with their time to get media attention by crying "Safety, Safety." Thankfully, no major media outlets paid much attention to the effort -- because, frankly, they also knew it was a bunch of crap.
However -- then there is Larry King. And CNN. Last night, US Airways' CEO Doug Parker and ATA President Jim May were scheduled to be on King's show to discuss the issue of rising fuel costs, the industry's cost problems, whatever. But what the show turned into was a discussion of how unsafe US Airways was -- because of this "problem." Not only that, but Parker, because of commitments in Washington, was unable to be on the show. The show's producers apparently thought it was okay to bash the supposed "unsafe" practices of the airline without having the courtesy of having a representative of the airline on the show at all.

As one reader noted in a letter he sent to CNN today, Yesterday I tuned into your show with the hopes of seeing the CEO of US Airways speak to the crushing negative effects the run up of oil is having on the airlines, the economy, and my career. What I saw was something all together different. Instead of the scheduled speakers I witnessed a disjointed, subjective, discussion over a “news” story that was generated by an ad placed by the leaders of the new rookie union at US AIRWAYS (USAPA). This ad was nothing more than an ill guided attempt by the fledgling union’s leaders to flex their muscle during contract negotiations.

The core issue here is not about how much fuel a pilot can carry, safety or “Captains Authority” but rather a dispute between the company and a segment of the pilots this new Union represents. (It should be noted that not one of the 1800 former ALPA represented pilots of America West have elected to join this new union.)

As a Captain for America West and post merge the New US Airways, I have never had the company question the amount of extra fuel I choose to carry on any flight segment. Many of those segments routinely carry me and my passengers over the longest over water route in the world and as such I am very cognizant of the need for adequate fuel reserves for any contingency.

I was appalled by this new "Union's” attempt to bring safety into question when it is clear, based on the data collected, that this was a deliberate attempt by the pilots in question to carry and burn more fuel in an effort to influence the company to acquiesce to their contractual wishes.

As a one time Executive Vice President of The Air Line Pilots Association I have seen and participated in my fair share of labor disputes but I have never witnessed nor would I condone using a bogus “safety” issue to apply leverage to a company." As I said in a recent issue of PlaneBusiness Banter -- as we see a number of airlines link-up, or merge, and as it becomes more and more clear that the union problems involving the pilots at US Airways apparently had a major chilling effect on the airline's potential merger with United Airlines -- these guys at USAPA are only going to have themselves to blame if the airline finds itself without a dance partner going forward. But this latest stunt, I have to say, takes the prize.

The boys at USAPA are real men of genius.
As a result, they are more than deserving of a PlaneBuzz Buzz Bomb Award.
LINDBURGH TO CROSS ATLANTIC ALONE......this is the only thing I could find older than this online rag and I dont mean the author......maybe I do.
The author of this article is a former awa employee, awa employees new or old stick together like turds in the toilet bowl.


Who do you think Usapians run to for favorable press coverage? They run down THE STREET to Ted Reed:

Ted Reed has covered the airline industry for 20 years for publications including The Charlotte Observer, Miami Herald and Sacramento Bee. He also worked for US Airways, writing internal publications and speeches for the company's executives.
Ted Reed has covered the airline industry for 20 years for publications including The Charlotte Observer, Miami Herald and Sacramento Bee. He also worked for US Airways, writing internal publications and speeches for the company's executives.

Why do you think he said the airlines should charge for all beverages but water in a recent piece...

What if the company actually approved the list used in the last mailing?

Who is "the company"?

The Assistant Chief Pilot of the america west airlines pilots, stole personal information of the original Usairways East pilots. One of the Usairways management pilots, who was a former america west pilot (is the company legally), gave the stolen information to a group of west pilots that were part of a Rico suit that were quoted as saying they will destroy the East pilots.

Usairways is offering protection for all the Usairways pilots on the list. 5,000 plus pilots. 5,000 times the cost of Life Lock per year, plus legal fees. Do you not think that this is an indication that the company is scared shirtless? Millions are at stake, heads will roll.

The attitude of the immature west pilots and the alpa shills 767jets and bong boy is;;;;

""""""""Hey we stole the East pilots personal identification using the former america west now Usairways management pilots, now the East pilots and Corporate Usairways are copping us an attitude. What is their problem??. We are going to sue them for trying to protect themselves and their families safety."""""""""""""""""
Who is "the company"?

The Assistant Chief Pilot of the america west airlines pilots, stole personal information of the original Usairways East pilots. One of the Usairways management pilots, who was a former america west pilot (is the company legally), gave the stolen information to a group of west pilots that were part of a Rico suit that were quoted as saying they will destroy the East pilots.

Usairways is offering protection for all the Usairways pilots on the list. 5,000 plus pilots. 5,000 times the cost of Life Lock per year, plus legal fees. Do you not think that this is an indication that the company is scared shirtless? Millions are at stake, heads will roll.

The attitude of the immature west pilots and the alpa shills 767jets and bong boy is;;;;

""""""""Hey we stole the East pilots personal identification using the former america west now Usairways management pilots, now the East pilots and Corporate Usairways are copping us an attitude. What is their problem??. We are going to sue them for trying to protect themselves and their families safety."""""""""""""""""
usapa shill. It is easy to tell that you write stuff for usapa publication. Your facts are wrong.

The company offer life lock to the EAST pilots. about 3000. Not the usapa often touted 5000. We can get it for $66. Even if all 3000 take the deal. I am sure most will not. It is only 198,000.00.

You also need to be careful with those false charges of stealing personal information. Slander can be a bad thing. The company never said anything about stealing anything. Is it now a crime to destroy a union? We found out at trial it is not. If it were than you guys would be up on charges. It was the east pilots that destroyed ALPA on this property.
usapa shill. It is easy to tell that you write stuff for usapa publication. Your facts are wrong.

The company offer life lock to the EAST pilots. about 3000. Not the usapa often touted 5000. We can get it for $66. Even if all 3000 take the deal. I am sure most will not. It is only 198,000.00.

You also need to be careful with those false charges of stealing personal information. Slander can be a bad thing. The company never said anything about stealing anything. Is it now a crime to destroy a union? We found out at trial it is not. If it were than you guys would be up on charges. It was the east pilots that destroyed ALPA on this property.

I do not want to go after the management pilots that gave the information out. I would like their jobs saved.

I want the Rico suit inspired army of lyingitas culprits. Your former alpa america west pilots leader, at one time, was quoted as saying he can not guarantee safety of the west pilots that want to participate in the new legal union of the Usairways pilots. A recent post of aquagreen, regarding rats on this forum in the last few days, is very troubling and is steered toward west pilots that are cooperating. I forgive the former america west management pilots, they were intimidated by their badge backing requesting peers.
Who is "the company"?

The Assistant Chief Pilot of the america west airlines pilots, stole personal information of the original Usairways East pilots. One of the Usairways management pilots, who was a former america west pilot (is the company legally), gave the stolen information to a group of west pilots that were part of a Rico suit that were quoted as saying they will destroy the East pilots.

Usairways is offering protection for all the Usairways pilots on the list. 5,000 plus pilots. 5,000 times the cost of Life Lock per year, plus legal fees. Do you not think that this is an indication that the company is scared shirtless? Millions are at stake, heads will roll.

The attitude of the immature west pilots and the alpa shills 767jets and bong boy is;;;;

""""""""Hey we stole the East pilots personal identification using the former america west now Usairways management pilots, now the East pilots and Corporate Usairways are copping us an attitude. What is their problem??. We are going to sue them for trying to protect themselves and their families safety."""""""""""""""""

Finally, something to talk about!

By the way, good job USAPA on the steady and methodical job of pursuing this identity theft. Just catching up...but a few points:

USAPA as a challenger to Alpa was not granted nor stole any Company data fact it was not until after the NMB election they were even (legally) given a complete mailing not including SSN's. For the most part, as the NMB required, USAPA was not contacted at all by the company, other than to address NMB election issues. In the eyes of the Company/NMB USAPA was NOT the bargaining agent for the US Airways pilots. It did not exist until 18 April 08.

During the failed Alpa merger process between the two groups there was indeed a professional exchange of confidential information used to verify it is..DOH and employment history of every pilot at both airlines. I was not privy to that, and I challenge anyone to cite an instance where it was used out of the legal bargaining process. Nobody from the West sent my family mailings about the Merger process using that data, or visa versa.

LEO claims now twice in the last four days that communication occurred from the Company that "all is ok." In what capacity (supposedly) is the Company addressing LEO? This is either a lie by LEO or the Company is in much deeper doo doo than a year's worth of Lifelock.

If a new card campaign were to start today, led by LEO, I would be interested to see what the NMB had to say about Management giving them a head start with these lists. But that is moot..not going to happen.

The Company was aware of the problem months ago, and somehow dealt with an entity OTHER than USAPA and gave them the big thumbs up and wink? This will get real interesting.

See you all again when Judge Silver or Kasher speaks. Meanwhile we can all enjoy one of the most East unifying and Company squirming events since the yellow lanyards graced our airports.

bla bla bla

Are you now accusing Jetz and myself for "stealing East pilot's personal information"? I'd ask for proof to back up that accusation as well. Seems you're big on making accusations and weak on backing them up. Maybe those years with the lav truck left you with nothing but bs on your little brain.

Are you now accusing Jetz and myself for "stealing East pilot's personal information"? I'd ask for proof to back up that accusation as well. Seems you're big on making accusations and weak on backing them up. Maybe those years with the lav truck left you with nothing but bs on your little brain.


Posted 25 March 2011 - 11:55 AM

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* Posts: 1,344
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View PostBoeingBoy, on 25 March 2011 - 11:37 AM, said:
So it ended up being name & address (SS# was hidden). What about the claims here of passport, FFDO, etc info being released to AOL creating a security threat? Will any of those that made those claims now retract them?


Aquagreen73s post below in response to boeing boys above post. March 25 11:55am

""The other night after I put the kids to bed, I decided to step out into my garage with a cool one and enjoy the evening in SoCal. As I'm sipping away at my Guiness, I noticed that damn rat in the corner of the garage that has been a squatter in there. It was dark out, but I could still see him. I'd been baiting the rat with cheese but last week a friend told me to try peanut butter. Well, I'm thinking to myself this will be interesting, kind of like a National Geographic moment if it works. The little critter came out and studied the trap. I could see him smelling it and then it happened - he took a bite and whamo! As much as a I hated that scoundrel, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sorrow for the little guy. He had no idea why he wound up in the situation he found himself in. Life in the jungle comes down to intelligence (and a little luck). ""
User is offline aquagreen73s
Posted 25 March 2011 - 11:55 AM

* Group: Registered Member
* Posts: 1,344
* Joined: 22-August 05

View PostBoeingBoy, on 25 March 2011 - 11:37 AM, said:
So it ended up being name & address (SS# was hidden). What about the claims here of passport, FFDO, etc info being released to AOL creating a security threat? Will any of those that made those claims now retract them?


How surprising - no proof of anything, never mind proof that I stole anything from the company. BS on the brain - they should name a disease after you Nosum. How about Nosumitis - the inability to write anything but bs.

You also need to be careful with those false charges of stealing personal information. Slander can be a bad thing. The company never said anything about stealing anything. Is it now a crime to destroy a union? We found out at trial it is not. If it were than you guys would be up on charges. It was the east pilots that destroyed ALPA on this property.

Yes, they should step carefully with this situation of holding the Cactus 3 hostage. The West is getting pretty fed up with this little game Usapians are playing. I see another situation where this thing is going to bite them in the rear.

I do not want to go after the management pilots that gave the information out. I would like their jobs saved.

I want the Rico suit inspired army of lyingitas culprits. Your former alpa america west pilots leader, at one time, was quoted as saying he can not guarantee safety of the west pilots that want to participate in the new legal union of the Usairways pilots. A recent post of aquagreen, regarding rats on this forum in the last few days, is very troubling and is steered toward west pilots that are cooperating. I forgive the former america west management pilots, they were intimidated by their badge backing requesting peers.
I find your honesty lacking.

You openly accuse the ACPO of stealing, but now you say you do not him fired. I find that a bit disconnected. So now you think it is OK and there should be no punishment? You are all over the map on this.
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