US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Wait for it....I just solved the entire issue...

east pilots get their 2005 DOH...thereby satisfying the usapa C&BLs...

and the C&Rs are that we use the Nic list for all bidding of vacancies, monthly schedules, vacation etc....

So simple a cave man can do it!!!!
Funny, you know what I mean.
Wait for it....I just solved the entire issue...

east pilots get their 2005 DOH...thereby satisfying the usapa C&BLs...

and the C&Rs are that we use the Nic list for all bidding of vacancies, monthly schedules, vacation etc....

So simple a cave man can do it!!!!

It's all about YOU, isn't it... sadly, I'm not surprised!
It's all about YOU, isn't it... sadly, I'm not surprised!

My support of a fairly derived final and binding arbitration in which I lost seniority makes it all about me???

You lost me there.

If it were all about me, I would use some loophole to try and renege on the process, and further my position at others expense. Sound like any organization we are all familiar with?
REFORM it anyway you want as long as it's DOH with C&R. An no I really don't want to see anyone lose their jobs. This is all for entertainment value.
Keep chanting. DOH DOH, DOH, DOH. Whatever.

Yeah sure really funny. I don't get entertainment from hoping someone loses their job.
Federal crimes deserve federal time in JAIL. It will happen.
As long as you say so. You are skipping a couple steps. Like charges, due process. Small things like that. I guess in usapa world opinion settles the issue.

Should we bookmarks your words?
One thing is certain about USAirways. It puts out a sub standard on time product for profit. It's corporate structure is mostly dysfunctional. The CEO is detached, uninspiring and incapable of quantifying good will for the health of the corporation and its employee's. No problem so far....USAirways equals a W-2 statement no more no less, as designed. But if sensitive private data like Social Security and Passport numbers were released by USAirways to a private party that takes on a whole knew meaning.....not only is USAirways a shameless company, its also an incredibly careless and corrupt one too.
My support of a fairly derived final and binding arbitration in which I lost seniority makes it all about me???

You lost me there.

If it were all about me, I would use some loophole to try and renege on the process, and further my position at others expense. Sound like any organization we are all familiar with?

I think it is time for a review of why we support Leonidas and will continue our fight for justice:
Well, the usual frothing at the mouth suspects are in full froth again. Claims of people going to jail before it's even been determined that any law was broken. They love to climb out on that limb.

Who here has NOT bought something on the internet? Who here does NOT have a credit card? Those that answer yes to either undoubtedly have at LEAST their name and address on lists that are shared with others for marketing purposes and possibly sold to still others for whatever the recipient desires to do with the info - where do you think all those that send you unsolicited offers for goods, services, and other credit cards get their information?

At most, company policies may have been broken. But so far, the claims of illegal activity are merely the standard frothing at anything those Easties don't like.

Since the east pilots have graciously agreed to save the company another $120M+ again this year...

Well, that MAY be true. Maybe not. If Kasher comes through, then not only will the east pilots not save the company $120 million this year, they will cost the company an additional large figure for this year AND for last year.

50-50, says I. I don't have Kirby's smug certitude, but I do hope I get to rub those words in his face. I think that will be more fun than the money.
Well, that MAY be true. Maybe not. If Kasher comes through, then not only will the east pilots not save the company $120 million this year, they will cost the company an additional large figure for this year AND for last year.

50-50, says I. I don't have Kirby's smug certitude, but I do hope I get to rub those words in his face. I think that will be more fun than the money.

Someday you'll all learn that making decisions based purely on raw emotion and anger isn't effective and works counter to your stated goals. Someday.
Someday you'll all learn that making decisions based purely on raw emotion and anger isn't effective and works counter to your stated goals. Someday.

So true...Dysfunctional to say the least:

US Airways Pilots Infighting Grows Worse by the Day

Source: Bnet
January 11, 2010

If you’re looking for a model for a dysfunctional pilot group, you should look no further than the US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA). That union represents the combined US Airways (US East) and America West (US West) pilot groups, but its existence has been marred by constant fighting between the two sides. Now, the US East pilots have tired of fighting others and have no turned on each other. This is an absolutely miserable situation.

USAPA was formed after the US East pilots decided they didn’t like the results of seniority arbitration (the Nicolau Award). So, they decided to toss ALPA off the property and create the USAPA, an independent union. The US West pilots couldn’t do anything to stop them because the US East pilots had the majority. You can read more about the US Airways/America West pilot fight in a previous post.

Since the USAPA took over, their behavior has become increasingly questionable. In regards to the company, it appears their goal is to oppose anything management supports regardless of whether it is good or bad for them. That’s the only way I can explain their opposition to the slot swap with Delta in New York and Washington. Their latest efforts have been against closing down the Las Vegas hub. Ok. But now, the union has really lost it. There is now a ton of infighting going on within the US East pilot ranks and things are getting very ugly. USAPA Executive Vice President Dave Ciabattoni turned in his resignation from the organization’s leadership team before Christmas. In it, Dave, a US East pilot, states: I must be blunt here: the mutation of USAPA from a democratic, line pilot oriented and controlled union into the current administration that is about enrichment and ease of life style for President Cleary and his supporters is nearly complete and in record time.

All of these players are US East pilots. In the new year, Dave gave more of an explanation about what his problems were with the team. He details a variety of problems with the leadership, in particular, President Mike Cleary. He makes accusations of violation of bylaws, misappropriation of money, and favoritism. It’s a compelling read and it begs a single question . . . what is wrong with these people?

This is a union that continues to hold fast, refusing to budge on its stubborn position on the Nicolau Award despite court rulings against them. The US West pilots have been alienated from the beginning, yet it’s the US East pilots who are in worse shape. The company offered to bring US East pilots up to the US West contract in the beginning but they have held out. Now, they’ve foregone higher wages for years and there doesn’t appear to be any end in sight.

This has to be the most dysfunctional union around.
Wait for it....I just solved the entire issue...

east pilots get their 2005 DOH...thereby satisfying the usapa C&BLs...

and the C&Rs are that we use the Nic list for all bidding of vacancies, monthly schedules, vacation etc....

So simple a cave man can do it!!!!

Aww, another busy day flying someone elses's routes got you feeling sleazy ?

Don't be a hater, just take a shower.
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