US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I'm trying to be like you Jimbo. You are my hero, really, no really. You won't see Nos saying that, now will you?







Unlike Nos, I gave you proof - seems like you need to take a swipe at someone with every post. Quoting your own post proves that.

You get on here and pontificate about stolen jobs when deep down I think you know the score.

Yup, each time you hit V1 in our hubs think a kind thought for the pilots who provide you your job because it sure wasn't America West.

I know the score alright, and you are way off base and about to be picked off.

No...I repeat...No pilots have provided me my job. My job was granted me by America West, and my paycheck guaranteed by the passengers and freight I carry.

Now that you and I work for LCC, the next time you hit V1 in our LCC hubs, keep your mind focused on the task at hand, which is to deliver those passengers and freight to the destination safely. You can think kind thoughts of the thousands of people who made it possible for you to have a continued pilot career after you have demonstrated the professionalism and skill level expected from those paying your salary.
Why don’t most unions do like the trade unions and create one master sonority list? Why tie seniority to a company? The inability to easily change jobs is easily the biggest determent to higher wages.
I know the score alright, and you are way off base and about to be picked off.

No...I repeat...No pilots have provided me my job. My job was granted me by America West, and my paycheck guaranteed by the passengers and freight I carry.

Now that you and I work for LCC, the next time you hit V1 in our LCC hubs, keep your mind focused on the task at hand, which is to deliver those passengers and freight to the destination safely. You can think kind thoughts of the thousands of people who made it possible for you to have a continued pilot career after you have demonstrated the professionalism and skill level expected from those paying your salary.

My thoughts exactly. Some seem to forget that a company is business to make a profit and produce a nice return for the owners, the stock holders. Having owned several businesses over the past 30 years, I understand this fact. Some of these posters seem to think their job is somehow their property. It is not, you are an employee.

It is the responsibility of a union to bargain with the employer for better wages and protections for the employees it represents. If does not give anybody the right to be a slacker.
My thoughts exactly. Some seem to forget that a company is business to make a profit and produce a nice return for the owners, the stock holders. Having owned several businesses over the past 30 years, I understand this fact. Some of these posters seem to think their job is somehow their property. It is not, you are an employee.

It is the responsibility of a union to bargain with the employer for better wages and protections for the employees it represents. If does not give anybody the right to be a slacker.

I agree with what you and nic say,and I try to do the best job I can every time I go to work. I just don't see how you got to this from what freighter posted. What I took from his post was the "stolen jobs" and "we saved you" was b.s. and needed to stop, not a literal let you mind wonder at V1. And if that is what he meant, I agree. No one from either side has stolen a job. The company has assigned them per the Transition agreement.
Why don’t most unions do like the trade unions and create one master sonority list? Why tie seniority to a company? The inability to easily change jobs is easily the biggest determent to higher wages.


because ALPA was run by a bunch of airlines with no stones.. But 9-11 prooved that we are all pretty much the same.. The DL guys and UAL guys didn't want a national list way back.. But it's because they can't see beyond there nose. and to top it off the ALPA leaders were politicians.
If you want the most relevant situation look at the frontier/republic arbitration. Republic is IBT. Care to tell us how that integration turned out?

The active Captains from Republic and Frontier were ratioed together.

Then, the First Officers from the 2 groups and the #1 furloughed Midwest pilot were ratioed in a 3 way. All the furloughed Midwest pilots were ratioed in amoung active pilots.

Subject to a fence on the Airbus the top furloughed Midwest pilots will return directly to a Captain job. Not just on the E-170 but to the premium job A-319.
Seeing how so many of our flights from PHX and LAS to East coast cities no longer exist and our passengers are forced to go through CLT and PHL and make connection, you don't need to get your panties all wadded up. Also, every time I see one of your planes going to a West destination out of PHX or LAS, I try to see the big picture. Maybe you would consider doing the same.
I just don't see how you got to this from what freighter posted. What I took from his post was the "stolen jobs" and "we saved you" was b.s. and needed to stop, not a literal let you mind wonder at V1. And if that is what he meant, I agree. No one from either side has stolen a job. The company has assigned them per the Transition agreement.

Exactly, thanks for noticing.
lets see, acoeding Parker east is flying 4% or the west schedule and the west is flying 24% of the east, Im thinking the big picture looks diferent from my end than yours. Maybe you could un-wad your shorts sice with the east you'd have significantly less flying oportunities.
I agree with what you and nic say,and I try to do the best job I can every time I go to work. I just don't see how you got to this from what freighter posted. What I took from his post was the "stolen jobs" and "we saved you" was b.s. and needed to stop, not a literal let you mind wonder at V1. And if that is what he meant, I agree. No one from either side has stolen a job. The company has assigned them per the Transition agreement.

Points noted...

My comments are more in general. For example, I sympathize with the teachers' objectives in Wisconsin and think they are underpaid for the job they perform and as college grads. Some of them made a major PR error when they openly thumbed their noses at the system getting bogus doctors' notes on camera. It's that "you can't touch me" attitude that got 1000 of them suspended.
My thanks to the fine men from AOL for that beautitful pamphlet that I just got in the mail, must a cost a lot. Keep those donations coming in. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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