US Pilots Labor Discussion

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If you think you have the votes to decertify you are welcome to try and I don't think that anyone in usapa will deny you the right.

May not deny you the right, they may just file a trumped up RICO suit if you try, or get in bed with the IBT to try to and avoid losing control.

The West is not going to try and decertify usapa, we will leave that to the east, when the bill comes due. We know you folks are not going to pay it, and you will flush usapa faster than yesterday's grande burritto.
In typical usapa fashion the more open and transparent union has failed to inform the membership of yet another setback on the legal front. The pattern is if they think it is a win usapa immediately screams from the mountain top like Charlie Sheen. WINNING!!!

When they lose, nothing. Hoping that no one will notice. A decision from the court was released on March 14. Today March 18 still no update.

If you close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears maybe the bad things will go away. The local usapa shill can explain why usapa has not informed anyone of the legal court order.
In typical usapa fashion the more open and transparent union has failed to inform the membership of yet another setback on the legal front. The pattern is if they think it is a win usapa immediately screams from the mountain top like Charlie Sheen. WINNING!!!

When they lose, nothing. Hoping that no one will notice. A decision from the court was released on March 14. Today March 18 still no update.

If you close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears maybe the bad things will go away. The local usapa shill can explain why usapa has not informed anyone of the legal court order.
Please fill us in on what was released since USAPA doesn't have the stomach for it.

I think someone needs to make a copy of this forum and send it to the FAA and the NTSB. This is how a airline works behind the cockoit door! Someone needs to look into this and see if is like this while I am flying around in the cabin. It may take a ream of paper but I am doing it. You people are going to have a crash while your fighting among yourselves, Myself, my family and the people of this country don't deserve this.

You are absolutely correct and this should and will be presented to the FAA if and when the time comes. This abortion of a merger has created more animosity than even NW/Republic which is very hard to believe. It is for this very reason that these two groups must never be put together and likely never will be.

Noone of the flying public should ever be put in a situation where that are in an aircraft where these two diverse groups would be forced to inhabit the same space. In fact, the first and only question a passenger should ask is if there is a mixed cockpit. If so, do not under any circumstances get on that aircraft.

Since this is a public forum, it is information that could and would be used against the company in the event of any situation that might have legal liability. Putting these two groups together that would cut each others throat and expect compliance is an accident waiting to happen and they know it.

You are absolutely correct and this should and will be presented to the FAA if and when the time comes. This abortion of a merger has created more animosity than even NW/Republic which is very hard to believe. It is for this very reason that these two groups must never be put together and likely never will be.

Noone of the flying public should ever be put in a situation where that are in an aircraft where these two diverse groups would be forced to inhabit the same space. In fact, the first and only question a passenger should ask is if there is a mixed cockpit. If so, do not under any circumstances get on that aircraft.

Since this is a public forum, it is information that could and would be used against the company in the event of any situation that might have legal liability. Putting these two groups together that would cut each others throat and expect compliance is an accident waiting to happen and they know it.


Your are truly a pathetic escuse of a professional pilot, if you are one. If you are that stressed out quit the job, go on disability for your mental illness and feed of the welfare system.

I noticed you still have that avatar. You know the same symbol the Panama City gunman painted on the wall prior to the shooting.

Tells me that much more about your frame of mind, or lack of one.
You are absolutely correct and this should and will be presented to the FAA if and when the time comes. This abortion of a merger has created more animosity than even NW/Republic which is very hard to believe. It is for this very reason that these two groups must never be put together and likely never will be.

Noone of the flying public should ever be put in a situation where that are in an aircraft where these two diverse groups would be forced to inhabit the same space. In fact, the first and only question a passenger should ask is if there is a mixed cockpit. If so, do not under any circumstances get on that aircraft.

Since this is a public forum, it is information that could and would be used against the company in the event of any situation that might have legal liability. Putting these two groups together that would cut each others throat and expect compliance is an accident waiting to happen and they know it.


I disagree completely.

While of course there are exceptions, yourself most notably, I feel that whatever the outcome 99% of the pilots are mature and professional enough to fly together safely.

For those of you that feel you cannot do the job, I'm certain the company and USAPA will craft a "NO FLY" system to preclude your immaturity from being introduced in that flight deck scenario.

If anything is used by the company taken from this forum, it will most likely be items related to "self-help" espoused by numerous well known USAPA shills.
I disagree completely.

While of course there are exceptions, yourself most notably, I feel that whatever the outcome 99% of the pilots are mature and professional enough to fly together safely.

For those of you that feel you cannot do the job, I'm certain the company and USAPA will craft a "NO FLY" system to preclude your immaturity from being introduced in that flight deck scenario.

If anything is used by the company taken from this forum, it will most likely be items related to "self-help" espoused by numerous well known USAPA shills.

I'll be glad to fly with you, a former PSA pilot. What V fails to realize, is we already fly together. I had an East jumpseater a couple of weeks ago. It was a pleasant flight, we did not discuss the seniority dispute.

Professional pilots know hoow to conduct themselves on the line.

A few just can't handle the stress.
Your are truly a pathetic escuse of a professional pilot, if you are one. If you are that stressed out quit the job, go on disability for your mental illness and feed of the welfare system.

I noticed you still have that avatar. You know the same symbol the Panama City gunman painted on the wall prior to the shooting.

Tells me that much more about your frame of mind, or lack of one.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate it when you respond. It is always so inciteful and so full of realism. You are a true testament to the West mentality. It really does help me to relieve all that stress that you so clearly perceive. Careful, your desparation is showing.

Tell me, are those meds helping or not? I think not. Try them with another rum and coke and call Dr. Freud for another session...Is the phone ringing? I think your mother is on the other line. You better answer it.

I disagree completely.

While of course there are exceptions, yourself most notably, I feel that whatever the outcome 99% of the pilots are mature and professional enough to fly together safely.

For those of you that feel you cannot do the job, I'm certain the company and USAPA will craft a "NO FLY" system to preclude your immaturity from being introduced in that flight deck scenario.

If anything is used by the company taken from this forum, it will most likely be items related to "self-help" espoused by numerous well known USAPA shills.

I totally disagree with your disagreement. Trying to loosely use the word 'professional' to replace 'human nature' will not hold up in a court of law and will not excuse the company from liability if they ignore the obvious. You give way to much creedence to your perception of how people will act when threatened. However, if you want to use professionalism as a substitute go ahead and keep your head in the sand.

You are absolutely correct and this should and will be presented to the FAA if and when the time comes. This abortion of a merger has created more animosity than even NW/Republic which is very hard to believe. It is for this very reason that these two groups must never be put together and likely never will be.

Noone of the flying public should ever be put in a situation where that are in an aircraft where these two diverse groups would be forced to inhabit the same space. In fact, the first and only question a passenger should ask is if there is a mixed cockpit. If so, do not under any circumstances get on that aircraft.

Since this is a public forum, it is information that could and would be used against the company in the event of any situation that might have legal liability. Putting these two groups together that would cut each others throat and expect compliance is an accident waiting to happen and they know it.



Team Tempe will never put this thing together! It will cost them 400 to 500 million per year in pilot costs. They will pay us the LOA93 money in a heartbeat verses a joint contract. The LOA93 money for the full amount is only 147 million per year. Why would this management ever want a joint contract? Separate operations = Cheap labor...........................The next contract for this pilot group will be when another transaction takes place.


Team Tempe will never put this thing together! It will cost them 400 to 500 million per year in pilot costs. They will pay us the LOA93 money in a heartbeat verses a joint contract. The LOA93 money for the full amount is only 147 million per year. Why would this management ever want a joint contract? Separate operations = Cheap labor...........................The next contract for this pilot group will be when another transaction takes place.


Holy %#$%^. Another mag 9 earthquake because I agree with everything Hate just said.
Noone of the flying public should ever be put in a situation where that are in an aircraft where these two diverse groups would be forced to inhabit the same space. In fact, the first and only question a passenger should ask is if there is a mixed cockpit. If so, do not under any circumstances get on that aircraft.


You're sick.

Get some help, and while your at it address that Nazi admiration issue.
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