US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Communicating a Message of Representational Desperation

With USAPA officials making false claims about their achievements while fabricating the comments of management in USAPA videos, is the real message one of a failed union desperate to hold on to power at any cost? How long can this last? Where does it lead? When should the US Airways pilots expect to see a realistic plan for success with genuine union values and real results?

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Any updates on the status of the UTC? What do your de-coder ring sources say?
In Topic: An Offensively Stupid Idea
28 February 2011 - 04:48 PM

UPNAWAY, on 26 February 2011 - 11:53 AM, said:

Cute comment but meaningless as usual.
Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the country and not shrinking like the rust belt cities are! Of the top 10 there are only three old rust belt cities NY, PHL and CHI and they are all contracting! The 90's and early 2000s when palces like PIT and CLE seemed to be revived was only a blimp on the RADAR as they all continue to shrink. Phoenix is way more viable now and well into the future then PIT.
Streaman's response to UPNAWAY
Speaking of meaningless and may I add stupid comments, Pittsburgh is the most livable city in the country and has been in the top five for many years. PHX is at or near the bottom and fallllling. P.S. stay where ever you are we dont need "usdesirables" like you as a matter of fact I bet PHX would climb way up if you moved 500 miles due south. austa la vista looser.

Hey Streaman,

You come across as some concerned passenger and yet you seem to have a certain dislike of Phoenix. Why is that Streaman?

Are you REALLY the concerned passenger you claim to be be?

CM desperation

Most of us remember seeing Cleary and other independent union leaders on tv when the patdown issue was introduced. Alpa not visible at the time.

People that eat caviar can afford a security staff that keeps TV reporters at bay. Its sooooo uncouth to be on TV while eating caviar.
East crews do not fly with west crews. The operations are separate. In the name of safety it should stay that way.

If they can't handle the job...They can quit or get therapy and come back when they are fit for duty.

Makes me wonder is some people understand their benefit package. The EAP was created for a reason, use it!
You don't think in a combined contract(never happen) DP would want the ability to downsize or even close PHX, oh yes and your competition is deep pockets SWA! MM! read on!
Air Traffic Liability (taxes due on amounts collected from PAX)

A FYI, air traffic liability is advance ticket sales - when the money is received for future travel it goes into air traffic liability and when the transportation is provided money glows from air traffic liability to operating expenses and passenger revenue. It's one way to get a sense of how future bookings look - air traffic liability increases it means that more tickets are being sold (or at higher fares) than travel is consumed and vice versa. Generally air traffic liability should go up prior to the summer as people buy tickets for their summer travel, and in the fall air traffic liability should go down as people use those summer tickets and not as many advance tickets are sold.

Lets see, 120m x 4 years = 480 Million. Seems to me they should have the money....they have 2B in the bank...

Well, if you figure it'll be 6 years at least by the time a contract gets negotiated (considering that at least 2 courts will have to look at the seniority issue, that's optimistic) it'll be $600 million (assuming that $100 million/year would bring East to parity for the previous 6 years) + the increase in annual costs going forward. Then you have the $1.856 billion in available cash at the end of 2010. So that gets you down to $1.256 billion plus increased costs going forward. Trouble is that the credit card processor is holding back $1.3 or 1.4 billion (depending on time of year) so that $1.256 billion puts US in default.

A FYI, air traffic liability is advance ticket sales - when the money is received for future travel it goes into air traffic liability and when the transportation is provided money glows from air traffic liability to operating expenses and passenger revenue. It's one way to get a sense of how future bookings look - air traffic liability increases it means that more tickets are being sold (or at higher fares) than travel is consumed and vice versa. Generally air traffic liability should go up prior to the summer as people buy tickets for their summer travel, and in the fall air traffic liability should go down as people use those summer tickets and not as many advance tickets are sold.

Thanks for the FYI Jim. I stand corrected.

I take it from your post that that you actually believe the figures that the company posts are true and that if they are not some govt agency will call them on it.



I take it from your post that you actually believe that upper management has gotten together to all agree on a lie and falsify SEC documents at the risk of becoming convicted felons and going to prison. Where is Enron, Worldcom, and Aurthur Anderson today? Ever hear of the Sarbanes-Oxley act? Parker could barely stand a single day in a womens prison for drunks. How eager do you think he is to wear a pink jumper for 15 years for investor fraud? Why would he risk it all? Well, in typical Eastie mentality, for no other reason that to suppress the East pilots.

You guys are flat out kooky. There seems to be no bottom to the narcissism well for you folks. Everything is always about you.
Tonight (LOA 93 and other legal proceedings aside) I wish to bestow the following:

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face; rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Diggin' "Paddy McCarthy" (The Corrs!) on a bonny St. Paddy's day. Being Irish American is the best kind of "Goin' Green"!! God's Speed to all Irish, Irish-Americans, & those that just like the GREEN BEER!!
East crews do not fly with west crews. The operations are separate. In the name of safety it should stay that way.

Uhhh Bone, there are "west crews" that fly with "east crew" presently. These are the furloughed AWA pilots that had a job when AWA Holdings bought the former US Air that were furloughed (after AWA management said that "No AWA employees would be harmed by the AWA - AAA merger). Safe as safe can be...unless you meant that you can not be SAFE if YOU occupy the right seat.......double standard?? Gee, what a surprise.
Tonight (LOA 93 and other legal proceedings aside) I wish to bestow the following:

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face; rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Diggin' "Paddy McCarthy" (The Corrs!) on a bonny St. Paddy's day. Being Irish American is the best kind of "Goin' Green"!! God's Speed to all Irish, Irish-Americans, & those that just like the GREEN BEER!!
Real Irish do not drink green beer!!!!!!!
I always knew (from my friends of the former America West) that we were not that different. In fact, after this flight, I realized that the majority of posters on this web board are actually the minority.

The majority of posters here are actually the minority?

Since there are about 2 dozen or so names that recur here, unless US Airways only has 47 pilots on its seniority list, I guess you are right that the majority of posters here are actually the minority. Glad you figured that out and passed the information on.
Uhhh Bone, there are "west crews" that fly with "east crew" presently. These are the furloughed AWA pilots that had a job when AWA Holdings bought the former US Air that were furloughed (after AWA management said that "No AWA employees would be harmed by the AWA - AAA merger). Safe as safe can be...unless you meant that you can not be SAFE if YOU occupy the right seat.......double standard?? Gee, what a surprise.
Bought US Airways with WHAT? Sand maybe rocks wasn't money......
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