US Pilots Labor Discussion

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NegotiationsIn 1995 the IACP met with exceptional initial success by securing the first contract for the Continental pilots in more than ten years, and the very first contract for the Continental Express pilots. Most noteworthy is that the contracts were negotiated while the airline was mired in its second bankruptcy, and during the life of the Continental contract, overall pilot compensation was increased more than 80%. In 1999 the contract negotiations by the IACP yielded even greater improvements to the pay and benefits of Continental pilots. The Continental pilot contract was followed shortly by a new contract for the Continental Express pilots.

[edit] MergerA third organizational effort by ALPA [date ?] (headed by the then current IACP president captain Pat Burke) was finally successful and the Continental and Continental Express pilots elected to be represented by ALPA, at which time the IACP ceased to exist. Ironically, the strike breaking pilots(which is the most notable moral violation and ethical no-no by a union) were all given good standing in the newly formed ALPA unit; a hypocrisy to say the least.
Well, why don't you check a real seniority list and verify it, you can't, more HOT AIR, you know there are alot of people on the TSA's watch list that aren't terrorists either, but you sure can find hundreds on CAL's list! MM!
Ray, James A CAL 83 dob 9/16/59, 0030P

pg. 55 of 75 on the list I'm looking at.

Different Ray? Same birthdate but different Ray? Is that it? Just a really really weird concidence I guess?

Don't want to post the link as I think that's against the rules on the board, but just google "wiki file master scab list" and look at the fourth or fifth result that comes up. It'll be the first pdf file. Download it and tell us where the discrepancy is.

Ray, James A CAL 83 dob 9/16/59, 0030P

pg. 55 of 75 on the list I'm looking at.

Different Ray? Same birthdate but different Ray? Is that it? Just a really really weird concidence I guess?

Don't want to post the link as I think that's against the rules on the board, but just google "wiki file master scab list" and look at the fourth or fifth result that comes up. It'll be the first pdf file. Download it and tell us where the discrepancy is.


In case you didn't get it MM. Is it just a coincidence then? A really really REALLY odd coincidence?
I'm not talking about facts. Rather Nos' supposed "facts" - twisted info and outright lies (some of which you've bought into).

What did I buy into? I never said, you were on the PI merger comm, had anything to do with empire, or anything else, thats between you and nos! MM!
Ray, James A CAL 83 dob 9/16/59, 0030P

pg. 55 of 75 on the list I'm looking at.

Different Ray? Same birthdate but different Ray? Is that it? Just a really really weird concidence I guess?

Don't want to post the link as I think that's against the rules on the board, but just google "wiki file master scab list" and look at the fourth or fifth result that comes up. It'll be the first pdf file. Download it and tell us where the discrepancy is.


MM. Here are the facts! us all out with the "truth"! :lol:
Sorry MM, I retract that - it was BS that mentioned my supposed nephew several times.

The point still stands, though. East posters ignore Nos' hot air but are quick to accuse others of the same.

In case you didn't get it MM. Is it just a coincidence then? A really really REALLY odd coincidence?
That is why I would never ever, forward that kind of list, even the AWA Ansett list, what I have seen and am looking at are pilots whose DOH and are actively working at their ALPA carrier RIGHT NOW, and whose dates coincide with struck work! Other than that anyone with an axe can chop wood! MM!
That is why I would never ever, forward that kind of list, even the AWA Ansett list, what I have seen and am looking at are pilots whose DOH and are actively working at their ALPA carrier RIGHT NOW, and whose dates coincide with struck work! Other than that anyone with an axe can chop wood! MM!
Explain that a little better. Do you mean a pilot whose DOH at a carrier coincides with a strike at that carrier?

That is why I would never ever, forward that kind of list, even the AWA Ansett list, what I have seen and am looking at are pilots whose DOH and are actively working at their ALPA carrier RIGHT NOW, and whose dates coincide with struck work! Other than that anyone with an axe can chop wood! MM!
??? Don't follow what you're saying. Can you try again? Are there two James Rays in aviation with the same birthdates? Is that it? Or is the list plain wrong?
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