US Pilots Labor Discussion

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As in Specific Proof Nos.

Sorry, "look a like contest interest" is in no dictionaries that the 'One Look Dictionary' references - another lie?

You know, you and others have been talking about NMB lawyers parachuting into courtrooms for a long time. Haven't seen or heard of any doing that yet. Even when Wake did impose the Nic - or have you forgotten that - still no parachuting lawyers...

Why don't you regale us with tales of $eham telling everyone that the way to get DOH was accept a cost neutral contract? Or his little gem that getting DOH in the courts was highly unlikely?

Are you saying Wake imposed Nicolau?
When you demand the same of Nos I'll think about it. Till then you're just protecting another Eastie with no character and a double standard...

You're the one who goes postal over the issue. You get to the bottom of it. I frankly could care less who he/she is.
You're the one who goes postal over the issue. You get to the bottom of it. I frankly could care less who he/she is.

Postal? I just call him his last screen name and don't need to "get to the bottom of it." And I do demand that he prove the lies he's told about me. Go back and read the posts of Nos and compare them to Sum and you'll see that they're made by the same person. You'll notice also that he has never denied being Nos, either (though now he'll probably start doing so).

Yes, until after the 9th ruled the suit was not ripe. Did you sleep through that?

You really don't know what happened here, and it shows. Wake wanted to impose the Nic, hence the admonishment from the East legal team. He was salivating, and thought he could. Graneth gave him a stern warning, basically letting him know he was way over his head. Hence the NMB parachute team warning. We were PRAYING Wake would do it. Wake had absolutely no idea of union issues, NMB issues, and the like. Pretty much like Koontz and Leonidas. For a Federal judge, to show his cards, thinking he could impose a labor integration on two groups shows just how far out of his league he actually was. It, was hilarious. This was an Arizona courtroom that ran right off the tracks. Thank God for the 9th and the clerks. One can only imagine the comments in San Francisco when they read this transcript. Unbelievable.
You're serious aren't you? You've forgotten or ignored Wakes order that any joint contract had to include the Nic. Guess I'll just have to dig it up and quote it to you...

That was NOT a Federal Judge imposing anything. It was merely a MISGUIDED statement. Big difference. You must have forgotten he wanted to originally wanted to make it happen, gavel down, right there and now.He thought better of it. A Federal judge can make a lot of things happen that instant if they want, like back to work orders and such. This was no such animal. Look at some civil rights cases and rulings in the Jim Crow south if you can't figure out just how much power Federal judges have when they are on solid ground and can cite case law and the US Constitution. Wake had nothing to back him except his ineptitude.
Wow, gone a few days and missed all the excitement! Tell me about it..Did he hit you with a sucker punch or did you just forget to duck?

Listen Cacti, you are nothing but an electron floating around in cyberspace; just like your goofy cohorts and your concepts of reality. I haven't even gone back to find the highlights of the prize fight but unless the two of you personally know each other then you are just two unknown cybergeekes shooting electrons back and forth. I wonder how you can have the real threat of bodily harm from a computer? And from what I understand, unless there is a breech of national security you are gonna have one hellovatime trying to find out which electron got rammed up your butt. So, pull up your panties and think about it....

This is too funny. We really need to sell tickets to this sideshow....


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