US Pilots Labor Discussion

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This sounds a lot like the cactus 18 guy who threatened to organize a blanket party, in an e-mail, against one of his own west brothers.

Is that an accusation 88?

Do they hold a lot of blanket parties in South Carolina, wear pointy hats and scare minorities?

Birth of a Nation (1915)
Here ya go BS - taken from Wakes order listed as Doc 594. I'm not surprised that USAPA didn't want you seeing that order...

PHX-NVW in favor of the Plaintiffs and the class of all pilots employed by US Airways,
Inc., in September 2008 who were on the America West seniority list on September 20, 2005,
that Defendant US Airline Pilots Association and its officers, committees, representatives,
agents, and all persons in active concert and participation with them are permanently
enjoined and ordered to:

A. Immediately, and in good faith, make all reasonable efforts to negotiate and
implement a single collective bargaining agreement with US Airways that will
implement the Nicolau Award seniority proposal unmodified, according to its terms;

B. Make all reasonable efforts to support and defend the seniority rights provided
by or arising from the Nicolau Award in negotiations with US Airways; and
Case 2:08-cv-01633-NVW Document 594 Filed 07/17/2009 Page 2 of 3

C. Not negotiate for separate collective bargaining agreements for the separate
pilot groups, but rather negotiate for a single collective bargaining agreement for both
pilot groups that incorporates the Nicolau Award. This injunction does not restrain
USAPA from pursuing its rights under Section 6 of the Railway Labor Act, consistent
with the previous sentence.

Then pursue it, a----ole. See how far the DA want to take it for you.

Blame Mikey60 or yourself.

Don't worry about the DA. Worry about the Feds.

I take threats of bodily harm seriously, you weren't slinging dog poo.

Been a good day, Mikey, NYC or whoever you are..
Does alpa pay you or reward you in any way to be on this Usairways pilot message board? Yes or no.

I have no further questions your honor. The defendants inherent, proclivity to these maters has been to respond to my posts immediately with a request for proof. The above request was met with no such challenge.

I believe the above respectful request for the truth was purposely ignored, which infers a desire to avoid accountability.
I have no further questions your honor. The defendants inherent, proclivity to these maters has been to respond to my posts immediately with a request for proof. The above request was met with no such challenge.

I believe the above respectful request for the truth was purposely ignored, which infers a desire to avoid accountability.
You can't read Nos? Try looking at my answer to your new accusation. Maybe your mommy called you to dinner and you missed it...

Just another charge you haven't proven.

I'll even give you a hint since you've never had a clue Nos - post 9639 (you'll notice your post asking how much ALPA was paying me is post 9638). So you're lying again...

Any new lies to tell, Nos.

Proof - the list is now up to 5 false accusations you've made (since I started counting anyway).

Here ya go BS - taken from Wakes order listed as Doc 594. I'm not surprised that USAPA didn't want you seeing that order...

PHX-NVW in favor of the Plaintiffs and the class of all pilots employed by US Airways,
Inc., in September 2008 who were on the America West seniority list on September 20, 2005,
that Defendant US Airline Pilots Association and its officers, committees, representatives,
agents, and all persons in active concert and participation with them are permanently
enjoined and ordered to:

A. Immediately, and in good faith, make all reasonable efforts to negotiate and
implement a single collective bargaining agreement with US Airways that will
implement the Nicolau Award seniority proposal unmodified, according to its terms;

B. Make all reasonable efforts to support and defend the seniority rights provided
by or arising from the Nicolau Award in negotiations with US Airways; and
Case 2:08-cv-01633-NVW Document 594 Filed 07/17/2009 Page 2 of 3

C. Not negotiate for separate collective bargaining agreements for the separate
pilot groups, but rather negotiate for a single collective bargaining agreement for both
pilot groups that incorporates the Nicolau Award. This injunction does not restrain
USAPA from pursuing its rights under Section 6 of the Railway Labor Act, consistent
with the previous sentence.


Black Swan just became Burned Swan
Here ya go BS - taken from Wakes order listed as Doc 594. I'm not surprised that USAPA didn't want you seeing that order...

PHX-NVW in favor of the Plaintiffs and the class of all pilots employed by US Airways,
Inc., in September 2008 who were on the America West seniority list on September 20, 2005,
that Defendant US Airline Pilots Association and its officers, committees, representatives,
agents, and all persons in active concert and participation with them are permanently
enjoined and ordered to:

A. Immediately, and in good faith, make all reasonable efforts to negotiate and
implement a single collective bargaining agreement with US Airways that will
implement the Nicolau Award seniority proposal unmodified, according to its terms;

B. Make all reasonable efforts to support and defend the seniority rights provided
by or arising from the Nicolau Award in negotiations with US Airways; and
Case 2:08-cv-01633-NVW Document 594 Filed 07/17/2009 Page 2 of 3

C. Not negotiate for separate collective bargaining agreements for the separate
pilot groups, but rather negotiate for a single collective bargaining agreement for both
pilot groups that incorporates the Nicolau Award. This injunction does not restrain
USAPA from pursuing its rights under Section 6 of the Railway Labor Act, consistent
with the previous sentence.


Goeing Boy,

I can see you are a little behind in your reading. Here you go: IT IS ORDERED that the Partial Judgment and Permanent Injunction entered July 17, 2009 (Doc. 594), is vacated.
Case 2:08-cv-01633-NVW Document 652 Filed 08/13/10 Page 1 of 2

I guess your West nephew kept that one from you, another swing and a miss by the "boeing boy."

The Swan

Don Addington; John Bostic; Mark
Burman; Afshin Iranpour; Roger Velez;
Steve Wargocki,
US Airline Pilots Association; US
Airways, Inc.,
Don Addington; John Bostic; Mark
Burman; Afshin Iranpour; Roger Velez;
Steve Wargocki, et al.,
Steven Bradford; Paul Diorio; Robert
Frear; Mark King; Douglas Mowery; John
Stephan, et al.,

No. CV-08-1633-PHX-NVW
Pursuant to the mandate of the Court of Appeals (Doc. 647),

IT IS ORDERED that the Partial Judgment and Permanent Injunction entered July 17, 2009 (Doc. 594), is vacated.
Case 2:08-cv-01633-NVW Document 652 Filed 08/13/10 Page 1 of 2
- 2 -

IT IS FURTHER ordered that the Clerk enter judgment dismissing this action for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.

DATED this 12th day of August, 2010.

Neil V. Wake
United States District Judge


Case 2:08-cv-01633-NVW Document 653 Filed 08/13/10 Page 1 of 1

Don Addington, et al., )
v. ) CV 08-1633-PHX-NVW
) (consolidated)
US Airline Pilots Association, et al., )
Defendants. )
) CV 08-1728-PHX-NVW
Don Addington, et al., )
Plaintiffs, )
vs. )
Steven Bradford, et al., Defendants.

Jury Verdict. This action came before the Court for a trial by jury. The issues have
been tried and the jury has rendered its verdict.

X Decision by Court. This action came for consideration before the Court. The issues have been considered and a decision has been rendered.

IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED by way of this Court, pursuant to the Mandate
of the Court of Appeal, Partial Judgment and Permanent Injunction entered July 17, 2009 is vacated. Judgment is now entered dismissing this action for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.

August 13th 2010 RICHARD H. WEARE

Date District Court Executive/Clerk
/s/ Kathy Gerchar
(by) Kathy Gerchar, Deputy Clerk
cc: (all counsel)
Goeing Boy,

I can see you are a little behind in your reading. Here you go: IT IS ORDERED that the Partial Judgment and Permanent Injunction entered July 17, 2009 (Doc. 594), is vacated.
Case 2:08-cv-01633-NVW Document 652 Filed 08/13/10 Page 1 of 2

I guess your West nephew kept that one from you, another swing and a miss by the "boeing boy."

The Swan

Someone else with a reading problem. If you'll go back to my original post you'll see that I said Wake had ordered that the Nic be used until the 9th ruled that the suit was not ripe.

Would you like to prove the claim that I have a West nehpew, or do you just lie and keep repeating it like Nos?

You were recently on furlough for two years as a west pilot hired in 2004. Are you officially off probation yet?

You are going to have to earn it, sorry old boy.

I guess you missed the highest positive rated post that I have ever seen on this forum.

In it, I challenged you to prove some very easily proven lies you were telling.

Well, I doubt this post gets as many positive, might even get my warning meter pegged.

I know who Cleardirect is. I know his status, his AWA hire date, that he has never been furloughed, and I have logged time with him many years before the merger.

You are either ignorant, a liar, or both. I suspect both.
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