US Pilots Labor Discussion

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That's Nos - makes wild accusations then claims amnesia when asked to prove his claims. Wonder what US would think of one of it's pilots having memory problems (if he is a pilot, my money is on him being about 12)?

I could read this all day long!

I thought you tossed ALPA? And did a lot of chest thumping about doing it. Now you quote ALPA as an authority? Those straws you've been grasping at must have about run out...

I give up, you win. Uncle! I should have know better than to mess with you. I stand corrected. Thank you for putting me in my place. I needed the slap in the face.


I've given my price before - an admission that you lie and an apology posted here. I don't see the word "lied" or an apology anywhere...

I thought you tossed ALPA? And did a lot of chest thumping about doing it. Now you quote ALPA as an authority? Those straws you've been grasping at must have about run out...



That was a really fun day for all of us in the east. Why do you think the desert judge wouldn't let this document in his court room?

I could read this all day long!

You mean this part here?

This will lead to a contract that is much better
than any contract that USAPA can obtain, as it will be a contract that
addresses all pilot concerns. On the other hand, USAPA will propose a
quick, cheap, cost‐neutral contract that addresses only seniority, that
will be tied up in endless litigation, and that is subject to being undone
in future negotiations or in future mergers.
Looks like Prater got one thing right.

Or maybe this part?

I want to assure you that
trusteeship will not be used to deprive you of your right to separate
membership ratification.
That protection—for each MEC and each
pilot group to analyze, debate, and ratify a contract that meets its
needs—exists in ALPA Merger Policy and does not under USAPA
you know i thought some east pilots was screaming that ALPA was going to take away your right to vote? But I guess it was usapa that did that.

That was a really fun day for all of us in the east. Why do you think the desert judge wouldn't let this document in his court room?

Maybe because it added nothing - the TA makes it clear that an integrated list can't be used by the company until a joint contract is ratified and that carries more weight than anything Prater said since the company is a signatory to the TA.

You all keep trying to make these court cases about the unfairness of the Nic Award. Since you (the MEC) didn't attempt to make a case for fraud, confliict of interest, etc, within the statute of limitations, the Nic award is automatically deemed fair.

Judge Silver (discussing the 9th's ruling): No question the Court embraced the issue that there was harm to the West Pilots. That was clear."

Wonder who knows more about the law - BS, Hate, or Judge Silver? Wonder who has more experience with the 9th's rulings - BS, Hate, or Judge Silver? Wonder who takes the entirety of the record into account, not just carefully chosen tidbits -- BS, Hate, or Judge Silver?


About sums it up- the resident east posters around here prove every day they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

That was a really fun day for all of us in the east. Why do you think the desert judge wouldn't let this document in his court room?

Could it be because it was not important to the DFR of what usapa did? ALPA was not on trial or the fairness of the Nicolau. usapa and their treatment of the west. That was the trial. Your special little letter had nothing to do with that.

That was a really fun day for all of us in the east.


That statement wasn't even true then - how many East pilots voted for ALPA. 400? 500?

It's even less true today - more and more East pilots are getting fed up with Czar Cleary and the USAPA he's creating.

It is coming up on the fourth anniversary of the nic award. To celebrate I think we should have a picnic. In theme we could get the Elvis parachute team, have the Piedmont Nascar there and maybe boeing boy can show up in uniform.

I need ideas for the menu. Florida giant beaver meat anyone?

That was a really fun day for all of us in the east. Why do you think the desert judge wouldn't let this document in his court room?

Oh man, that was so funny watching Wake squirm in his esteemed throne! Brengle told him in his 30 yrs. he had NEVER seen the likes of what Wake was up to! Right to his face.Too bad we didn't get to see him impose the Nic like he wanted to. That, would have been the topper- NMB lawyers parachuting into the courtroom! The icing on the cake was when Wake wanted to start the DAMAGES trial!!! Of course the entire issue of separate ops was green lighted by Prater.So how does a union representing both sides and allowing separate ops cause damage??? Then we had our guest Jetzz asking about the damages trial also. Gee, what ever did happen to that damages trial??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
You know, you and others have been talking about NMB lawyers parachuting into courtrooms for a long time. Haven't seen or heard of any doing that yet. Even when Wake did impose the Nic - or have you forgotten that - still no parachuting lawyers...

Why don't you regale us with tales of $eham telling everyone that the way to get DOH was accept a cost neutral contract? Or his little gem that getting DOH in the courts was highly unlikely?

It is coming up on the fourth anniversary of the nic award. To celebrate I think we should have a picnic. In theme we could get the Elvis parachute team, have the Piedmont Nascar there and maybe boeing boy can show up in uniform.

I need ideas for the menu. Florida giant beaver meat anyone?
Would a Prater, look a like contest interest anyone?
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