US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I guess when "push comes to shove" the S/T has to call the police. Let me see, 8 of 11 reps out Cleary and Mowrey as thugs and now you plead ethics. The President is such a coward he won't even sign an office lease, afraid the security of a location where he has bedded down and drank for almost three years is a hazard to the Office Staff and a Grievance Chair who works from home.

The President will soon be recalled without the BPR, and probably with enough votes to not even need the evil West. The VP will soon resign for other reasons related to his violent behaviors.

The NAC in cohorts with Cleary have not been able to negotiate a single section of the contract related to real pay and benefits after three years of flight pay loss. I read the update today on the Tin Compass, and their tragic hopes and wishes for a happy Christmas were pummeled in the latest meeting with a new Mediator.

Like I said a few days can do better than this Rich Peters!!



Something that still bothers me to this minute is why the other 3 BPR members did not sign the PHL/DCA update? You know the PHX BPR members. The update mentions eight of eleven (8 of 11). So why didn't PHL/DCA have the PHX BPR members sign the update? Then they could have put out a 3 way joint update. DCA/PHL/PHX update.



Autobahn, northbound from Ulm en-route to Munich. European Delivery . You should check it out.
You and Scott Kirby. Little understanding of fuel flow at high, reckless speeds. Both of you will pay for your fuel waste.
You and Scott Kirby. Little understanding of fuel flow at high, reckless speeds. Both of you will pay for your fuel waste.

Says the pilot group that has been known to run the APU whilst flying "over the pond" & largely refusing to do single engine taxi procedures.......

Oh yea, that economic window for a more lucrative contract (regardless of the seniority "issue") has now been slammed shut. Thanks USAPA, you just keep on giving (???)......
Says the pilot group that has been known to run the APU whilst flying "over the pond" & largely refusing to do single engine taxi procedures.......

Oh yea, that economic window for a more lucrative contract (regardless of the seniority "issue") has now been slammed shut. Thanks USAPA, you just keep on giving (???)......

You have to give em credit for making Parker and Kirby rich men and taking credit for running a great airline. The company has been able to sock away our raises and sit on a pile of cash.

USAPA probably saved the airline from certain bankruptcy. B)

Something that still bothers me to this minute is why the other 3 BPR members did not sign the PHL/DCA update? You know the PHX BPR members. The update mentions eight of eleven (8 of 11). So why didn't PHL/DCA have the PHX BPR members sign the update? Then they could have put out a 3 way joint update. DCA/PHL/PHX update.


I don't know Hate. No idea if they were even asked.

But I note the PHX reps had already put out a lengthy message about the same subject..a week or so ahead of PHL and DCA.

Whatever the case, PHX, DCA, and PHL are united in their opinion the President is not doing his job. Cleary seems hell bent on everyone only having certain duties, and he cannot even execute his own.

Hey Reed,

When did you move to PHX? Seems you are making quite a few new friends out there and losing many over here. Sorry to see you go. Always looked forward to your insight.

I don't know Hate. No idea if they were even asked.

But I note the PHX reps had already put out a lengthy message about the same subject..a week or so ahead of PHL and DCA.

Whatever the case, PHX, DCA, and PHL are united in their opinion the President is not doing his job. Cleary seems hell bent on everyone only having certain duties, and he cannot even execute his own.


Kinda ironic Cleary's inability to do a job could actually create a semblance of unity.
Superhero, did they slip you Alpanite and take your powers?

No Alpanite (I love that!)

Actually, it was a determined effort to get this forum going on some discussion other than "who saved who" or "ratios in the NIC."

I come here for entertainment, and if I cannot get some relevant discussion going about anything other than the above subjects, you will be happy to hear I am going to permanently hang up my stretch tights.

I see a lot of interesting topics start here and quickly disappear in the arguments about things that happened 5 or 6 years ago. And I am just as guilty for getting involved in said discussions.

As a matter of fact, I think I will take a breather until Judge Silver rules, or Kasher finally puts out. Lately I have been typing more and enjoying less!

You and Scott Kirby. Little understanding of fuel flow at high, reckless speeds. Both of you will pay for your fuel waste.

150KPH works out to about 90MPH so the driver in said photo isn't driving all that fast by Autoban standards or by Garden State Parkway standards for that matter. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program of whining, bickering and finger pointing.

PS: No animals were harmed in the creation of this post.
Hey Reed,

When did you move to PHX? Seems you are making quite a few new friends out there and losing many over here. Sorry to see you go. Always looked forward to your insight.


It is a great place to live, real estate is a bargain and far enough from those Usapian rednecks. Suits me.
150KPH works out to about 90MPH so the driver in said photo isn't driving all that fast by Autoban standards or by Garden State Parkway standards for that matter. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program of whining, bickering and finger pointing.

PS: No animals were harmed in the creation of this post.

No, he's going 150MPH. Look at the inner scale on the speedo. It indicates about 240KPH.

Jetz wouldn't brag about 90MPH. Heck, that's the defacto speed limit on California Freeways!
This is where you guys continually get lost between internal union dispute and binding arbitration between a company and its' employees. This one keeps you guys flying in circles forever! We have given up trying to explain.
I have asked this before but (surprise!) have never received an answer. (Or maybe I missed it with all the detritus floating around this fetid cesspool.)

For the sake of argument, let's assume that your characterization of this being an "internal union dispute" is correct.

How is binding arbitration to resolve an internal union dispute legally less binding or less valid under arbitration or labor law than binding arbitration between a company and its employees?

I would be interested in seeing any cites you can provide, for my own education.
To all furlough pilots

PHL and DCA Reps Thwart Furloughee Longevity

Anyone who has seen the latest NAC update has seen the effects of PHL and DCA going after the President firsthand. If you are one of the Pilots who would be affected by having your longevity restored for periods of furlough then you just witnessed what was apparently a near victory dashed while the Company waits to see if Cleary will survive.

This is a perfect example of how recklessly these gentlemen are behaving - a perfect example of how little regard they have for your welfare against the backdrop of their own petty political agenda. In this instance the NAC reported that they had an exchange with the Company which included what they thought was the strong potential for closing section 23 and that they thought longevity for furlough was clearly in the mix. According to the update the Company behaved as if they were prepared to make a deal at last month’s session then suddenly at the last session the did a 180 claiming that they didn’t understand the proposal.

If you buy that load of bull then you might want to consider therapy. It is very easy to see what is happening here. The PHL, DCA joint update and the resultant talk of a presidential recall took place between the two negotiating sessions and the Company knows the political landscape better than most pilots. So if you are in their shoes there is no reason at all to make any moves at the table until you know whether you are going to be dealing with Mike Cleary or someone from the other side of the political field, perhaps even those who are in bed with AOL.

What has happened is that because of the stunning lack of forethought that the PHL and DCA reps had when they published their update, reportedly written by the founder of AOL, the Company put the chalks in any moves they were apparently willing to make on longevity for furlough. Those of you who are affected should be furious at these reps as they have just leveraged your potential pay step adjustment and vacation adjustment against their own obtuse agenda.

For those of you who may not be affected by such a longevity adjustment consider yourselves lucky, but understand that all of our goals are being placed in jeopardy and if you were frustrated by the lack of progress before then you haven’t seen anything yet.

You may have seen email traffic that reports that the BPR has the votes necessary to initiate a recall of the president. If that effort to force a ballot succeeds then we are guaranteed further delay as the Company waits for the results. However if you want to put a stop to this nonsense and send a clear message to the Company that we are going to remain on course and will not relent then you need to get on the phone with your fellow pilots and compel them to send a “steel toed” message to the PHL and DCA reps.

Don’t wait, do it now before it is too late.

What a load of b.s. Biggie, your posts are getting pathetic. I guess the attempts at Cleary have also inspired the Arab world to rise up and so are to blame for the sky-rocketing cost of fuel.

I'm sure the DCA/PHL reps didn't have the PHX reps sign the letter because anytime another rep is seen even speaking to them, someone runs off yelling "They are trying to give away your seniority!"

FUD, just like with ALPA for so many battles. If you can't do the job, just come up with something to scare and distract them. Some things never change.
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